Page 165 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
P. 165

A PROPERTY MARKET TRAILBLAZER TURNS   in other parts of South Africa. This, coupled with
                                             great weather, infrastructure and some really good
          20 IN 2025                         schools makes KZN a great area in which to invest,”
                                             he observes.
          Still a proudly KwaZulu-Natal brand but with
          an ever-expanding national footprint, Tyson  The group is actively reworking its business models
          Properties continues to be a trailblazer in South  in its home market to underpin growth over the
          Africa’s property sector.          next few years. It has already tripled its head count
                                             in the Pietermaritzburg and Midlands franchises.
          In 2025, the  company  will celebrate its 20th
          anniversary. Every year, the company has exceeded   Tyson says the national and provincial governments
          its forecasts, grown its footprint and increased its   were working strategically to upgrade the road
          market share and service offering.  networks, specifically the N3 linking Durban
                                             with the economic hub in Gauteng. This has seen
          Tyson Properties’ team has proved to be the   substantial private sector investments along the
          perfect guide for buyers and sellers.  route with logistics companies relocating to the
          Launched in 2005 with a single Durban-based  Upper Highway area.
          office, the company has grown into a national   The North Coast continues to grow. “The once-small
          operation with 590 employees in 26 offices. Tyson   coastal town of Ballito is now abuzz with shopping
          Properties has scooped both national and global   centres, excellent government and private schools
          awards while remaining grounded in sound ethics   and development. While still giving the locals a
          and strong stakeholder relationships.  feel of a coastal town, it has also become an area
          Tyson Properties is planning to extend its reach   of choice for working in Johannesburg and living
          still further.                     on the coast. The airport is only a 15-minute drive
                                             away and it’s a quick flight,” Tyson says.
          Founder and CEO Chris Tyson’s approach is to spot
          the often-unexpected opportunities in different   But activity is not confined to the coast and
          parts of the market as it evolves.  Tyson says that there is a very real resurgence
                                             in the Midlands with areas such as Howick and
          Tyson Properties is hitting the hotspots in   Nottingham Road doing exceptionally well.
          the Western Cape and Eastern Cape, while
          Johannesburg remains the nation’s economic hub.  No matter where the change or what the new trend,
                                             he is confident that Tyson Properties will never
          Turning to KZN, Tyson says this province remains   be far away. As one of KZN’s (and the country’s)
          both one of the most resilient and stable markets   most iconic property brands, it has matured into a
          in the country. “The province has a lot to offer and  company that will always be a leader rather than a
          property prices are still a lot more affordable than  follower and one of which he can be proud.

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