Page 12 - KZN Business Sense 7.3 Hameed Noormahomed-EBOOK
P. 12


           f we are what we eat, that’s even   vegetables such as apples,   When you drink and eat
           more true for the health of our   carrots and celery are especially   starchy or sugary foods you
        Iteeth and gums. Healthy eating   beneficial. Chewing helps to clean   are also feeding the bacteria
        patterns and food choices can help   teeth by removing leftover food   that can cause tooth decay and
        prevent tooth decay.          particles, washing away sugars,   gum disease in your mouth.
          “We advise our patients that their   and rubbing off plaque.  Even sugar-free biscuits and
        dental health impacts their overall   Eating food items which   potato chips contain refined
        well-being, and that diet can affect   stimulate the production of saliva   carbohydrates, which break down
        dental health,” says Dr Fareed   also helps you keep your teeth   into sugars that can get stuck
        Amod of Crown Dental Studio.  clean and neutralise the acids in   between your teeth, creating a
          Plaque is the thin, invisible   the mouth. Chewy food, such as   source for bacteria.
        film of sticky bacteria and other   nuts, and leafy greens (e.g., kale,   Hard sweets not only leave
        materials covering the surfaces   lettuce and spinach) which are   sugar in your mouth if you suck
        of your teeth. When the sugars   high in calcium, folic acid and   them and which is easily trapped
        or starches in your mouth come   vitamin Bs aid in saliva production   between the fine grooves in teeth,
        in contact with plaque, acids   and help strengthen your teeth.   but also pose a risk of chipping   Dr Fareed Amod of Crown Dental Studio
        form. These acids can break down   The calcium and phosphates   a tooth if you take a bite. If you   Green and black teas contain   rinse, or a fluoride gel for
        the hard enamel on the surface   in dairy products help replace   eat sweets, rather choose those   polyphenols that either kill or   brushing your teeth if required.
        of teeth which results in tooth   minerals your teeth might have   that can be eaten quickly.  Some   limit the production of bacteria.
        decay. The bacteria in plaque can   lost and help rebuild tooth   studies have shown chocolate is   However, coffee and tea can   “A regular dental appointment
        cause an inflammatory response,   enamel. In addition, calcium in   better than other sugary treats.   stain teeth enamel, and if you   for an oral evaluation is essential.
        resulting in the breakdown of the   all food types is good for bones,   As your mouth makes more   drink them with added sugar,   This allows any potential
        gums, bone, and other supporting   including your jaw, which is   saliva during meals, eating sugary                    problems to be identified as early
        structures of your teeth.     an essential part of your dental   foods with meals is preferable.   you are increasing the damage   as possible. Dentists ensure that
                                      health. Protein is also important                           to your teeth.                your mouth, teeth and gums
        Choose healthy food           for strong teeth and is found in   This helps to reduce the effect   Fizzy drinks such as coke and   are healthy, and will check for
          In order to counter the build   lean meat, fish, eggs, and dairy, as   of acid production and to rinse   sprite, contain a lot of sugar as   abnormalities, which also could
                                                                    pieces of food from the mouth.
        up of plaque, eating firm, coarse,   well as in vegetables such as beans                  well as phosphoric and citric   be a sign of larger health issues,”
        watery, and fibrous fruits and   and lentils.                Limiting in-between meal     acids that wear away tooth    concluded Dr Amod.
                                                                    snacks is an important part of   enamel. Many fruit juices and
                                                                    dental health. Chewing sugarless   energy drinks are also high in   Crown Dental Studio is one
                                                                    gum after snacks or meals will   sugar and acid.            of the few truly 24-hour dental
                                                                    also increase saliva flow and wash                          practises in Durban as this is not
                                                                    out food and acid.             Alcohol such as wine and     limited to emergency dentistry
                                                                                                  beer are high in sugar, are often   treatment. 
                                                                    Drink water                   acidic, and can lead to a dry
                                                                     Water remains one of the     mouth, which means a less clean   T: +27(0) 81 207 8621
                                                                    healthiest drinks for your teeth,   mouth and potential tooth decay   E:
                                                                    particularly if it contains fluoride.   over time. Drink plenty of water
                                                                    Fluoride strengthens tooth    if you are drinking alcohol and
                                                                    enamel which can help prevent   limit your consumption.
                                                                    tooth decay. If you choose bottled   Many medicines can also cause
                                                                    water, check the label for the   a dry mouth. Consult with your
                                                                    fluoride content.             dentist about using a fluoride


        Rajan Naidoo, Managing Director of   1. Commitment from the top  that you can upskill your future   company is to empower and   who have a job to do. It’s about
        EduPower Skills Academy        PWDs and their inclusion in   PWDs at zero cost.           encourage all your people to   ability, not disability.
                                      the workplace are now part of                               champion the change. The       Including PWDs and
              ccording to Rajan Naidoo,   the business agenda. Disability   3. Think flexibly about individual   more awareness and teamwork   accommodating their disability-
              managing director of    inclusion however needs top-level   needs                   there is in supporting policy,   related needs are important
        AEduPower Skills Academy,     backing to become a company    You will need to prepare the   the better the morale, wellbeing
        the topic of disability is still   norm. Prove you’re committed to   work environment by making   and productivity of all your   moves for companies in terms
        fraught with stigma and shame,   disability inclusion by making it   reasonable adjustments to   employees. Your people may be   of talent resourcing and
        particularly in the workplace.   a company policy. This can be a   accommodate your PWDs needs.   apprehensive about someone in   compliance with legislation.
        He believes that companies have   specific policy or the inclusion of   These could include modifying   a wheelchair or who’s partially   Inclusion however is everyone’s
        to change this mindset, and this   disability as part of more general   floorplans and equipment or the   sighted in the office simply   responsibility and with
        starts with creating a culture that   policies on anti-discrimination,   content of the job itself. You may   because of the stigma this carries   your team’s commitment to
        embraces diversity and promotes   diversity or human rights.  also need to adjust working hours,   in society. But guaranteed,   eliminating the misconceptions
        disability inclusion.                                       work organisation and the work   when they start working worked   and biases that hold PWDs back,
          “Disability inclusion is about   2. Skills Development    environment.                  together, the disability won’t   everything is possible. 
        far more than hiring people    By recruiting PWDs, you will   4. Remove recruitment barriers  be an issue. It’s about simply
        with disabilities. An inclusive   not gain real skills, you will be   Analyse every step of your   accepting each other as people   W:
        workplace values all employees   able to support national policy and   recruitment process to make
        for their strengths and abilities. It   legislation such as employment   sure there are no barriers for
        offers employees with disabilities   equity and B-BBEE targets. In   PWDs. Adverts for jobs and
        an equal opportunity to succeed,   the skills development space,   learnerships should make it clear
        to learn, to be compensated fairly   you can use learnerships to train   that you’ll provide reasonable
        and to advance. True inclusion   PWDs in the skills required by   accommodation for interviews
        is about embracing difference,”   the business, preparing them   and the job itself if needed.
        Rajan explains.               for the world of work while also   When it comes to the interview
          But how do companies achieve   using the 12-month learnership   process, remember that your
        this? As more than 80% of its   as a screening process. You can   PWD candidates bring creativity,
        learners are People with Disabilities   claim back the majority of the   innovation, problem solving and
        (PWD), EduPower is a leader   spend through the higher tax   commitment.
        and enabler of skills development   rebates for PWD learnerships and
        for PWDs.  Based on actual    provided you are paying your skills  5. Make your people ‘champions
        experiences, Rajan shares five   development levy; you can claim   of change’
        actions that companies can apply to  the mandatory grant too. In many   The most effective way to
        create a truly inclusive workforce:  cases, the rebates available mean   promote inclusivity in your

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