Page 63 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
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By ‘peeling the onion’ layer by layer, the layer of colour, or of gender,
you realise that our hearts beat the same, and you begin to see people as people.
authentic feel of the ocean and knowing that this is layer, the layer of colour, or of gender, you realise that
Managing Director, Womaritime
where she belongs. our hearts beat the same, and you begin to see people
Experts and Founder, Global as people.”
Londy’s business means that she is now land-based most
Maritime Youth
of the time. However, that she still gets to go on board Londy would like to see the industry being more balanced
aptain Londy Ngcobo, is by profession, a ship ships when required as part of the services offered by and inclusive. “Diversity is a numbers game where the
navigational officer and notably is Africa’s first her consultancy. current 2% stats can rise to 50-50 tomorrow, but inclusion
Cfemale dredge master. Londy is managing Londy’s peers around her have, over the years, motivated is cultivated,” she says. Londy’s wish is to get into rooms
director of Womaritime Experts, a company that does her to move from one vessel to another and to climb the where men are for women in the workplace and walk
consulting in the oceans economy, offers training, ranks. Many of the men within her industry have inspired alongside them.
special projects as well as manning and recruitment. her through their passion and dedication. These are men
She is also the founder of Global Maritime Youth, which who leave their families for months at a time yet stay Ocean opportunities
facilitates skills supply and demand globally of youth connected with their wives and children. Men have also
seeking a career in the ocean industry. Her future goal for tomorrow’s youth is that their eyes will
seen her fit to go behind the wheel, rise in the ranks, and to be opened to the vast number of careers available on
Londy’s career choice was simply a progression of represent women in this industry. “I know that it’s cliché,” the ocean and that they are ‘beautifully blended with the
her love for the ocean where she felt she belonged. says Londy, “that although it’s very small in number, but land’. A range of careers such as a makeup artist, a DJ, a
As a young girl, Londy felt a pure connection with the men, to some degree, are very supportive, and I’ve been mechanical engineer, an electrician, a diver, a singer, and
ocean, and commented with a laugh, “As a teenager, inspired by a few captains within my industry.” many more, are well accommodated on board ships and
it didn’t help that I loved horoscopes, and my sign within the oceans economy.
was Pisces.” Facing challenges
“Interestingly, kids call me the black mermaid and I find
She went on to study maritime studies and began Londy believes that the challenges she has experienced it so intriguing that they want to be like Captain Londy.
working on container ships for Maersk Shipping Lines in her industry, are common to what most women Which is why waking up and showing up for the young
where she started as an officer and worked her way up experience in a predominantly male environment, such as girls who want to be like me, even on social media, has
the ranks to third officer. Londy then moved to Africa feeling excluded and unwanted. However, many women become a mission for me,” says Londy.
where she worked on dredges and became Africa’s first are now coming out to talk about and address these issues.
female dredge master. Londy chuckles, “A joke that we still listen to is that a
“When I started my career, I was a very young teenager black man can’t swim.” She added, “We’re cultivating a
Over this time Londy noticed the many challenges of only 18 years of age, and being away from home, I was
within this industry and felt that she needed to be the homesick. To chase a dream and miss out on life, was pure love for the ocean so that the youth can know very
‘voice of the change she wanted to see’. And so, her a challenge,” shared Londy. “However, with time, you early that should they get to their grade 12, there is more
company, Womaritime Experts, was born. options than the land provides.”
realise that it’s all worth it.”
A man’s world For Londy, remaining grounded in how she was raised, We see you
who she was, and keeping rooted and focused on why
Being a woman in the maritime industry is still unusual she was doing what she was, helped her overcome the Londy misses the silence of the ocean. So to unwind and
today, where there is only 2% female participation challenge of being homesick. The tangible reward for relax, she focuses on quietening the noise experienced
globally. This is the reason why her company was Londy was coming back to Africa and being a first in her on land, through meditation and journaling, and little
derived from women in maritime, to edify women industry, which made the dream visible and fulfilling. moments of silence, and reminds herself why she shows
within their maritime professions, and through the up every single morning.
work her consultancy does, to multiply the number of She added that she got to realise that as much as she “The KZN Top Business initiative means everything to me
women within the maritime industry. felt different most of the time on board the ships, that as a woman entrepreneur, who is navigating unchartered
people experienced the same challenges.
In this challenging, yet exciting industry, Londy shares waters. Amidst the noise we often question ourselves. So,
that she has been motivated by a lot of different people. “Although time on board the ships was challenging, for me, this nomination is a validation that says, we see
But, what has made her stay within the industry, is the I came to realise that by ‘peeling the onion’ layer by you. This anchors me in many ways,” concluded Londy.
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