Page 6 - KZN Business Sense- 7.6
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                  Johan van Deventer,   down your neck regarding    Why choose us?                the Director-General. Non-    legislation can be wide-ranging
                  Regional Manager,   employment equity compliance?   Our consultants pride       compliance to equity can also   and intimidating to the ordinary
                   Labournet Durban   Just LabourNet it!            themselves in developing a    result in losing out on business   person, but here at LabourNet we
                                                                                                                                have the best, high-performing,
                        W        hat   what exactly is employment   professional bond with each   and non-eligibility for tender   and professionally trained
                                                                                                  prospects with other companies
                                       If you’re pondering about
                                                                    client as each client is unique
                                                                                                                                consultants, each one allocated
                                      equity compliance and who
                                                                    with different needs. Whether it
                         Employment   should comply, we need to look   is establishing an employment   Who must submit reports to the   to a specific client to service and
                                                                                                                                provide the best cost-effective
                         Equity and   at the term designated employer.   equity committee, facilitating   Department of Labour?  solutions. For more information
                         how we at    All designated employers need    quarterly committee meetings, or   For employers that have become   on employment equity or any
                         LabourNet    to comply with employment     assisting a client            recently designated on or after   other employment legislation
                          can assist   equity. You can identify yourself   with a Department of Labour   the first working day of April   compliance solution, please do
                          you!        as a designated employer if    Director-General Review, we                                not hesitate to contact us.
                                      you are:                      have it all planned out as per your   but before the first working day
          With the constant evolving   ■   Someone that employs 50 or    project plan.            of October, reports must be    LabourNet – providing simple,
        economy and fast-paced world     more employees                                           submitted on the first working   effective and affordable solutions
        we live in, LabourNet as an                                  We follow all protocols and   day of October in the following   for employment legislative
                                         Your annual turnover
        entity has also evolved and   ■   threshold is equal to or above    guide employers to the best of   year. Employers that also wish   compliance. 
        transformed to accommodate      the threshold as stipulated in    our ability to be compliant with   to voluntarily comply in terms
        for clients’ modern-day needs.                              legislation. We also recognise   of S14 of the Employment   T: +27(0)31 266 6570
        There is hardly an employment     Schedule 4 of the         that no one is above the law   Equity Act may submit their   C: +27(0)82 786 7480
                                        Employment Equity Act
        compliance solution that                                    and ensure that at LabourNet   employment equity reports.   E:
        we cannot provide. Need       ■   An organ of state         we conduct all activities strictly   Employment equity reports   W:
        payroll? We have consultants,   ■   A municipality or an employer    as per current legislative   can be submitted manually
        support, and software – so      that is bound by a collective    requirements and good practice.  to the Department of Labour
        just LabourNet it. Can’t        agreement                                                 or electronically, however due
        manage internal disciplinary   Designated employers have    What happens if you do not    to Covid-19 regulations we
        or performance issues?  Just   the responsibility to appoint   comply?                    have opted and committed
        LabourNet it! Health and safety   a section 24 manager, address   Your company name will be   to submitting these reports
        compliance keeping you up     unfair discrimination in the   removed off the Employment   electronically for each client   SCAN
        at night?  Just LabourNet it!    workplace, implement affirmative   Equity Public register, penalised   before the 15  of January 2022.  QR CODE
        Employees need upskilling? Just   action measures, consult with   for obstruction, undue influence   LabourNet is your answer to   TO SEE
        LabourNet it!  Need to improve   employees, conduct an analysis,   and/or fraud and lastly, but                           VIDEO
        your B-BBEE rating?  Just     prepare, and implement an     definitely not the least, issued a   all your daily compliance needs
                                                                                                  in an employee’s life cycle in any
        LabourNet it!                 employment equity plan as well   minimum fine of R1,5 million   organisation. Why?  Employment   (Open the camera on your phone and
          Department of Labour and    as report to the Department of   (or 2% of your annual turnover,   Equity legislation and other   hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
        Labour inspectors breathing   Labour on an annual basis.    whichever is the greatest) by   employment compliance       QR Code to see the video.)

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