Page 167 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
P. 167

TRANSFORMING WASTE                 Achievements and Impact
                                             USE-IT’s work over the last three years highlights their
          USE-IT is a pioneering non-profit organisation focused  commitment to sustainable waste management.
          on waste transformation, with a mission to reduce  Through their programmes, USE-IT has diverted over
          landfill waste and create sustainable jobs within the  6,167 tons of waste from landfills, resulting in a R11
          green economy. Established with a strong commitment  million saving in landfill costs. Their initiatives have
          to waste beneficiation technology, USE-IT operates  injected over R18 million back into the economy
          primarily in the eThekwini area through a partnership  through stipends and revenue generated from
          with the Economic Development Unit of the  waste sales, while also training 692 individuals in
          municipality. Their mission is to reshape the way waste  waste recovery skills. By enabling the trade of 3,429
          is managed by converting it into valuable resources,  carbon credits valued at R1.02 million, USE-IT also
          delivering both environmental and economic benefits.  supports businesses in achieving sustainability
                                             goals, promoting carbon offsetting in both voluntary
          The Origins                        and compliance markets.
          Founded by visionary Chris Whyte in 2008, USE-
          IT began as a small non-profit organisation with   Vision for the Future
          a bold purpose. Since then, it has evolved into a   USE-IT operates in a collaborative environment,
          major  force  within  the  waste  recovery  industry,   forming partnerships with organisations with
          known for its innovative work and impact on local   synergistic objectives, and sharing knowledge and
          communities. USE-IT established a world-class   resources, the organisation intends increasing their
          facility in Hammarsdale, Mpumalanga Township,   footprint over the next three years by diversifying
          which has become a vital resource for both   their sources of funding to realise the euphoria of a
          community members and industry stakeholders,   circular economy future where everything is a raw
          showcasing how waste beneficiation can drive   material and no waste goes to landfill.
          meaningful change.                 Join them as they work toward a sustainable tomorrow
                                             — where waste becomes opportunity, communities
          USE-IT’s governance is guided by a board of
          directors with expertise across waste recovery,   thrive, and the environment flourishes. Together, we
          business, and environmental sectors. This team   can make a difference.
          of leaders has been instrumental in shaping USE-
          IT’s strategic path. Among them, board chairman
          Mr.  Paulos  Ngcobo  deserves  special  recognition;
          his dedication and insights have played a crucial
          role in steering USE-IT toward sustainable and
          impactful growth.
          USE-IT stands out as a unique entity within the
          waste recovery landscape, operating above the
          waste value chain and driving industry inno-
          vation. Their approach allows them to act as a
          catalyst within the waste industry, addressing
          roadblocks and creating novel opportunities
          for waste-to-resource transformation. Through
          this  proactive  role, USE-IT continues  to unlock
          potential within the green economy, positioning
          itself as a trusted and indispensable partner in
          sustainable development.
          In recent years, USE-IT has focused on integrating
          informal waste collection efforts into the formal
          market, specifically within township economies. This
          approach not only creates economic opportunities
          for local waste collectors but also helps transition
          informal  waste  collection  into  a recognised  and
          valued segment of the waste management chain,
          fostering dignity and economic stability within
          these communities.

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