Page 134 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
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Building the African Marine Legacy.
We will realise our vision by delivering high quality
products and services through efficient, effective systems,
processes and our talented workforce whilst adhering
to the highest standards of corporate citizenship &
governance, in all that we do.
Prasheen Maharaj Chief Executive Officer: Prasheen Maharaj
Chief Financial Officer: Akash Singh
Full Name of Company: Sandock Austral Shipyards (Pty) Ltd Human Resources Executive: Sinqobile Khuluse
Industry Sector: Manufacturing Portfolio Project Management & Innovation Office
Services / Products: Ship building, ship repair and heavy Executive: Haneem Hendricks
Engineering Executive: Brooke Tarin
engineering, naval maintenance Manufacturing Executive: Joe Bhagwandeen
Date Established: July 1993 Supply Chain Management Executive: Raj Gangaram
Customer Base: International agents, armed force, local Governance and Enablement Executive: Don Khumalo
/ international ports authority, Local / International ship
owners and global maritime companies CONTACT DETAILS
No. of Employees: 111 permanent staff and over 220 Physical Address: 10 Rotterdam Road, Bayhead, Durban,
contractors 4001
Postal Address: P.O. Box 17253, Congella, 4013
Auditors: D Nundkissore and Associates Tel: +27 (0)31 274 1800
Bankers: First National Bank Cell: +27 (0)71 086 9026
B-BBEE Status: Level 2 E-mail:
Certification ISO 9001: 2015, 14001:2015, 45001:2018 Website:
AN OUTSTANDING INTERNATIONAL The 147-metre-long SAS Drakensberg is the most
sophisticated naval vessel built to date in South Africa.
Sandock Austral Shipyards has maintained an
Sandock Austral Shipyards is Africa’s leading impressive shipbuilding and ship repair track record,
commercial and naval shipbuilder and ship repair having also built 21 tugboats to date. We were awarded
company, providing cost effective services and the largest, single contract awarded by Transnet
solutions to the global marine industry. National Ports Authority for harbour craft, for nine
state-of-the-art tugboats.
Sandock Austral Shipyards is strategically located on
the east coast of South Africa in Durban, one of Africa’s SERVICES
busiest ports. Established in 1960 and a proudly South Shipbuilding
African company, they have the largest shipyard in
Southern Africa spanning 11 hectares with a useable Complete in-house marine solutions are provided
through Sandock Austral Shipyards’ Shipbuilding, Ship
water frontage of 200 metres. Sandock Austral
Shipyards has an international reputation built on Repair, Naval Maintenance, Mechanical & Fabrication
world-class quality workmanship. and Oil & Gas departments.
“For more than 60 years the company has built a Sandock Austral Shipyards offers:
reputation as one of Africa’s leading ship repair, The construction of steel vessels up to 150m in
maintenance and building firms with accolades length. Fabrication of Marine Structures, Offshore
that include holding the record for building the Structures and Heavy Engineering.
largest ship ever built on the African continent,” says Full Turnkey Engineering Solutions and Vessel
Sandock Austral Shipyards CEO Prasheen Maharaj. Construction