Page 103 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
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services and benefits, ensuring members’ retirement unemployment stands at around 45.5%, financial
savings grow while maintaining a focus on literacy is a critical tool for fostering economic
affordability. resilience and independence among young people.
Through initiatives like this, we are committed
Innovation and Excellence: NJMPF consistently
outperforms, achieving exceptional investment to bridging the gap in financial education and
returns that increase members’ retirement benefits. empowering the next generation to make informed
Pensioners benefit from regular increases and financial decisions that will positively impact their
bonuses, significantly enhancing their standard of futures.
living. Moreover, NJMPF has maintained a tradition In conclusion, our commitment to empowerment,
of clean audits from the Auditor General, showcasing motivation, and transparency has been the
its commitment to strong corporate governance and foundation of our success in the retirement fund
compliance with all retirement industry regulations. industry for over 80 years. By addressing critical
issues such as financial literacy, gender disparity,
Supporting vulnerable members
and community upliftment, we strive to create a
Ugotshwa usemanzi, a Zulu saying which translates financially secure and equitable society. Through
to “A tree is bent while it is still wet”—this wisdom strategic initiatives, from revitalising local libraries
guides our actions, especially when it comes to hosting financial exhibitions, we are not only
to shaping the future of our communities. In educating but also empowering future generations.
2023, during the Mandela Day commemoration, As we continue to lead with inclusivity and ethical
we identified a library in Port Shepstone that practices, our recognition as Pension Fund of the
desperately needed revitalisation. Recognising the Year in South Africa is a testament to our dedication
library’s importance to the local children, we not to these values and our ongoing impact on society.
only revamped the space but also established a
financial literacy information centre. We stocked it Award-winning excellence
with books that explain financial management in NJMPF’s commitment to service excellence
simple, accessible terms for young minds. has earned numerous local and international
awards. These include accolades from Institute of
Our CEO, alongside local municipal dignitories,
attended the launch, witnessing the pure joy of Retirement Funds Africa (IRFA), Standard Bank Top
the woman who originally founded the library. Her Business Awards, Batseta, Africa Investor (Ai), CFI,
happiness, knowing that this initiative would bring The European, European CEO, Stevie Awards, and
lasting change to her community, was incredibly Innovation Awards by the World Pension Summit.
fulfilling for us as a Fund. But our efforts don’t end
there. During our regular visits to active members,
we go beyond just sharing information. We bring
along various stakeholders from the financial sector,
including representatives from the South African
Revenue Service (SARS) and the Financial Sector
Conduct Authority (FSCA). By collaborating with
these organisations, we ensure that our members
receive comprehensive support and guidance,
empowering them with the financial knowledge
they need to thrive.
In our ongoing efforts to empower the younger
generation, we recently organised a financial
exhibition. We brought together leading banks
such as Absa, Standard Bank, and FNB to participate
in this event. The goal of this initiative was to equip
young people with the essential skills needed to
navigate the ever-evolving financial landscape.
By exposing them to real-world financial practices
and challenges, we aimed to not only enhance
their understanding but also identify areas within
our society that still require focused attention
and development. In South Africa, where youth
NJMPF conference attendees 101