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THANDI NGXONGO                                                             FAWZIA PEER

        Director and Founder of        handi MaThabethe   when she came to Durban   Councillor and Ex Deputy    awzia Peer is currently   Fawzia has experienced
        Thandekile Projects            Ngxongo is the     to further her studies.   Mayor eThekwini             a councillor as well   racism, sexism, ageism,
                                 Tdynamic and             Following completing her                         Fas a former deputy      cultural and religious
                                 motivated director and   first degree, she joined                          mayor in the eThekweni   prejudice. Where others
                                 founder of Thandekile    the Engen refinery at                             municipality. Her political   may have been discouraged,
                                                                                                            career has spanned 26
                                 Projects, which has      Wentworth as a qualified                          years in local government,   she has remained steadfast
                                                                                                                                    because Fawzia is driven
                                 different portfolios: BP   chemical engineer.                              and she considers herself a   fundamentally to serve the
                                 Moore Road Service       Commenting on her                                 veteran ANC activist.   community.
                                 Station, Thandi’s Kitchen,   journey, Thandi says,  “I
                                 Property Investment,     think that we must never                          In her positions as the   Fawzia is an industrial
                                                                                                            vice president of Minara
                                 and the uThandekile      shy away from the fact that                       Chamber of Commerce and   relations consultant by
                                 Foundation.                                                                                        profession and this skill set,
                                                          we may be the only person                         the chairperson of Minara   combined with living in the
                                 Thandi comes from a      at the table who is female.                       Business and Professional   oppressive, racist regime of
                                 small rural town near    But if you know your story                        Women, she works closely   Apartheid fuelled her desire
                                 Mooi River in KwaZulu-   and you are passionate and                        to carry out Minara’s   to contribute to changing the
                                 Natal where she attended   skilled, then it is easy for                    vision of promoting and   narrative through political
                                                                                                            strengthening business
                                 school. Her journey in the   people to grasp your vision                   activities for its members.   engagement, activism and
                                 petroleum industry started  and run with it.”                                                     finally her leadership in local
                                                                                                            Over the years in politics,   government.  

        DR NOMUSA SHEZI                                                            CLAUDETTE SIGAMONEY

        Neurosurgeon                   octor Nomusa       The medical doctor       Managing Director of CiaLeeTeez   laudette Sigamoney   entrepreneurs to grow their
                                       Shezi has made     completed her matric     (Pty) Ltd and Impilwenhle     is a visionary     businesses. Claudette is
                                 Dhistory by being        at Pietermaritzburg                              Centrepreneur and        proud to have had hundreds
                                 the first black female   Girls High School in                              wears many hats as a    of mentees come through
                                 neurosurgeon in KwaZulu-  2003. In the following                           business and community   her hands.
                                 Natal. She works at the   year she enrolled for a                          leader. As managing director   Claudette has been very
                                 Inkosi Albert Luthuli    Bachelor of Medicine and                          of CiaLeeTeez (Pty) Ltd and   involved with round
                                 Central Hospital in      Bachelor of Surgery at the                        Impilwenhle, she empowers   table conferences where
                                 Durban and her job sees   University of KwaZulu-                           and enhances the skills of   she spends much of her
                                 her conducting operations   Natal’s Nelson R Mandela                       both women and youth    time concentrating on
                                 on the brain and spinal   School of Medicine.                              entrepreneurs. Claudette is   marrying SMMES with
                                 cord. Nomusa sees up to   Nomusa completed her                             the former vice president   big corporates to promote
                                 100 patients a week. She   studies in 2008. She                            and former chairperson of   procurement opportunities.
                                 has a particular interest in   joined the department of                    SMME and entrepreneurial   Her leadership ability
                                 functional neurosurgery,   neurosurgery in Durban                          development of the Durban   has also diversified into
                                 which deals with treating   in 2012 as a medical officer                   Chamber of Commerce and   roles such as keynote
                                 epilepsy that does not   and in 2013 enrolled to                           Industry.               speaker, public speaker
                                 respond to medication,   train as a specialist for                         As an ambassador and    and programme director
                                 movement disorders and   four years to become a                            as a voice of SMMEs, she   on various business and
                                 pain syndromes.          neurosurgeon.                                    has mentored successful   government platforms. 

        KIM WOODS                                                                  NOMFUNDO XABA

        Managing Partner and Co-owner   im Woods is the   the ranks as a manager and   Radio Host and Change      omfundo Xaba      about life is that if your
        of Tyson Properties Durban     managing partner   now an owner of her own   Agent                         aka ‘Mfundo       passion and your heart
                                 Kand Co-owner of         branch.                                          NDazzling’ was born  are focused on something,
                                 Tyson Properties Durban   Her most valued title is that                    in Port Shepstone was   somehow the universe
                                 – an award-winning real   of ‘mom’ and she is a mother                     raised in the small town   brings it to you,” she
                                 estate company based     to two children – her son                         of Mtubatuba, North of   explained.
                                 in Morningside, KZN.     co-owns and co-manages                            KwaZulu-Natal.
                                 The company operates in   the business with her.                                                   This doting wife and mom
                                 all aspects of property,   Kim also has the unique                         With a radio career     loves every moment spent
                                 including buying, selling,   opportunity of working with                   spanning just six years,   with family to bond and
                                 leasing and commercial   her daughter and the most                         she has hosted live music   enjoy fun activities.
                                 property from the M7     phenomenal team.                                  shows, summits and      A self-branded change
                                 in the south through to                                                    seminars, gala dinners,   agent, Nomfundo has
                                 the Umhlanga river in    Kim currently runs a                              business dinners, corporate   poured her heart and
                                 the north.               successful internship                             team buildings, wellness   resources to initiatives
                                                          training programme at                             workshops and personal
                                 Kim has been in the      her office where she trains                       development sessions.   and campaigns that
                                 property industry for over   interested youngsters                                                 promote social cohesion
                                 25 years, having started out   and equips them to                          Nomfundo says that she   and nation building. She
                                 as a real estate agent and   become successful real                        did not plan her career   values love, forgiveness,
                                 working her way through   estate agents.                                  path. “One of the beauties   and respect.  

                                                                           STANDARD BANK
                                     (FINALE)           KZN TOP BUSINESS WOMEN 2021

                                                 THURSDAY              18:30                     JOIN US           THURSDAY              18:30
                                                 28 OCT 2021              (SAST)                                   18 NOV 2021               (SAST)

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