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                     David White, CEO   are active at the setup or S-Curve   better effects on our environment   business, an accurate definition   DEFINING
                       DRG Outsourcing   1 level, while business leaders   and global society. We want   of the desired outcomes, goals   The ecosystem for
                                      generally have matured their   entrepreneurs to be as much as   and objectives, and an engaged   entrepreneurs and business
                                      enterprises beyond this point   possible unencumbered by the   work environment where staff   leaders needs to include matters
                            here are   to levels with higher standards   complex administration, reporting  contributions help in driving the
                            many      of structure, quality assurance,   and compliance responsibilities   business forward. Marketing, sales,   defining quality assurance
                       Treasons       governance, and profitability. Both   in setting up and running an   strategy, administration, systems,   processes to support the likely
                      why enterprises   entrepreneurs and business leaders   enterprise. We want them to be   and quality control form part of   outcome of the enterprise’s
                      fail. The biggest   have important roles to play in our   confident in their understanding   the well-constructed functional   desired aim and objectives,
                    perhaps being that   “new generation economy”, and   of how a business should be   foundation of the business.   mentorship relationships that
                       setting up and   their work is critical in the days,   managed and lead, and we                         provide guidance in directing
                        managing      weeks, months, and years ahead.  want them to be supported and   SUPPORTS                the business effectively, and
                        a business                                  encouraged in their work each step   An ecosystem supports   to achieving high levels
                        in itself is   CREATIVE                     of the way.                   entrepreneurs and business leaders   of sustainability through
                        enormously     Entrepreneurs tend to be more                              through a well thought through   identification and introduction
                        complex. It is   creative, as they move forward with   How we help entrepreneurs and   formula for success based on   to new and potential markets. A
                        complex for   their ideas and available resources,   business leaders is simple… well   entrepreneurs receiving guidance   successful enterprise has access
                        many reasons,   in pursuit of meeting customer   not so simple that just anyone can   in the business structure needed to   to networks and resources,
        which often include the inability   wants, needs and preferences,   believe it possible to leave their   take their idea/s to market. There   and these essential ingredients
        many entrepreneurs and business   while ensuring they meet their   current employment and set up   are many great ideas that have   form part of a well-structured
        leaders have of the importance of   own enterprise survival criteria.   a business entity, but certainly   not yet reached the market, and   entrepreneur ecosystem.
        clearly defining aims, objectives   Business leaders are often in a   for those entrepreneurially and   many small and large enterprises   In summary, we as entrepreneurs
        and timeframes for the enterprise   stronger position for growth,   business minded people to help   that have as yet not actualized   and business leaders need
        development, and then also    expansion and servicing new   them understand better their   or reached that point we refer to   to recognise our role and
        not fully understanding the   opportunities in the market, and   responsibilities and manage their   as thriving. This is the mission   responsibility as front line workers
        detail and responsibilities it   as such both entrepreneurs with   expectations of what is required   and intention of the ecosystem   charged with the responsibility
        takes to create an impactful and   their fresh approach to finding   to be a leader in business. Once a   concept. With a clearly defined   of growing our businesses and
        sustainable business.         new solutions and business leaders   person has stepped forward into   ecosystem, more new entrant   the economy, and to realise
          Entrepreneurs and business   with their structured processes   the role of being an entrepreneur   enterprises will be successful   also that we need to draw in
                                                                    or business leader, they need
        leaders are now our front-    and defined outcomes are essential   an ecosystem of support and   through the support received, and   mentors, quality assurance, and
        line contributors, and their   to meet increasing demand for   encouragement to help them move   exiting enterprises will benefit   sustainability measures into our
        responsibility is the growth of our   new and better ways to provide   their business forward.  through new confidence and   businesses to ensure we are putting
        economy and being custodians   innovation and value creation,                             opportunities created.       our best foot forward in creating
        of our nation’s prosperity. Our   as well as ensuring continuity   ESSENTIAL               Every entrepreneur’s first   enterprises that meet value creation
        doctors and nurses held this   and sustainability in enterprise                           requirement is adopting a    demands for customers, being
        responsibility during the initial   operations and delivery.  Support and encouragement are   suitable mentor. I have been an   structured suitably to be resilient
        impacts of Covid, and we are   What does not exist at present   essential for each entrepreneur   entrepreneur for what I consider   to turbulent and unpredictable
        grateful for their enormous   in a concentrated form is an   and business leader, and this   my entire life, and still look to   effects, and providing security and
        and selfless serve to our people.   Ecosystem that defines steps   relates to all levels of activity in   those further ahead on the path,   opportunity to staff, customers,
        Entrepreneurs and business    for entrepreneurs and business   business. Every entrepreneur   or those more knowledgeable   suppliers, while ensuring that all
        leaders need to now recognise   leaders to follow to reach these   needs self-belief, and rarely does   and capable in specific areas for   stakeholders in the business have
        their responsibility to contribute   higher ideals. The defining   this come without support and   guidance. This never changes,   confidence in their relationship
        to better ways of serving     Ecosystem is likely to be     encouragement from family,    as there are always people ahead   with the enterprise.
        customers, to creating engaged   “invented” by an entrepreneurial   friends, colleagues, customers,   of us in all forms of life, and   DRG, BusinessFit and the SA
        work environments, and ensuring   organisation that has experience   and mentors. Entrepreneurs and   always opportunity for us to   Chamber UK KZN Chapter
        the enterprise outcomes result   and understanding of the   business leaders are different to   learn and grow. Mentors come   have heard these calls, and we
        in growth, development and    business process, with its    contributors in other professions   in different forms, fortunate   have developed an Ecosystem
        advancement. We as the business   mindset less hampered by   in that their minds jostle between   are those entrepreneurs who   to help support and advance
        community need to create      criteria as hurdle rate returns   inventing, creating the uncreated,   through enterprise and supplier   these objectives. Call us, we look
        opportunity for new enterprise   to investors, risk evasion, and   and the business minded financial   development transformation   forward to sharing our passion,
        entrants in the market – to result   defined standard operating   requirements to ensure their   programmes, or them being able   knowledge, systems, and networks
        in growth of our economy and the   procedures, and being more   enterprise ongoing development   to afford a personal mentor on an   to support confidence and business
        creation of employment.       focused on the specific needs of   and sustainability. Artists may   ongoing basis, are able to receive   development. 
                                                                    be likened in a similar way, with
        UNIQUE                        growth through structure and   their minds noticing outlines,   insights, guidance, and an objective
                                      opportunity. Existing ecosystems                            and qualified perspective. For   Contact David White,
          Entrepreneurs by definition are   for entrepreneurs and business   colours, shadows and textures,   those not able to draw in a personal   T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
        those unique individuals who   leaders do provide significant   and a musician’s mind forming   mentor, there needs to be a   E:
        set up a business or businesses,   support, but not enough, and this   melody, rhythm, and lyrics.   continual commitment from them   W:
        taking on financial risks in the   is evident in the way we continue   Entrepreneurs are similar to artists   to gaining more knowledge and
        hope of making a profit. They   to see an alarming number of   and musicians, except that their   understanding to support them
        are commonly seen as inventors,   start-up failures, and less growth   minds are conditioned more to   reaching their desired outcomes.
        sources of new ideas, goods,   than desired from slightly more   the confines of value creation and   There are many ways to do this,
        services, and business processes.   mature enterprises.     commercial opportunity.       including asking those more aware
        The world since Covid has                                    Like artists and musicians   and knowledgeable than us for
        changed… we as the generation   REVOLUTION                  needing to learn the basics of their   their advice and input, and we can
        of this time, now have to focus on   We need a revolution in business   art, entrepreneurs too need to learn  research and gain information in
        creating new means of ensuring   development and related support   that their idea creation although   myriad different ways. But, never
        our world’s growth, prosperity, and   services if we want to feel the   essential, is but a very small part of   to believe, not even for a moment,
        the sustainability of resources for   effects of a growing and thriving   the ingredients needed to create a   that we are self-capable and all
        new generations. This enormous   economy. We need a new and   successful business. Entrepreneurs   knowing. This is simply never a
        task is to a large degree the   better approach to supporting   need foundational support, and   consideration for an entrepreneur   SCAN
        responsibility of our new front-line   entrepreneurs and business leaders  a road map to follow to help   or business leader. We do not   QR CODE
        workers, our entrepreneurs and   so they can learn essential lessons   them reach their destinations.   know everything and will not ever   TO SEE
        business leaders.             needed in business, benefit from   The four critical aspects of any   know everything. Mentors too   VIDEO
          There is little difference between   existing knowledge and learning   aspiring entrepreneur and his/  do not know everything, and as
        entrepreneurs and business    curves, and in turn serve our   her enterprise are sufficient   such need to be carefully chosen
        leaders, but for the purposes of   communities, nations, and the   leadership providing direction,   to complement existing skills,   (Open the camera on your phone and
        this communication, we provide   world at large with better value   clarity and confidence, well-  knowledge and experience that   hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
        the distinction that entrepreneurs   for consumers and produce   constructed functional areas of the   exists in the enterprise.   QR Code to see the video.)

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