Page 10 - KZN Business Sense 10.5 Lead story Raksha Laghari- eBook
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                                                               WOMEN 2024

                         SORISHA                                          AZANDE                                           BRENDA
                         NAIDOO                                           NDEBELE                                          NDLOVU

                         Owner,                                           Founder,                                         Founder,
                         Umhlanga Laser and Aesthetic Spa                 Shlobo Designs                                   Imbokodo Electrical Construction
           SORISHA’s business interests include a spa, a    AZANDE’s handcrafted beaded accessories and      BRENDA’s company’s services include electrification,
          frequency healing room as well as exports and imports.   genuine leather bags are designed to marry cultures   transmission, and building tunnels and pylons. The
          Her dedication to excellence is evident in her approach   together. She collaborates with the women in the   upliftment of people through electrification provides her
          to managing her businesses.                      community to provide a source of income.         with much fulfilment.

                         SASHA                                            MANDISA                                          VIROSHA
                         PATHER                                           PEPETA                                           PILLAY

                         Counsellor,                                      Founder,                                         Director,
                         Sasha Talia Counselling                          Qhakaza Africa Consulting                        Avvo Labels

           SASHA holds degrees in psychology, social work and   MANDISA’s company provides architectural services   VIROSHA’s family-owned company specialise in the
          theology which shape her holistic counselling approach to   and property development solutions. She is an advocate   manufacturing and printing of labels, shrink sleeves
          mental health, which addresses the mind, body, and spirit   for addressing injustices in the industry, representing   and base wraps. She has a forward-thinking approach,
          of her clients.                                  those without a seat at the table.               always with an eye on innovation and sustainability.

                         HANTIE                                           YUGASHANI                                        LYNETTE
                         PLOMP                                            PRAGASAN                                         PRETORIUS

                         Founder and Managing Director,                   Founder,                                         Owner,
                         Triplo4 Sustainable Solutions                    MiniMorphosis                                    Austral Accounting

           HANTIE’s journey centres on her commitment to    YUGASHANI started her childcare journey in 2001.   LYNETTE is a professional accountant with 30 years
          sustainable development and environmental stewardship   She is fully committed to building a culture of healthy   of experience. As a firm specialising in the small and
          which stem from a deep-rooted belief that sustainable   and positive-parenting relationships to help children   medium-sized enterprises, Lynette has dedicated her
          practices are a pathway to a resilient future.   achieve their full potential.                    career to helping these businesses thrive.

                         MADELEINE                                        RASHMEE                                          NADEERA
                         PRETORIUS                                        RAMDEEN                                          RAMHARAKH

                         Founder,                                         CEO,                                             Founder and Director,
                         Skills for Africa                                Zilon Bulk Bags                                  Pinetown Diff and Gearbox
           MADELEINE is driven to empower South Africans    RASHMEE is a shining example of entrepreneurial   NADEERA has embraced a hands-on approach to
          through accessible online training and leadership   success. Her company produces thousands of flexible   life, which is apparent in her five-star graded workshop,
          development, overcoming challenges to make education   intermediate bulk container bags monthly, used in   that remanufactures and repairs gearboxes and
          affordable and inspire lifelong learning for future leaders.  transport and storage for a range of industries.  differentials of most cars and bakkies.

                         CARMEN                                           ANA                                              DR NOKUTHULA
                         REDDY                                            ROBERTS                                          SHAH

                         Radio Host,                                      Franchise Owner,                                 Founder and Educator,
                         East Coast Radio                                 Just Property                                    Lacee’s Special School
           CARMEN co-hosts the Breakfast Show on ECR. She   ANA owns two real estate companies in Upper      DR SHAH has built a life rich with experience and
          is committed to using her voice to address significant   Highway and Umhlanga. She attributes her success to   deep roots in her culture. Her passion for education is
          societal issues, recognising the responsibility that comes   the values she has instilled in her business: integrity,   evident the school she runs, which caters for learners
          with her role in radio.                          innovation, and excellence.                      with special needs.

                         AMANDA                                          MONICA                                            KIM
                         SWANA                                           VAN DER BERG                                      WOODS

                         Managing Director and Founder,                  Founder,                                          Branch Co-owner,
                         Powerpoint Life Styless                         Mons Accounting and Business Consulting           Tyson Properties

           AMANDA runs a human resource consulting          MONICA has a passion for accounting, income tax and   KIM brings nearly three decades of experience in the
          agency in Umhlanga. In all aspects of her life, she is   business consulting. Her approach to client relationships   real estate industry.  Her dedication to the industry has
          focused on becoming the best version of herself and is   is deeply personal as she always strives to go the extra   been unwavering, and she considers herself blessed to
          committed to serving others.                     mile for them.                                   work alongside her two children.

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