Page 81 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
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environmental spheres in which they operate.
This understanding motivates their commitment to
respond in a number of key areas with specific and time-
based action plans.
ABOUT ALUMINIUM: Aluminium is a modern metal
which today is very much a metal of the future.
Look around and you will see aluminium used in a
wide range of forms and in an enormous range of
products: - in buildings, boats, planes, trains, trucks,
cars, household appliances, packaging, computers, cell
phones, solar farms, electrical transformers, overhead
power lines, tamper proof packaging for medicines,
containers for food and beverages.
Their supply chain strategy not only supports local The basic characteristics which make aluminium such a
businesses but also fosters entrepreneurship and versatile metal is:
innovation within the KZN community. By sourcing raw Low density (Its famous ‘lightweight’ attribute)
materials and services locally, they contribute to the High strength to weight ratio
sustainability and growth of small and medium-sized Corrosion resistance
enterprises (SMEs), which are crucial for the economic Electrical conductivity
health of the region. Thermal conductivity
Attractive surface finish
Hulamin views the implementation of good corporate
governance practices as integral to success and Ease of forming
recognise that a business should be conducted with On top of this aluminium is also:
openness, integrity and accountability.
They apply the principles of the King IV code and the Non-magnetic
majority of the recommended practices. Highly reflective
Can be welded, glued, screwed, riveted, clipped
The company’s board’s primary objective is to provide
responsible business leadership and strategic direction bent, etc.
to the group with due regard to the interests of all Infinitely and cost-effectively recycled.
stakeholders. The board has delegated, through Aluminium inspires technologists, industrial designers,
formal terms of reference, specific matters to a number engineers and architects to solve everyday problems.
of committees whose members and chairman are While well established in a number of industries for
appointed by the board. There is full disclosure of decades now, new applications and designs keep
matters handled by the committees to the board. The aluminium at the forefront of new product design.
committees play an important role in enhancing high
standards of governance and achieving increased Aluminium inspires all at Hulamin to think future,
effectiveness within the group. The board has an Audit think aluminium.
Committee, a Risk and Safety, Health and Environment
Committee, Remuneration and Nomination Committee
and a Transformation, Social and Ethics Committee.
Hulamin’s business performance is constantly measured
and regularly reported on ensuring alignment and
effective implementation of approved strategies.
Their corporate responsibilities include ensuring
management, controls and governance incorporating
IT and risk management are effective.
Hulamin’s ability to achieve long-term strategic
objectives is closely linked to their commitment to
sustainable development. The company’s executives
believe that they have a responsibility to respond to the
ever-increasing challenges in the economic, social and 79