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                                                                                                       KZN TOP BUSINESS

                                                                                                       WOMEN INITIATIVE


              he Standard Bank                                                                                                  Inspiring Women’. Our team
              KwaZulu-Natal Top                                                                                                 has been humbled by the many
        TBusiness Women gala                                                                                                    amazing women whose stories
        evening will take place on                                                                                              we have heard. These stories
        18 November at the                                                                                                      are about women, from many
        Coastlands uMhlanga Hotel                                                                                               different backgrounds, who
        and Convention Centre.                                                                                                  have had varied journeys to get
          The 2021 initiative celebrates                                                                                        to where they are today and
        the achievements of some                                                                                                have much wisdom to offer.”
        of the impressive women in                                                                                               To obtain the stories that
        KwaZulu-Natal. These women                                                                                              form the basis for the evening’s
        are contributing to their                                                                                               proceedings, the KZN Top
        workplaces, to society and                                                                                              Business team has interviewed
        to their families in amazing                                                                                            all the women; the video
        ways. Each woman has been                                                                                               recordings of which are
        nominated for her achievements                                                                                          available online. In addition,
        by employers, employees,                                                                                                each story, accompanied by
        clients, or other stakeholders.                                                                                         a black and white photo, are
                                      hoped that this initiative and the   Key note speaker for the evening   Soul’ (2020), which have been
          Nicky Thompson, Head Prestige   recognition afforded, will inspire   will be Iman Rappetti, an award-                 being collated in a limited-
        Banking Standard Bank KZN     other women to strive to achieve   winning journalist, who has   critically acclaimed.    edition coffee table book.
        says, “I am proud to work for   more in their own endeavours.  worked across print and radio and   The master of ceremonies for
        an organisation that strives for                            is currently a senior news anchor.   the evening is Thato Moeng.   In order to introduce the
        gender diversity and female    “We really need to shift the                               Thato is a South African      women participating this year,
        empowerment. Through events   mindset about the contribution   Iman counts among her many   journalist, voice-over artist,   three webinars have been held
        like the Standard Bank KwaZulu-  of women in our society and   career highlights, interviews   host, brand ambassador, and a   in the build up to the event,
        Natal Top Business Women,     focus on the importance of    and encounters with a range   presenter. She is best known as   which are available for viewing
                                                                    of politicians, celebrities, and
                                      women’s rights and gender
        we can recognise phenomenal   inequalities so that we achieve   thought leaders. However,   one of the talented Supersport
        women in KZN who are making   sustainable change; one that   she insists that it is always the   female presenters who is   KZNTopBusiness
        a difference in their communities   respects and creates a safe   conversations with ordinary   motivated by telling stories    The event on the 18 November
        and in their different industries.”  environment for all women,”   families and communities that   and sharing her love for sport   2021 will follow a hybrid
          The gala evening will not only   says Mano Singh Executive   are, for her, the most powerful and   with others.       format and will be streamed
        emphasize a culture of women’s   Head: Insurance, Asset     thought-provoking. Iman is the   Grant Adlam, publisher of   live from 6.30 pm. In order to
        empowerment but will serve    Management & Fiduciary at     author of two books, ‘Becoming   the KZN Top Business, says,   register (the event is free) visit
        as a showcase of success. It is   Standard Bank KZN.        Iman’ (2018) and ‘Sermons of   “Our theme this year is ‘Women  


              he Standard Bank KZN    which have guided their career   daughters, sisters as well as   Many of the women reflect that   leadership, have good
              Top Business Women      or business choices. All the   businesspeople, entrepreneurs,   being in a man’s world is tough   communication skills, show
        T2021 featured on the         women have incredible insights   sportspersons, and community   and is a space that constantly   empathy, be creative, take risks,
        following pages participated in   to offer, which showcases   activists, which well indicates   has challenges. However, much   persevere and, at the same time,
        the streamed webinars on      the individual and universal   their ability to multitask. Their   research into gender differences   be humble.
        the 7 October and the         strengths they have been able to   paths have led to banking,   highlights that woman score
        28 October. The women         draw upon as a woman.         medicine, health and wellness,   higher in emotional intelligence   All these strengths, as well
        have had very different                                     the arts, sport, law, community   than men. This strength means   as many others, are well
        experiences that are based on    These women identify       upliftment and funeral services   women are more likely to be   illustrated in their stories. We
        their individual circumstances,   themselves as mothers,    amongst others.               adaptable, show inspirational   salute you all!  

        NICKY THOMPSON                                                             THALENTE MADONDA

        Head Prestige Banking KZN      icky Thompson      She built a solid        Business Centre Manager for the   halente Madonda’s   in Business Banking
        Standard Bank                  has had 38 years   foundation of both       Hibiscus Coast, Standard Bank   current role is   gives me an opportunity
                                 Nof banking              financial and operational   KwaZulu-Natal        Tin the Business         to contribute to our
                                 experience in the        skills, and she found her                         Banking segment, looking  economy, indirectly and
                                 longstanding employ of   passion for people and                            after both business     directly, by assisting our
                                 Standard Bank SA Ltd,    leadership. Through                               banking as well as small   entrepreneurs with their
                                 where she has gained a   determination and hard                            enterprise clients.
                                 deep understanding of    work, Nicky moved into                                                    business operations...
                                 Personal and Business    managerial leadership                             Thalente has been with   granting them facilities,
                                 Banking. Starting her    roles at an early age,                            Standard Bank for 22 years   short and long term,
                                 career in banking in     which was mostly                                  and she has held various   to fund the growth in
                                 the early 80’s, Nicky has   unchartered territory in a                     roles ranging from junior,   their businesses.”
                                 witnessed the digital    male dominated industry                           middle, and now to senior   On the personal front, a
                                 transformation of this   at the time.                                      management. Some of the
                                 industry, as it adapted                                                    roles she has held were   role that she occupies as a
                                 to the changing needs    Following various Branch                          branch manager, account   woman is being the mother
                                 of customers and has     Manager roles, she was                            executive, and small    of three beautiful kids
                                 developed the necessary   appointed the first female                       enterprises manager.    – one being a teenager.
                                 future ready skills in this   on the KZN Executive in                                              Other roles are wife, sister,
                                 now highly competitive   the early 2000’s.                                Speaking of her role    daughter in law ... the list
                                 environment.                                                               Thalente explains, “Being   is endless.  

                                                                                         For more information visit  7
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