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MARLENE POWELL                                                             NOZUKO BASSON

        ActionCOACH Business Coach       arlene Powell has  Marlene’s personal brand   Regional Manager, Communities   ozuko Basson is a   brand and professional
        & 2021 Standard Bank KZN Top     been coaching    is defined by precision in   and Corporate Affairs, Tronox   mother, daughter,   reputation working for
        Business Webinar Facilitator  Mbusiness owners    all that she does so it is not                   Nand sister. She is a    brands such as Discovery
                                 for more than a decade.   surprising that the Westville                    passionate, ambitious and   Limited, Illovo Sugar, and
                                 As the first woman       based franchise has                               a vibrant woman who has,   now Tronox South Africa.
                                 ActionCOACH franchisee   consistently been placed in                       through her life’s journey
                                 in South Africa, and     the top 100 in the world.                         and lessons, learnt to   Over and above all the
                                 with more than 10 000+   Marlene helps business                            release the burdens of   above-mentioned, Nozuko
                                 coaching hours, Marlene   owners to deliver the results                    false expectations and   is also the founder and
                                 Powell has transitioned   they desire using proven                         focus rather on building   owner of NB Beauty
                                 herself from a generalist   tools, methodologies and                                               & Image, which offers
                                 to a specialist in her field.   systems, tested and perfected              a life of her dreams and   mobile beauty and makeup
                                 As an internationally    over tens of thousands                            legacy by working hard   services with a particular
                                 certified business coach,   of businesses worldwide                        and living her life; freely,   focus on busy women. Her
                                 Marlene provides business   for over more than two                         authentically, and openly.  other interests include,
                                 help, business advice,   decades. She will hold you                        An awards-winning       interior designing,
                                 business coaching and    accountable for your results                      reputation management   personal image coaching,
                                 mentoring services to    and just like a sports coach,                     specialist, Nozuko      and giving inspirational
                                 small and medium         push you to perform at                            has built her personal   talks.  
                                 sized businesses.        optimal levels. 

        MARILYN BEUSTER                                                            THOBEKA DLONGOLO

        Founder Marilyn Beuster          arilyn Beuster   commenting on her        MD & Partner at Biza          hobeka Dlongolo    founded by her mother
        Wellness, Yummy Keto,            lost 40kg of     weight loss, and how she   iAfrica                     was born in the    Frances Dlongolo and its
        iTravelsmart             Mweight in a short  had managed to keep                                   TEastern Cape in a       core focus was tourism
                                 period of time only for   it off. That birthed her                         small town called Bizana.   development. In 2005 the
                                 her to rebound to her    guided three-month                                When she completed      company diversified its
                                 then original weight of   wellness coaching                                matric in 1999, Thobeka   services and identified
                                 120kg. She found the     course, and her new                               was unsure of which line   an opportunity in the
                                 need to do a reset over   company “Marilyn                                 of profession to pursue.   landscaping and park
                                 the following year, and   Beuster Wellness”.                               She eventually decided   development field.
                                 lost 60kg and has kept   Marilyn and her husband                           to study marketing and   When Thobeka joined
                                 it off with a formula of                                                   completed a B-tech Degree
                                 whole foods, intermittent   created a range of                             at the Durban University   Biza iAfrica, her focus was
                                                          foods which they put
                                                                                                                                    to develop and grow the
                                 and prolonged (healing)   into production under                            of Technology. Thobeka   company. Determined to
                                 fasts ever since.                                                          believed that choosing
                                                          the ketogenic genre.                              marketing would allow her   be recognised and succeed
                                 Marilyn was forced to    “YummyKeto” went into                                                     in a white male dominated
                                 close her travel agency   a local home produce                             to start her own business   industry, Thobeka and
                                                                                                            in the future.
                                 doors when the Covid-19   store, and fast led to                                                   her mother have worked
                                 pandemic closed travel   the bigger chain stores                           In 2007 she joined Biza   tirelessly and been able to
                                 and borders. However,    buying into this story                            iAfrica Consultants as a   grow the company from
                                 she still had people     of health.                                       partner. The company was   strength to strength. 
        FÉE HALSTED                                                                TRACY HARKER

        Founder and Creative Director   ée Halsted is a   Bonnie’s natural skills as an   Founder and Owner      racy Harker says   After a few years, Tracy
        of Ardmore                   passionate, award-   artist blossomed. Five years   Funky Pants             that Funky Pants   decided to test the market
                                 Fwinning artist and      later, in 1990, Fée and Bonnie                   Twas not a planned       with some patterned
                                 academic from the KwaZulu-  were jointly awarded the                       venture, but that she was   shorts which were a huge
                                 Natal Midlands. Ardmore is   prestigious Standard Bank                     inspired by her husband to   success. Tracy’s husband,
                                 a hugely successful ceramics   Young Artist Award.                         start the business.     Billy Harker, took one look
                                 company and is known     With this success came                                                    at them and exclaimed,
                                 for their quirky, colourful   the demands of creating                      Funky Pants started     Tracy’s Funky Pants! The
                                 designs, which feature   ceramics for their exhibition,                    nearly 14 years ago     colourful Funky Pants
                                 in leading galleries and   so Fée offered other local                      when Tracy Harker was
                                 collections.             women the opportunity to                          organising an Ocean     were the first to market
                                                                                                                                    internationally and are
                                 Fee’s first ever student was   train at Ardmore, producing                 Surfski Paddling Series in   now available for many
                                 Bonnie Ntshalintshali,   pieces to generate income for                     South Africa. Tracy was   different activities.
                                 daughter of their        the fledgling studio, which                       unhappy with the paddle
                                 housekeeper, whose polio   led it to be the thriving                       shorts available, because   Tracy and Billy have
                                 meant that she couldn’t   business it is now.                              of the uncomfortable fit.   created an international
                                 partake in any general work.   Fée was honoured with                       The result of the redesign   brand that reflects their
                                 Fée and Bonnie quickly   a doctorate from the                              was a pair of comfy, fully   sporting lifestyle filled with
                                 developed a synergy and   University of KwaZulu- Natal                     lined mid-thigh length,   lots of memories and being
                                 under Fée’s mentorship,   in 2016.                                        paddling tights.        happy as a family. 

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           KZN TOP BUSINESS                                    Standard Bank KZN Top Business                   Standard Bank  KZN Top Business

                 WOMEN 2021                                               WOMEN                               OVERCOMING BUSINESS
                                                                 INSPIRING WOMEN                               GROWTH CHALLENGES

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