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ominic Collett has organisation. This platform
been re-elected as elevates the local business
Dthe chairperson of chambers’ ability to be able to
the KwaZulu-Natal Business interact with government to a
Chambers Council (KBCC). higher level. We can bring local
He was also recently re-elected business matters to the Premier KWAZULU-NATAL
as treasurer on the board to be dealt with at provincial BUSINESS CHAMBERS
of the iLembe Chamber of level.” Currently, there are critical COUNCIL:
Commerce. Collett has a passion government and businesses Chairperson: Dominic Collett
for development and he is a interventions that need to be dealt
technical director at Zutari. with together. Physical Address: Pencarrow
Park, 1 Pencarrow Crescent,
The KBCC is the representative The KBCC provides input on La Lucia Ridge, 4051.
voice of organised business in economic growth and strategy to
KwaZulu-Natal. Membership provincial government, especially Postal Address: P.O. Box 335,
is open to all formal business through the KwaZulu-Natal Umhlanga Rocks, Durban 4320.
representative organisations Economic Council, which is Te: +27 (0)31 575 5500
in the province, with the representative of all four social Email:
major chambers and business parties – civil society, labour, Website:
organisations in KwaZulu- government and business.
Natal already members. These The KwaZulu-Natal Economic or an open government that wants
include the Durban Chamber Council is also the only such to interact.
of Commerce and Industry, formation in the country and
Minara Chamber of Commerce, mirrors, on a national level, the “We are way ahead of the game,
Pietermaritzburg and Midlands National Economic Development the KBCC is stable platform
Chamber of Business, iLembe and Labour Council (Nedlac). where government can address
Chamber of Commerce, “The KZN Economic Council business as one body, and the
KwaZulu-Natal Growth is important to ensure that KBCC can respond as business,”
Coalition, Zululand Chamber of business is represented at a concluded Collett.
Commerce, Ladysmith Chamber time where we need to restore
of Commerce, KwaZulu-Natal confidence and rebuild our
Youth Chamber, FABCOS economy, especially relating watch?v=_1wrBmaJzLU
and NAFCOC. to the impact of Covid and the
events of July 2021,” said Collett.
The main intention of the SCAN
KBCC is to provide a platform for Together the social partners have QR CODE
interaction between government dedicated themselves to a social
and business. Collett says, compact to rebuild the province. TO SEE
“KwaZulu-Natal is the only No other provinces have a weapon VIDEO
Dominic Collett, chairperson of the KBCC province to have this type of of attacking the problems together
ndrew John Layman Geography and a University the Chief Executive Officer of the
born in Durban on 26 Education Diploma from the Durban Chamber of Commerce
ANovember 1944 passed University of Natal. He was and Industry (2011-2015). He
away peacefully on the 16 passionate about education and went on to become a highly
October 2021, in Hi1ton, KZN went on to obtain a Masters respected consultant at SAPOA
aged seventy-six. degree M.Com (Leadership) at KZN, Catalyx Consulting and
the University of Natal at the age Strategic Urban Management.
He will always be remembered
for his commanding personality, of sixty-six. He was a well-known regular
his deep booming voice and Andrew started his career columnist (2003 - 2014) for The
his caring heart. Andrew was a as a teacher and later head Mercury newspaper writing
positive influence and enriched of department of Glenwood articles on contemporary
the lives of all those who were High School (1967-1982). He business, education and societal
fortunate enough to know him. went on to become the Deputy affairs. Andrew was an avid
He was a role model and was Headmaster of Maritzburg cricketer going on to coach and
highly respected for his inclusive College (1983-1985), and Head umpire.
and mentoring management Master of Alexandra High School Andrew was husband to Valerie
style. (1986-1997).
(deceased 2008) and a loving
Andrew attended Durban High Andrew was appointed as the father to four children. Amanda,
School (1958-1961) and went Chief Executive Officer of the David Guy and Olivia and five
on to attain a Bachelors of Arts Pietermaritzburg Chamber of grandchildren Cayden, Cameron,
degree in English, History and Business (1997-2011) and then Christian, Rafa and Theo.
BUSINESS SENSE © Copyright of all material is reserved and no part of Business Sense may be reproduced COMMENTS:
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Published by: Top Business, 71 Underwood Road, Hatton Estates While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every We welcome comments and seek a lively discussion. Comments
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Features & Advertising: Grant Adlam: 083 262 9529 attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee and promote discussion are welcomed and encouraged but will
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Accounts: Tracy Engelbrecht: pages. offending material, or editing for spelling or grammar, at the sole
discretion of the editorial board of Business Sense.
Design & Layout: Kerri Adlam | Kezlea Graphics | The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the individual contributors Please send your queries to
alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, the KwaZulu-Natal
Website: Business Chambers Council, its members, staff or funding agencies and advertisers. We look forward to hearing from you!
BUSINESS SENSE is brought to you by Top Business Portfolio.