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response, authorisations and compliance, Environ-  its  own  operations.  “We  financially  support  non-
          mental, Social, and Governance (ESG) with verifi-  governmental organisations that ensure environ-
          cation and capacity building.      mental, wildlife, and animal care, such as SANCCOB,
                                             CROW, and the SPCA,” Hantie explains. The company
          Professional Conduct and Core Values
                                             also supports community initiatives, including an
          Triplo4 upholds professional competence and conduct   E-waste initiative in collaboration with Hirsch’s
          by developing strategic frameworks, establishing and   stores.
          maintaining a skilled team and implementing rigorous
          processes and systems. The company is committed to   Awards and Recognition
          fostering a culture rooted in values of quality, respect,  Triplo4 is a multi-award-winning company that has
          and excellence. Triplo4’s impact is evident in the feedback  received  numerous  accolades  since  2019.  These
          received, with clients describing the firm as having “an  honours include:
          aptitude for problem-solving and innovative solutions.”    ƒ Finalist in the 2019 KZN Investor Awards in two
          Competitive Advantages                categories: Woman Business Achiever and Young
                                                Business Achiever
          Triplo4’s competitive edge includes its empowerment-
          driven approach, with the company being 100%     ƒ Winner of the 2019 National Business Award,
          women-owned, 53% black-women-owned, and 53%      Entrepreneur of the Year (Individual Award)
          youth-owned. As a Level 1 B-BBEE certified company,     ƒ Finalist for the Organisational Award for small to
          Triplo4 has been ISO 14001:2015 and 9001:2015      medium businesses at the 2019 National Business
          certified for over seven years, continuously enhancing   Awards
          its internal sustainability and quality processes. This     ƒ 2020 Standard Bank Top Women Awards:
          certification ensures that clients receive the expertise      Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental
          and meticulous attention necessary for successful      Management: Finalist
          projects that deliver corporate value.    ƒ Top Woman Entrepreneur: Finalist 2020
                                                ƒ Top Women Leaders: Certified 2020
          Melissa Gopaul, who joined the company shortly after     ƒ Winner of the 2021 Standard Bank Top
          it was established as an intern, following her previous
          experience at the company as a vacation student, was        Women Awards: Biodiversity, Conservation and
                                               Environmental Management
          recently promoted to sustainability manager.
                                                ƒ Finalist in the 2023 and 2024 Standard Bank
          Professional Associations and Affiliations     KwaZulu-Natal Top Business Awards
          Triplo4 values the importance of professional affili-  Future Aspirations
          ations, with its personnel being registered members
          of prominent associations such as SACNASP, EAPASA,   Hantie’s  long-term  vision for  Triplo4  includes
          IoDSA, WISA, IWMSA, GBSA, PMIsa, IAIAsa, and   expanding the company’s presence both nationally
          Circular-Energy.                   and internationally, with the goal of establishing seven
                                             national offices and eventually listing the company on
          Commitment to Community and Environmental   the JSE. As Hantie notes, “All successful large businesses
          Responsibility                     started with an idea that was cultivated and nurtured
          Triplo4’s dedication to sustainability goes beyond  to greatness.”

          Triplo4 has experience in working in sensitive environments and balancing the interests of developers and the environment.

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