Page 9 - DRG HR HANDBOOK- Nikita Pillay
P. 9
An employee earning less than the maximum it appears that with effect from 1 March 2022, domestic
income threshold is entitled to a percentage of workers and farmworkers will also be entitled to the
his / her income. Employees earning more than national minimum wage of ZAR 23.19.
the maximum income threshold are only entitled
However, exceptions are still made for the following
to a percentage of that threshold amount.
working groups:.
The income of an employee is determined by
As in previous years, the adjustment provides
looking at his / her daily rate.
exceptions for several worker groups, including:
An employee will be able to claim one day’s income
Farmworkers are entitled to a minimum wage of
for every five days of work, which can build up to
R23.19 per hour;
a maximum of 365 days over a 4-year period of
Domestic workers are entitled to a minimum wage
continued employment. In other words, if an
of R23.19 per hour;
employee has contributed to the Unemployment
Insurance Fund for a period of four years, she / he Workers employed on an expanded public works
will be entitled to claim benefits for 365 days. If programme are entitled to a minimum wage of
the employee has contributed to the Unemployment R12.75 per hour;
Insurance Fund for a shorter period she / he will Workers who have concluded learnership
only be entitled to claim one day for every 5-days agreements contemplated in section 17 of the
of work. Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No 97 of 1998),
An employee may claim maternity benefits for a are entitled to allowances contained in schedule 2.
period of 17.32 weeks.
The national minimum wage forms the minimum floor
An employee may only claim benefits for the period for wages. This means that every worker will be entitled
in which she / he is unemployed; however, if an to at least the minimum wage and no employer may
employee receives benefits from the Compensation pay less than the minimum wage. The minimum wage
Fund, receives a pension or earns income, she / cannot be varied by contract, collective agreement, or
he may not claim benefits from the Unemployment law, except to the extent that an employee’s contract of
Insurance Fund. employment, a collective agreement or law provides for
An employee may not be paid a benefit, that is a more favourable wage.
more than his / her normal income.
The national minimum wage is the amount payable in
money for ordinary hours worked by an employee and
excludes payments of allowances such as transportation,
The national minimum wage determined by the Minister tools, food, accommodation, payments in kind, bonuses,
in accordance with the National Minimum Wage Act tips, and gifts.
(NMWA) has been increased to ZAR 23.19 for each
It will be an unfair labour practice for an employer to
ordinary hour worked.
unilaterally alter an employee’s wages, working hours
The NMWA provides for minimum wages to be applied in or other conditions of employment to implement
respect of several working groups. This notwithstanding, the new minimum wage. 9