Page 95 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2024/5 - ebook
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Work Experience Working with the Sports Coaching Lab and
Jacquie has worked in various business sectors, the Da Vinci Institute to develop and
including agriculture, financial services, engineering, professionalise sports coaching capability
automotive manufacturing and retail. Within these AREAS OF WORK
sectors, she has worked at a senior level in both
marketing and human resource functions, and in Business Consulting
management, executive and non-executive roles. The experience that Jacquie focuses on involves the
development and facilitation of a range of leadership,
The companies that Jacquie has worked for include management, skills training and graduate programmes,
VWSA, Bostik and British United Engineering, as well as diversity management initiatives at both
McCarthy Motor Holdings and Tongaat Hulett. She executive and non-executive levels.
currently serves on the board of the Durban Chamber
of Commerce and Industry as the first vice president. Coaching
Her focus is on executive, management and life
Business Focus coaching, as well as coaching and mentoring small,
Years of experience and success with people medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in addition
development make Jacquie an ideal person with whom to corporates. Jacquie has a special interest in the
to work. Her company, Jacquie Bhana Consulting, is a coaching of women (as part of the diversity pool).
BBBEE level 1 entity. She is well equipped to work as a
high performance executive, business and life coach Mentorship of Youth
and mentor. Jacquie has worked across the board, Jacquie offers mentorship to young, talented
with executives, managers, small business owners and employees, to build their capability and confidence –
women from various backgrounds. by providing guidance, emotional support and insight
into high performance.
Jacquie says, “I work with people who feel that they
are stuck in their careers and their lives, by helping Typically, they would include, but not be limited
them to move into meaningful and impactful roles to formal trainees such as graduate trainees and
so that they can help move their organisations professional and skilled level workers and their
forward. I know exactly how scary it can be to think mentors.
about making changes because we’re so afraid of the Graduates
unknown.” Jacquie will work with people who she
believes will be a good fit. For graduates a mentor is someone who serves as
a guide, providing both professional and personal
In her work in this field, Jacquie uses principles of advice, feedback and support in transitioning into
Positive Psychology and has adopted her signature formal employment.
system of ‘U-2-Great’ for her individual coaching
methodology. This involves a bespoke coaching Bursary Candidates
process for every client covering goal setting, Jacquie coaches a number of bursary candidates to deal
addressing their current reality, looking at options for with issues that come up in their lives such as career
improvement, and finding a way forward. counselling, life coaching as well as high performance
management and leadership coaching.
Past and Current Projects
Mental Health Counselling and Coaching
Some of the projects undertaken include the following:
Coaching and mentoring candidates on the Jacquie has been working with people in business and
Beier Group bursary and education assistance graduates that experience mental health problems
programmes through her coaching and mentoring programme.
Durban University of Technology and Projectized She has done presentations at conferences and
graduate mentoring has found that there is a strong need for business
to engage more robustly on this topic. There are
Succession, strategic planning implementation
and performance management at Royal Tyres emerging rich and vibrant discussions in this area,
A keynote speaker on mental health and especially after Covid, and with younger employees.
wellness and ‘The Imposter Syndrome’ Counselling concentrates on the person’s past
Various high performance coaching initiatives and deals with healing emotional pain or dealing
at leadership and SMME level – she currently with emotional difficulties. It is therefore geared
works with a few SMMEs funded by the German towards understanding and resolving the past,
government thereby helping someone move forward and be
Coaching at executive board level and of a school able to reach their potential, and work towards
principal being their best selves. 93