Page 169 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
P. 169

to business, considering the industry holistically   Alamo
         and creating a value chain that provides a mobility   As a pivotal brand under the Woodford Group’s
         service to any customer, regardless of their need or   master  brand  umbrella,  enhances  the market
         journey. Over the past three decades, Woodford has   position by leveraging its robust partnerships with-
         achieved  through  transparency  and  trust,  service   in the airline industry, travel destinations, travel
         excellence,  best practices, and  an  investment  in   agents, and tour operators worldwide.
         technology and systems. Woodford is committed
         to constant improvement and a broadening of   National Car Rental
         services and solutions, now and in the future.  Brings a unique value proposition to the Woodford
                                             Group, specifically  addressing  the needs  of
         Woodford Group Divisions            frequent airport travellers. By focusing on choice,
         Woodford Car Hire                   convenience, and time savings, National caters
         Stands as South Africa’s largest independent car   to personal and business travel requirements
         rental company, offering a diverse vehicle range   efficiently.
         and a fleet that meets consumer lifestyles and   The Team
                                             Boasts more than 150 years of industry experience at a
         Woodford Leasing                    management level. As part of a corporate restructure
         Car  leasing  with  flexible  short-term  leases  of   spanning the past five years, the company has
         three to six months, available to a wide range of   hired and appointed a number of highly qualified
         customers regardless of credit status.  professionals to fill senior managerial roles and steer
                                             the  contingent  of  more  than  550  employees  in  the
         Woodford Car Trade                  direction of our vision.
         An online platform selling used vehicles to over   The Woodford Group has also invested consider-
         1500 dealers. It also includes Woodford Car Sales,   ably in the skills and talents required to run the
         which  offers  high-quality  pre-owned  vehicles  with   organisation.
         transparent pricing.
                                             Further to these skills, the Group has financed
         Enterprise Mobility                 technology to make all its processes as smooth and
         Renowned as one of the premier mobility service   effortless as possible. In addition, the Woodford
         providers worldwide, Enterprise Mobility boasts    Group ensures  that there’s a  personal touch to
         an expansive network that spans over 90 countries  its service and has a commitment to growing
         and territories.                    Woodford’s loyal base of clientele.

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