Page 57 - KZN Top Business Women - eBook 2023
P. 57

Get your hands dirty, show up in a meaningful way

                                          and cream will always rise to the top.

                                                          to build capacity for local manufacturers. These include   Pushing into spaces
          Head of Sustainability, Risks and
                                                          the Medical Device Association of South Africa and the
          Quality Systems Beier Group                     South African Medical Technology Industry Association   Speaking of the people who have inspired her along
                                                          (SAMED) and various technical committees.        the way. Tracy says that Warren Sachs and Wolfgang
              racy Moonsamy works for the Beier Group which                                                Beier have both provided opportunities for her, while
              is based in Pinetown. She is head of sustainability,   Tracy’s journey at the Beier Group started 25 years ago   also  pushing  her  into  the  spaces  where  she  was
          T risks and quality systems for the group and has   when she was a learner and participated in the company’s   uncomfortable, which allowed her to grow. She added,
          been at Beier for 24 1/2 years.                 CATS programme. Subsequently, the late Hans Beier   “I think that having a space where you can fail safely is
                                                          employed Tracy, and she joined the Beier Group in the
          Tracy has spent the bigger part of that time managing   accounts department, which was fortuitous. Speaking   important to be empowered. Everyone experiences
          quality systems implementation compliance. Over the last   of her career direction, she commented, “I realised that I   challenges, if you start with the self, it’s always around
          two years, she has built a portfolio around sustainability  –     didn’t love accounts and I started doing some work in the   whether you feel like you belong. A little bit of imposter
          Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and risk, which   quality department. I think it was a bit of luck, my own   syndrome always finds its way in.”
          have been the most exciting two years of her career.
                                                          work ethic and good timing.”                     A big challenge for Tracy was that she didn’t have
          Beier is a technical textiles manufacturer, and their value   Fast forward nine years, there was an opportunity to build   a degree that allowed her to walk into a business in a
          proposition is that they engineer for the customer. Their                                        middle management role. She started at the bottom,
          benevolent intent is helping to protect and improve   a clean room that is the state of art for the manufacture of   which she said is great because it gives you good
          the quality of life and that is evident in the strong ethos   medical devices. Tracy worked very closely with Warren   knowledge and grounding in the business.  However, she
          around local manufacturing, growing local capacity and   Sachs, who’s her COO now, and together they commissioned   added that starting at the bottom sometimes creates a
          contributing to sustainable economic growth.    a world class manufacturing plant; a Class 7 clean room   shackle to the place that you’re started at. Dealing with
                                                          which is still supplying Europe and the United States.
                                                                                                           the limitations one places on oneself and breaking those
          Foster relationships                            In 2016 Tracy was appointed the first female director in   chains for oneself is important to grow.
                                                          the history of Beier.
          Tracy is proud of the many achievements that she                                                 A second challenge that Tracy has experienced is that the
          participates in both at work and personally.                                                     manufacturing sector has always had layers of complexity
                                                          Triple bottom line                               and historical stereotypes that need to be broken.  Tracy
          She  comments that Beier’s biggest  achievement is  in                                           explained that she was able to break through these
          the dedication that comes through in the way that they   Over the years, Tracy’s job has evolved. Businesses now   layers. She commented, “You can never ask for a seat
          do business. “We foster relationships with communities,   have to look at their triple bottom line and evaluate how
          bringing  small  businesses  into  our  business,  localising   they can make profits while taking care of people and   at the table or expect a seat at the table if you’re not
          products that would have been imported,” explained Tracy.  the planet. These needs evolved into environmental,   showing the value that you bring. Often people want the
                                                          social and governance pillars, which are the some of the   seat without showing value. The way I overcame this was
          In addition, the Beier Group, through the Mkhulise Young   elements of sustainability.           to show my value.”
          Minds Development Foundation, has a strong bursary
          system that, provides support from pre-primary up to   Tracy said, “The reason I love sustainability is that I’m a   Tracy stressed that it’s important to, “Get your hands
          postgraduate level. The company aims to empower people   risk-based person and sustainability takes into account   dirty, show up in  a meaningful way and cream will
          through education and training to create a strong pipeline of   risk management. It is not just your environmental   always rise to the top.”
          prospective employees as well as grow existing employees.  carbon footprint and your waste management, it is how
                                                          you take care of people, value chains and future proof   Area of influence
          “My belief is that we’re only going to change the economic   your business. How do you make sure that you’re moving
          situation in South Africa if we grow manufacturing   women and those previously disadvantaged through the   Being part of KZN Top Business Women 2023 is meaningful
          capacity,” stressed Tracy.                                                                       to Tracy on many levels.  She commented, “It means that
                                                          process and creating a strong pipeline?”         recognition comes from somewhere else. And I think that
          Personally, Tracy is involved with an NPO called United Hands   She added that having governance controls in place   sometimes that’s important to understand that your area
          of Hope, which was founded by her brother. They provide   allows you to make the right decisions. “Sustainability   of influence has grown.” In addition, said Tracy, “In the
          spiritual and physical aid to impoverished communities   really asks the question: What are the things you need to   words of Warren Sachs, we want to make manufacturing
          creating a spirit of empowerment and ubuntu.
                                                          do so that your business is still here and thriving in five   sexy again. We need more people, especially women,
          Tracy is enthusiastically involved in industry associations   years and in 10 years?”             in manufacturing.”

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