Page 3 - KZN Business Sense- 7.6
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s the late Mr. Rajen will make way for low to high-
Reddy would say, “The end Ko-lay franchise offerings.
Ameasure of achievement With the increase in chicken
and success must rightfully be products becoming a staple diet
balanced by the knowledge that for most of South Africa and the
we must pass failure along the African continent, Ko-lay Home of
way. Education is when you read Chicken is an offering you want to
the fine print, experience is what look out for.
you get if you don’t. Experience
is, therefore, the greatest teacher JD Telecoms is firmly cementing
and the greatest leveller.” themselves as leaders in the
telecommunication industry with
History has often recorded a focus on satellite connectivity
such events that spin on an and educational services. The
uncontrolled axis, levered by initiative for JD Telecoms is
forces beyond human control. to bridge the digital divide
For instance, nobody, not even towards affordable connectivity.
physics could have foreseen that They aim to make connectivity
the sale of four barrels of diesel accessible and affordable to every
fuel would effectively launch household and business on the
KZN Oils back in 1998, but it African continent, regardless of
did, and the rest as they say the income bracket. Established
is history. The history itself is in 2019, JD Telecoms has already
peppered with blood, sweat, and become an approved Telkom
tears; a history inscribed with Dealer for B2B and B2C products
the ink of disappointment and and services and also has a
successive failures. business processing outsourcing
KZN Oils now forms part of a (BPO) contact centre.
larger entity, The RR Group of In conclusion, the progression
companies. These entities are of the RR Group of companies
largely black women-owned and will depend on their adaptability
led businesses with the majority of towards the digital age. And
female personnel holding executive there is an immense amount of
positions. While maintaining a ongoing effort in the background
BBBEE level-1 company audit to digitalise these companies.
status, the Group aggressively The future holds exciting insights
supports black-owned businesses into online ordering platforms,
across the board. payment gateways, online
Mrs Celeste Esayvanie Esay Reddy, CEO of RR Group client portals, online loyalty
Sivalingum Reddy as the programs, and online monitoring
newly appointed executive people, comes the empowerment ensure a complete solution for and analytics for a better user
director and the Group CEO, countries, identifying machinery experience just to name a few.
is an accomplished business of communities and empowered all customers. that will improve productivity “In closing, there is a need for
communities can add to the
woman with over 30 years of Looking further than the and reduce costs, investigating building high-growth businesses
experience in the petroleum, positive socio-economic growth of African continent, partnering product customisation to with a pan-African focus in aiding
South Africa and the world.
quick service restaurant, with international countries will address customer needs, and the newly emerging African elite to
healthcare manufacturing, The Group prides itself on ensure the impact of greener and ensuring products meet private create a sense of diversity in unity
telecommunications, and establishing self-sustainable cleaner fuels. And moving into a and public sector specifications. in mobilising Africans towards
distribution industry. Mrs Reddy’s business models, which in full-on retail offering will ensure The possibilities of franchising the struggle of independence
main focus is on building high- return, allows them to give control of the entire supply chain a health care manufacturing and social cohesion. As business
growth businesses with solid back to their communities which ultimately results in more company are endless. leaders, we must come together
balance sheets and exponentially in the form of jobs, business affordable products to end-users. Supplying from a toothpick and need to utilise our resources to
growing profit and loss functions opportwunities, low-cost high- KZN Oils will be looking at not to a full flame-grilled or fried encourage and strengthen bonds of
to ensure business going-concern, quality products, and corporate only supplying commodities such chicken, Ko-lay is on its way to solidarity between all indigenous
job securities for her people social investment initiatives. as fuels, but also Jet A1, other becoming one of the sought-after and diaspora ethnic group of
and sustainable returns for The RR Group of companies relevant lubricants, and becoming distribution centres. Currently African descent.
the shareholders. As an astute the preferred transporter for supplying about roughly fifty Grill
business leader with a wealth of comprise various industries major petroleum companies to Go outlets within the Caltex We must also emphasise the
such as the energy sector,
experience, Mrs Reddy oversees throughout the world. KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng need to make specific meaningful
sound strategic manifestation telecommunications, health care Champion Health Care (CHC) network, Ko-lay seeks to supply and purposeful contributions to
manufacturing, quick service
and delegation across all business restaurant industry, and property will soon follow suit in gaining to all provinces in South Africa. the historic task of transitional
functions, ensures profitability momentum in the African By developing a cradle-to-grave justice from apartheid to
and is the chief custodian of the development and construction. market if it hasn’t been doing mentality, they can control an democracy under overarching
Group’s brand image. Growing KZN Oils within so already. The Africa Health entire supply chain, expand their social justice. This can be made
the African commercial sector Trade Expo in conjunction possible through the development
She is an innovative visionary with the Department of Trade logistics fleet, introduce new and
and has a traceable success may sound farfetched. However, and Industry is one of CHC’s exciting products, continuously of ethical leaders.”
engaging with neighbouring
record. Equipped with hands-on countries offer a better footing in signature exhibitor events. CHC create employment, and showcase
experience in business strategy and various franchise models.
development, she applies herself negotiating with either import or has been in attendance since 2019 Franchising in the quick service
and has again made its presence
export of liquid bio-fuel (LBF),
in alignment with the RR Group’s on the virtual Africa Health restaurant industry has taken on
values, goals, and objectives. while partnering with other non-
refining wholesalers will increase Trade Expo 2021. Through these a storm in the past few years. Ko-
The RR Group always strives their footprint and enable them networking events, Champion lay currently has a fully-fledged
to retain a people-first-focus, to negotiate lucrative deals Health Care has been initiating flagship diner store in the heart
for with the empowerment of that will benefit both parties to trades with neighbouring African of Durban, and the near future