Page 4 - KZN Business Sense- 7.6
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        – INVEST LOCAL

                 ith the South        people. Over one year into this   leisure options and is located   Other flagship projects include   eThekwini’s Mayor has
                 African and global   pandemic, I am proud to confirm   immediately adjacent to the   the GO!Durban Transport   observed, “the wealth of
        Weconomy showing              we have been doing just that. I   development of a new cruise   Oriented Development system,   KwaZulu-Natal is often
        early signs of some recovery   therefore applaud all efforts by   line terminal in the harbour,   regarded as a great enabler of   consumed or exported in its raw
        following 2020’s devastating   my teams, and those in business   backing onto the Waterfront,   transport and trade. This includes  or intermediate state. However,
        economic slump, eThekwini     plus community structures who   dovetailing well with the   the CBD’s Centrum Precinct,   much more could be done to add
        Metro’s team at Invest Durban   have all pulled together to make   Waterfront precinct,”  which aims to expand business   value through further localised
        has ramped up their vigorous   the differences we now see.”  He further stressed that work   in the node between the Durban   investment and processing.  That
        drive to improve Durban’s      The thrust of Invest Durban in   was being undertaken to    International Convention     is what our various industrial and
        positioning as one of Africa’s   this particular campaign is to   optimise the growth and   Centre, a related hotel, library,   project partnerships are focussing
        prime business destinations and   improve investor confidence in   operations of not just particular   Council Chambers and the   on,” he said.
        to improve investor confidence   the City, position the City as a   economic sectors and catalytic   re-development of nearby Gugu   Durban’s priority investment
        in the City.  This drive being   pro-active business destination;   projects, but also in key nodes   Dlamini Park. Further major   sectors include automotive
        an addition to the ‘Buy Local   one with a great work-life   such as CBD urban renewal    investment opportunities vest in   and allied industries, logistics
        – Invest Local’ myriad support   balance, plus access to a host   and building upgrades, tourism   the massive 1 300ha Cornubia   and logistics management,
        being given to Durban’s existing   of identified catalytic projects   attractions and events, beachfront   mixed use development north of   ICT and BPS, agri-processing,
        businesses. Durban enjoys many   across multiple sectors. This   maintenance, and township   Durban, a partnership between   life sciences - inclusive of
        investment opportunities, and via   will in turn lead to additional   nodal upgrades. These were   Tongaat Hulett Developments   pharmaceuticals, medical device
        eThekwini’s Economic Recovery   prospects regarding the     confirmed to be done according   and various spheres of     manufacturing and health
        Plan, the Economic Development   expansion of formal industrial   to a sustainable town planning   Government.  On Cornubia’s   facilities, as well as further
        & Planning Cluster has doubled   clusters and the development of   and environmental framework   northern border the Dube   tourism asset development.
        down on their efforts to engage   value chains, from the townships   package of approved plans.  TradePort Special Economic
        and support business in the City,   to the ‘high streets’.                                Zone is a large-scale multi-modal   eThekwini Municipality Mayor,
        across South Africa, and across                              As the economy begins to     business platform adjacent to   Cllr Mxolisi Kaunda confirmed:
        the world.                     eThekwini Municipality’s mayor   reopen, Invest Durban’s goal   King Shaka International    “The prospects for investment
                                      further commented that Durban   is to robustly bring new levels   Airport and in the heart of an   in these priority sectors is truly
         Invest Durban is a Unit      has been working hard on a    of investment to Durban from                                vast and encompasses tourism
        within that Cluster of the    number of large-scale projects,   across South Africa and the   emergent aerotropolis.    business opportunities and,
        eThekwini Municipality, and   which have the potential to make   world. As Durban’s ‘First Stop   Underpinning these property   crucially, the emergent oceans’
        works in partnership between   a significant regional impact.   Shop’, they are ideally positioned   investments, there is further   economy as well. In essence,
        the public and private sectors                              to introduce, support and     co-operation between the      Durban – with its strategic
        to stimulate, plus facilitate   “Our catalytic projects have   facilitate investment into the City   public and private sectors via   coastal location, excellent
        investment within the Durban   been selected and accelerated   and its surrounds. Invest Durban   formalised development of   climate, ample land availability,
        metropolis. It is geared to   for their scale in terms      collaborates closely with fellow   industrial cluster initiatives,   the busiest seaport in Southern
        delivering world-class investor   of employment creation,   eThekwini Units and other like-  and township business support.   Africa and an enviable life-style
        support services, inclusive of   investment value and potential   minded organisations, such as the   These all aim to draw together   – is an exceptional travel, trade
        investment promotion and      for revenue generation.”      Department of Trade & Industry,   experience and expertise   and investment destination. A
        marketing, foreign investment   He cited the Point Waterfront   including Invest SA, TIKZN, the   from commerce and industry,   destination we are taking to the
        identification, attraction and   as a catalytic project example,   various chambers of commerce,   community and labour   rest of South Africa, Africa and
        facilitation, existing investment   indicating that projections point   the KZN Growth Coalition and   organisations, Government,    the world, via this new airport
        after-care and expansion, plus   to a potential investment value   several State-owned enterprises,   and academia.     marketing campaign.” 
        investment advocacy to improve   at R40 billion and the number   such as Dube TradePort,   Exciting new opportunities
        the business environment.     of permanent employment       Transnet, and others.         may be found within these     For more information, please contact:
                                      opportunities to be created as                                                            Physical Address: 41 Margaret Mncadi
         Commenting on Invest                                        Mayor Kaunda further         innovative business and       Avenue, 11th Floor, Durban, 4001
        Durban’s expanded investment   some 6 750.                  confirmed, “collectively,     investment approaches.        Tel: +27 (0)31 311 4227
        marketing initiative, most     “This is an ambitious plan,   we have one single-minded    Current industrial cluster    E-mail:
        recently at the main airports,   with development to date   mission, which is to put Durban,   programmes include the KZN   Website:
        eThekwini Municipality Mayor,   linking the city’s beach    KwaZulu-Natal firmly on the   Clothing and Textile Cluster,
        Cllr Mxolisi Kaunda, said, “As   promenade and Durban       national and international    Durban Automotive Cluster,
        one of the major metropolitan   harbour. The 55ha site, which   investment agendas, and to   Durban Chemical Cluster,
        cities in South Africa, we knew   has already attracted significant   vigorously promote our region   eThekwini Maritime Cluster,
        we had to react quickly, decisively,  investment, offers a property   and her projects as premium   KZN Furniture Incubator, plus
        and impactfully to support our   use mix of office space, retail   investment destinations: ripe   the expanding Agri-Business
        businesses, the economy, and our   shops, residential dwellings and   with opportunity,”    development programme.

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