Page 14 - KZN Business Sense- 7.6
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                      Malcolm Young,   pressures of life in the shadow of   bans, illegal substances are readily
                       general manager   Covid-19,” he said.        available whenever and wherever,”
                        of Durban-                                  he explained.
                       based Choose     According to the OECD report,
                       Life Specialist   alcohol sales increased by 3%   According to Young, many
                       Recovery Centre  to 5% in Germany, the United   of those who had reached
                                      Kingdom and the United States in   out to Choose Life, which is
                            uring the   2020 compared to 2019. Alcohol   a sister facility to Riverview
                            COVID     sales in bars and restaurants may   Manor, a specialist clinic in the
                      D19             have plummeted but off-premise   Southern Drakensberg, had
                       pandemic,      sales via e commerce and retail   been searching online for a
                          people      stores had escalated. For example,   rehabilitation facility that met
                           worldwide   in the United States, online sales   their needs.
                           have       increased by up to 234%.
        significantly changed their drinking                         “We are a private facility where
        habits, shifting from consuming   The OECD also noted that   medical aid rates apply. This is
        alcohol in bars and restaurants to   women, parents of young   the saving grace for people who
        drinking at home. For many, alcohol   children, people with higher   can afford medical aid. However,
        is part of their social lives – and the   incomes and those with anxiety   there are a lot of enquiries looking
        resulting disruption, together with   and depressive symptoms   for a facility to help overcome   Supervised detoxification   and offer our clients effective,
        loss of income and loved ones has   reported the highest increase   addiction by the less fortunate   is available to overcome   professional treatment. Through
        increased alcohol consumption,   in alcohol consumption.    who have no medical aid. This   withdrawals.                our specialist staff, co-ordinated
        according to a report published   Emergency calls as a result of   seems to be the true epidemic,”   “This facility accommodates   approach and intimate groups, we
        by the Organisation for Economic   domestic violence, which is   Young said.              17 patients. It is big enough to   are able to provide clients with the
        Co-operation and Development   closely associated with alcohol                            provide individual attention   tools to address their addiction
                                                                     Choose Life is rising to the
        (OECD).                       consumption, rose by 60% in   challenges of tackling addiction   and small enough to ensure that   during this difficult time,” he said.
          Malcolm Young, general      EU countries.                 sparked by the pandemic       no one gets lost or flies under   Choose Life Specialist
        manager of Durban-based         Despite the fact that the South   by providing a full-time   the radar. We are also able to   Recovery Centre, South Africa’s
        Choose Life Specialist Recovery   African government attempted   rehabilitation programme.   accommodate out patients   leading private specialist
        Centre, said this was definitely   to limit alcohol purchases   Clients can be referred by clinical   looking to speak to a psychologist   rehabilitation centre and clinic,
        happening locally. There had been   and consumption during the   professionals but attend the centre   by appointment,” Young said.   (dealing with symptoms of,
        a massive increase in the number   pandemic, the same remains true   on a voluntary basis.   He said that a gym had recently   alcohol, substances, cocaine,
        of people seeking help since the   in South Africa.                                       been added to help patients   rock, opiates, dagga, anxiety,
        pandemic hit.                                                The centre offers an out-patient   deal with and release stress   depression, obesity, anorexia,
                                        “During this period, people have   programme as well as a 21-day   and anxiety. There are 12 staff   burnout, sex addiction and
          “We are not only dealing with   been admitted for addiction as   in-house programme. Its holistic   members, including two social   stress) opened its doors to
        people battling with existing   well as depression and anxiety.   approach means that each patient   workers, a psychologist, a house   recovering addicts in 2015. The
        addictions but also with those   Alcohol problems, in particular,   has individual sessions with a   doctor, a psychiatrist, day nurses   facility is situated on the Berea
        who are new to addiction      seem to be on the rise despite bans   social worker and a psychologist   and night nurses.  in Durban. 
        and using various substances   put in place. We have learned   as well as group therapy during
        to avoid and deal with the    from our patients that, despite the   his or her stay.       “We are dedicated to saving lives


        Fareed Amod, Crown Dental Studio  three months, or when the   If you are driven by the above   as effective at cleaning your teeth  cleaning. It’s also a useful way to
                                      bristles begin to show wear,   motivation, we here at Crown   and do so without irritating your   encourage children to brush for
               ealthy teeth and gums   whichever comes first. This is   Dental Studio want to advise   gums or causing them to shrink   the correct amount of time.
               prevent oral problems   important not only to ensure   on some tips to consider when   contributing to a receding gum   Manual toothbrushes are mainly
        Harising and they’re crucial   that the toothbrush is effective   purchasing a toothbrush.   line. There’s also the risk that if   disposable, and most can be
        for our well-being. Brushing your   at cleaning your teeth, but also   Head Size: While there is a   you brush over-enthusiastically   recycled. You can throw it away
        teeth daily is essential in keeping   because the bristles can collect   range of brush heads available,   you could damage your teeth   when necessary and replace with
        your teeth and gums in good   germs over a period of time.  a small to medium size brush   enamel. On the other hand, very   a clean new one. Unlike electric
        condition.                                                  will have better access to all   soft bristles might not tackle   toothbrushes, you do not have
                                       However, with so many                                      plaque effectively, so unless you
           Significantly, new toothbrushes   toothbrush types on the market   the hard-to-reach parts of your   have gum problems, it’s best to   to stick with the same type of
        remove up to 30% more plaque   these days, it can be tricky to   mouth. For this reason, a round-  go for medium.       toothbrush.
        than one that is three months old.  decide which one is the most   headed toothbrush is also useful.                     Of course, no matter what
                                                                    However, the actual size of one’s
        Therefore, regularly replacing   suitable. You may select your   mouth must also be considered.   Handle Grip: Considering that   toothbrush you buy, it’ll only
        your toothbrush is essential   new toothbrush based on your   Children will need smaller   you should brush your teeth for   be as effective as your brushing
        for maintaining a consistently   favourite brand, or maybe you   toothbrushes than adults.  at least the recommended two   technique. So, be sure to use
        high level of oral hygiene. We   choose one according to the                              minutes every time, a handle   gentle circular or oval motions
        recommend that you should     handle’s colour, or the one on the   Bristle Design: Bristle design is  with a comfortable and secure   along all your teeth and
        replace your toothbrush every   special at the supermarket.  equally important when it comes   grip is a priority. There are lots of  gumline surfaces.
                                                                    to choosing your toothbrush.   handle varieties available so just
                                                                    An increasing number of       pick whichever makes cleaning   If in doubt we will be happy to
                                                                    manufacturers are now         your teeth easiest.           make recommendations as to
                                                                    producing heads with varying                                the right toothbrush, for each
                                                                    size bristles, which is very useful   Electric toothbrush: The fast   individual patient. If you would
                                                                    for getting into the deeper gaps   rotations of the head of an electric  like more information
                                                                    between teeth and those hard-  toothbrush can do an exceptional   on effective daily hygiene
                                                                    to-reach locations. It’s also   job of cleaning your teeth. If you   practices, please contact us or
                                                                    important to note that a tapered   have limited manual dexterity,   schedule an appointment for
                                                                    design is gentler on our gums.  then an electric toothbrush will   a consultation. 
                                                                                                  help you to achieve an adequate
                                                                     Bristle Firmness: Many people   level of cleanliness.      Crown Dental Studio is one of the few
                                                                    wrongly believe that firmer                                 truly 24-hour dental practises in Durban
                                                                    bristles will do a better job of   In addition, electric    as this is not limited to emergency
                                                                    cleaning teeth. In fact, firm   toothbrushes often come with   dentistry treatment.
                                                                    bristles can actually damage   a built-in timer which helps to     T: +27 81 207 8621
                                                                    your teeth and gums. Soft to   ensure that you are brushing for   E:
                                                                    medium strength bristles are just  the recommended time for proper   W:

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