Page 123 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
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In addition to the core leadership, Procure Africa is providing them with the tools and market access they
supported by a talented team of four interns special- need to grow and compete on a larger scale.
ising in IT and marketing, who contribute to the Key Achievements
company’s daily operations and growth strategies.
Since its official launch in October 2023, Procure Africa
Products and Services has achieved significant milestones:
Procure Africa’s core offering is its digital RFQ plat- Proof of Concept (POC) Launch: The platform was
form, a tool that allows businesses to efficiently successfully launched in October 2023, with
manage procurement by connecting with a network 100 users onboarded within the first month,
of accredited suppliers. The platform’s features are demonstrating strong early adoption.
tailored to meet the needs of both buyers and sup- Recognition in the Industry: Procure Africa was
pliers, offering distinct benefits for each: named a finalist for the prestigious 2024 African
Buyer Services: Buyers can streamline their Supply Chain Excellence Awards, highlighting its
impact on the procurement landscape.
procurement processes by requesting and Strategic Partnerships: The platform is powered
receiving multiple competitive quotations from by Microsoft Cloud Hosting, ensuring high levels
a pool of vetted suppliers. This reduces the time of security, reliability, and scalability as the
and cost involved in sourcing products and company grows.
services, while ensuring quality and compliance.
Supplier Services: For suppliers, particularly SMEs, Future Goals
the platform provides access to a wide range of Looking ahead, Procure Africa has ambitious plans for
RFQs, allowing them to expand their market reach growth and innovation:
without the traditional hurdles associated with Expansion Across Africa: In 2024, the company aims
lead generation and sales. Suppliers can easily to onboard 1,000 suppliers and 50 buyers, with
respond to buyer requests, increasing their visibility further plans to scale its operations across the
and reducing the time spent on sales efforts. continent.
Other Services: To ensure transparency and trust Global Aspirations: In the long term, Procure Africa
in all transactions, Procure Africa offers supplier seeks to become a global leader in e-procurement,
vetting and accreditation services, as well as leveraging AI-driven optimisation and
detailed reporting capabilities that help mitigate sustainability practices to enhance its platform.
risks in the procurement process.
Industry Leadership: The company aims to be
Competitive Advantages recognised for its innovation, sustainability
Procure Africa is uniquely positioned in the market efforts, and responsible sourcing practices, with
due to several competitive advantages: plans for seamless integration with major ERP
systems to further streamline procurement
Streamlined Procurement: The platform reduces
internal RFQ and onboarding costs by over 70% processes for clients.
for buyers, offering a more efficient and cost- Procure Africa is at the forefront of digital procurement
effective solution. innovation, offering a platform that not only simplifies
Improved Lead Times: Instant price reductions and streamlines procurement processes but also
and faster procurement processes allow businesses empowers businesses across Africa.
to operate more efficiently, improving their overall
supply chain performance.
Risk Mitigation: The built-in accreditation process
ensures compliance, building trust between
buyers and suppliers while reducing the risk of
fraud or substandard service delivery.
Digital Transformation: By automating traditionally
manual procurement tasks, Procure Africa enables
businesses to transition into the digital era, making
procurement faster and more transparent.
Target Audience
Procure Africa’s platform serves a diverse range
of industries, including manufacturing, mining,
engineering, construction, and agriculture. While the
platform is designed to support businesses of all sizes,
it places a special emphasis on empowering SMEs by 121