Page 93 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
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targets Ithala clients, students, entrepreneurs and  Ithala Edu Platform
          ordinary people. MoneyTalks offers practical easy to  The  COVID-19  pandemic  and  subsequent  national
          follow guide and tools to help people to create wealth.  lockdown resulted in school learners losing
          MoneyTalks wealth creation formula:  substantial tutoring in their school academic years
                                             since 2020. Some schools and learners with access
            ƒ Get out of Debt                to technology and resources were able to follow
            ƒ Start Saving                   online and intermittent schooling during lock-
            ƒ Start Investing                down periods.
            ƒ Build Multiple Sources of Income
                                             However, many learners from disadvantaged back-
          MyBest Childhood Foundation        grounds and areas were left behind and needed
          Ithala SOC Limited partnership with MyBest  assistance to catch-up.
          Childhood Foundation is aimed at assisting previously   The Ithala Education  Trust responded to this  need
          disadvantaged learners in remote areas where schools   by introducing the online Ithala Education Platform
          are often overlooked and under resourced. The   to assist learners. The online tutoring is delivered in
          partnership focuses on the following projects that will   partnership with the GoDigitalSA Foundation – the
          be delivered by My Best Childhood Foundation:  development and implementation partner in this
            ƒ School Feeding Scheme          programme.
            ƒ Vegetable Garden Programme
            ƒ School Signage                 The Platform contributes to assisting Grade 12 learners
                                             with their examination results, their wellness, and their
          Ithala Digital Skills Development Programme  career choices.
          The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) is changing the way  The tutoring covers Accounting, English (First
          we live, work and interact. New digital technologies  Additional Language), Computer Applications Tech-
          are  merging  with  human  physical  lives  and  totally  nology, Geography, isiZulu (Home Language), Mathe-
          transforming how everyday activities are performed  matics,  Physical  Science  –  and  the  added  value  of
          and the skills required to navigate this new world of 4IR.  Wellness, Career Guidance, and Digital and Financial
          Digital skills are becoming a critical success factor across  Literacy. The programme was enhanced in 2021 to
          all spheres of life.               include the Advanced Pillar of Digital Literacy and
                                             Financial Literacy.
          Ithala Education Fund has partnered with GoDigital
          Foundation (NGO focusing on training the youth on  Media partners like Sajonisi Radio, VoiceFM, and Anchor
          digital skills) to hold digital skills training for learners  FM enable the broadcasting of revision tutoring on the
          from rural areas. The programme targets 150 learners  seven subjects. This online Platform is now called the
          annually in foundation, intermediate and senior phase.  Ithala Edu Platform.  (

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