Page 12 - KZN Business Sense- 7.6
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                                                                       morale and clarity on each    business owners/directors/ team      mates can feel comfortable
                                                                       other’s roles.             leader, ready to hear what your      in dealing with me at all times.
                                                                    2.  Work Styles               team has to say?                 I am disciplined in my work,
                                                                       Understanding each other and    HOW DO YOU RATE             so my results, growth and
                                                                       the different work styles we    YOURSELF IN THESE THREE      success are consistent.
                                                                       each have and use to get the    AREAS?                   Do you have all six keys to a
                                                                       job done.                  1.  Team Work                 winning team?
                                                                    3.  Goals                        I am a team player and team    ■    Strong Leadership
                                                                       Understanding the company       leader.  I do whatever it takes    ■    Common Goal
                                                                       goals and leveraging through       to stay together and achieve
                                                                       them to achieve personal goals.     team goals.  I focus on co-   ■    Rules of the Game
              our team members are    lack of communication, different   4.  Culture                                            ■    ActionPLAN
              the biggest asset in your   working styles and/or lack of                              operation and always come to    ■    Support Risk Taking
        Ycompany and when your        direction or understanding of the     Understanding and building       a resolution, not a compromise.
        team are as passionate about   company’s goals and personal      a supportive and productive       I am flexible in my work and    ■    100% Involvement and
        your company as you are there   goals are a few challenges that lead      company culture.     able to change if what I’m    Inclusion  
        should be synergy in all areas.  to frustration amongst employees   5.  Motivation           doing is not working.  I ask for
                                      within an organisation. In most     Providing motivation for       help when I need it and I am    Are you ready to bring the best out of your
          Isn’t that the ideal image of a   companies their employees often                          compassionate to others who    team and ensure they perform to their full
        successful company? Is it possible?                            current and future roles in the       ask me.            potential?
                                      see themselves as being just the   company.                                               If it is a yes, then contact your
          Understanding your team and   ‘Staff’ instead of being a ‘Team   6.  Productivity       2.  Systems                   ActionCOACH Marlene Powell on
        making sure that your team    Member’ who plays an integral     Understanding the current      I always look to the system for    M: 083 479 4471
        understands each other and    part in the company’s growth and      role and exploring efficient       a solution. If a challenge arises    W:
        also understands the internal   success.                       and effective ways to provide       I use a system correction
        and external challenges in your   What have you done to explore      optimum work flow.      before I look for a people
        company is the key to leverage.                                                              correction.  I use a system
                                      and improve the different
          Your team is the glue that holds   dynamics in your team, from   If, you are ready to see an        solution in my innovation
                                                                                                     rather than a people solution.
        your company together.        owners/directors/team leaders   increase in productivity, team      I follow the system exactly
                                      through to the lowest level team   collaborations along with time                            SCAN
        How strong would you say your   players?                    management then consider doing a     until a new system is    QR CODE
        bond is?                       Here are a few of the key focus   team alignment.             introduced.  I suggest       TO SEE
          Meeting or exceeding        areas to consider:             Do you want to bring full       system improvements at the
        your sales and/or financial   1.  Communication             transparency to the surface on why      first opportunity.    VIDEO
        targets consistently is a great                             your team behave and act the way   3.  Consistency
        measurement!                     Clear and effective                                                                     (Open the camera on your phone and
                                         communication among team    they do as well as the decisions     I am consistent in my actions    hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
          Unfortunately, internal conflict,      members is key in productivity,    they make, if any? Are you, as the      so my clients and team    QR Code to see the video.)



              ou can’t keep a good    to recognise the important role   more profoundly than anything    “However, our Lindiwe ensured   Gala Ceremony 2021 which
              woman down. Despite     women play in the sector. Ms   to date. Nevertheless, we are   that contingency measures were   will take place in Moscow on
        Ythe devastating impact of    Rakharebe’s award was given to   filled with pride for all that   put in place to ensure the Durban   26 November 2021.
        the COVID-19 pandemic which   “the woman who has ensured the   we accomplished despite the   ICC continued to provide the
        brought travel and conference   highest standards of guest and   challenges. As they say, ‘tough   highest levels of infrastructure    Durban ICC has been
        tourism to a standstill, Lindiwe   staff well-being by moving swiftly   times don’t last; tough teams   and service standards.  nominated in the World Travel
        Rakharebe, CEO of the Durban   to implement measures that not   do.’” she said.                                         Awards - Africa’s Leading
        ICC, has bagged a second      only meet all requirements but                                Glen Mashinini, Chairman    Meetings and Conference Centre
        award in two months for her   exceed them”.                   Kini Shandu, the founder of   of the Board of Durban ICC,   20 times and has been voted the
        leadership qualities.                                       the Sebenza Awards, said for   said: “We are proud of the   winner in this category no fewer
                                       Ms Rakharebe said she owed   too long women in South Africa   Leadership Award bestowed on   than 17 times. 
           She has just won the Leadership   the two latest awards to every   have been marginalised and still   Ms Rakharebe for her sound
        Award in the third annual     man and woman employed at the   face gender-based violence on a   leadership and outstanding
        Sebenza Awards which focuses   Durban ICC.                  daily basis.                  achievements at a critical time.
        on recognising and celebrating
        top women for their brilliance,    “A leader is only as good as    “The Sebenza Awards brings   “Her strengths which include
        strength, and achievements in   the team. It is the fortitude and   about equality by identifying   vision, inspiration, interpersonal
        various fields of work.       resilience of our employees that   stars doing exceptional,   communication and strategic and
                                      has ensured the Durban ICC is   extraordinary work in various   critical thinking have motivated
           Rakharebe, who has been    post-pandemic ready.          sectors. We shine the spotlight on   the Durban ICC team’s efforts
        at the helm of Africa’s leading                             women, their contributions and   to put new measures in place,
        convention centre since April    “The success of our business   position them in areas that create   uphold all principles of corporate
        2015, also took top honours   depends on the satisfaction of our   opportunities for them to excel   governance, diligent oversight
        last month in the Venue       clients which, in turn, depends   even more,” she said.     and efficient financial and supply
        Representative of the Year    on the quality of the product we                            chain processes during a most
        category of the seventh Women in   deliver and the level of customer    She added Rakharebe’s award   challenging period,” he said.
        MICE Awards.                  service we provide. We set our   was all the more significant,
                                      goals high, working to achieve   coming at a time when the    Meanwhile, the Durban ICC
          Meetings magazine and The   100% satisfaction from our clients   pandemic hit the Durban ICC   has been nominated for the title
        Planner Guru website jointly   and exhibitors.”             particularly hard as it relies   of World’s Leading Meetings &
        hosted the celebration of the                               heavily on gatherings, which have   Conference Centre 2021 on the
        leading Women in the Meetings,    “Unfortunately, at the    been heavily restricted as local,   World Travel Awards and hopes
        Incentives, Conferences and   beginning of 2020, the Covid-19   national and international travel   to win the heavily contested
        Exhibitions (MICE) industry   pandemic impacted our business   came to a halt.            accolade at WTA’s Grand Final   Lindiwe Rakharebe

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