Page 24 - DRG HR HANDBOOK- Nikita Pillay
P. 24



        The more urgent the need by the business to respond   If an employee either accepted or unreasonably refused
        to the factors giving rise to any contemplated        to  accept  an  offer  of  alternative  employment,  the
        termination of employment, the more shortened the     employees statutory right to severance pay is forfeited.
        consultation process might be. Urgency may not,       Reasonableness is determined by a consideration of the
        however, be induced by the failure to commence the    reasonableness  of  the  offer  of  alternative  employment
        consultation  process  as  soon  as  a  reduction  of  the   and the reasonableness of the employee’s refusal. In the
        workforce was likely. On the other hand, the parties   first case, objective factors such as remuneration, status
        who are entitled to be consulted must meet, as soon   and job security are relevant. In the second case, the
        and as frequently as may be practicable during the    employee’s personal circumstances play a greater role.
        consultation process.
                                                              UIF – DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR
        Selection criteria that are generally accepted to be
        fair include length of service, skills and qualifications.   Employees  can  apply  for  benefits  at  their  nearest
        Generally, the test for fair and objective criteria will be   Department of Labour if they are an employed
        satisfied  using  the  “last  in  first  out”  (LIFO)  principle.   contributor to the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)
        There may be instances where the LIFO principle or    and have been terminated based on Incapacity for any
        other criteria needs to be adapted.                   of these reasons.

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