Page 16 - KZN Business Sense 7.3 Hameed Noormahomed-EBOOK
P. 16


                     David White, CEO,   Africa, in an attempt to facilitate     bookkeeping services to United   these circumstances we assist    The SACC has close ties with
                       DRG Outsourcing  the development of business     Kingdom companies         these business leaders with   the British Chamber, and the
                                      opportunities.                ■   An organisation teaching    sustainability discussions,   two organisations are able to
                           outh        DRG and BusinessFit joined     painting skills in rural areas in    ensuring that matters such as cold   work together to support trade
                           Africa     the SACC in 2017 as Platinum     South Africa to various outlets    chain management, timeliness   between South Africa and the
                       Sand the       members.  This created the      in the United Kingdom to sell    in shipping goods from South   United Kingdom.  Members of
                       United Kingdom                                 their completed painted items    Africa, governance, reporting and   the SACC therefore have a huge
                      enjoy a unique   opportunity for David and his     that have been converted into    standards, payment term norms,   advantage in being able to access
                     and effective    colleagues to meet and interact     bags, table runners, cushion    etc., are well considered and   information, tap into existing
                     trade relationship   directly with SACC Exco and     covers, etc.            included into business models    networks, receive support and
                       that has been   board members, to be involved in   ■   A South African chocolate    and cash flow projections.    encouragement, and gain insights
                        developed     SACC functions, and to sponsor     manufacturer seeking new                              into possible new opportunities.
                        over many     events such as the SACC Best     markets in the United Kingdom   The South Africa Chapter Leader   Deciding if your business is going
                        hundreds of   Entrepreneur Award.  In David’s   ■   A successful South African    function includes providing trade   to be successful and sustainable in
                        years.  The   words, “As Platinum members we     farming company using rural    support for companies moving   trading internationally starts with
                        relationship is   were given red carpet treatment,     farmers to grow crops    (or considering moving) from the   discovering your organisation’s
                        advantageous   and were introduced personally to     appropriate for United Kingdom    United Kingdom to South Africa.    specific target market and
                        to both       the likes of Nomatemba Tambo,     markets                   Setting up business operations in   working through the value chain
        countries, and especially now in   Lord Peter Hain, Dennis Zietsman,   ■   A South African scientist    a new country is as everyone can   to ensure there is advantage
        the post Brexit circumstances.  and to share our passions and     who created a portable pyrolysis    imagine, enormously complex, and   to potential customers and
                                      collaborations with CEO Sharon                              requires suitable support partners   consumers.  This is the work of
          South Africans may consider   Constancon.  Mike Miller, the      machine that converts plastic    in banking, human resources,   the SACC and their networks.
        the Rand-Pound exchange rate   past founder and CEO of the     into biofuel, and many more    legal, accounting, B-BBEE, market
        advantageous for trade, and it   SACC, literally took us under     interesting initiatives.  intelligence, mobility and other.     To support the achievement of
        is, but there is so much more to   his wing and showed us what is   The aim is always to keep the   These South African support   these goals, the SACC has chapter
        ensure successful international   possible in creating opportunities   process as simple as possible,   partners are affiliated to the   leaders in many specific locations,
        trade than relying merely on the   for South African business leaders   helping entrepreneurs and   SACC and provide confidence to   each chamber leader defining their
        favourable exchange rate.     to learn about, understand,   pioneering business leaders   international companies enquiring   portfolio around specific local
          Rightly noted, if South Africa   interact with, and successfully   to better understand local   and engaging assistance to   member needs, but all are focused
                                                                                                                               on encouraging effective trade
        did not have a favourable foreign   trade with organisations in the   market conditions in the United   ensure their in-country operation   into and out of South Africa and
        exchange rate there would be little   United Kingdom.       Kingdom, and being introduced   is compliant and following   the United Kingdom. The chapter
        hope of South Africa having any   David as CEO of DRG and   into networks and to industry   governance and best practice   leaders include: John Mulder –
        trade advantage at all. However,   chairman of BusinessFit has led   specialists.         expectation within South Africa.    Emerald Isle; Natalie Finlayson
        this is not enough on its own,   the relationship development and   One of the first questions we   The SACC is largely made up of   and Maree Wilms – Professional
        and hence the recognition and   trade conduit initiative from South   ask business leaders, says David,   South African people, who are well  Women; Tania Verdonk – East of
        use of networks and experienced   Africa, and in recent months has   is, “Have you been successfully   known for not only their ability   England; Ferial Puren – Scotland;
        business professionals being   taken on the role of South African   trading in South Africa, as if you   to ‘make things happen’, but also   June Whiteman – Isle of Man; and
        essential in setting up and   Chapter Leader for the SACC.    have not yet been successful in   for their supporting, kind, and   David White – South Africa. 
        securing profitable and sustainable   This role is exclusively focused   South Africa, then what makes   engaging manner.  The SACC
        international trade routes.    on supporting trade facilitation   you consider that your products   takes an interest in everyone, and   For anyone wishing to know more
          David White and his teams at   between South Africa and the   will sell successfully in the United   according to the membership   about how the SACC can support their
                                                                                                                               desire to help their business thrive in
        DRG and BusinessFit have since   United Kingdom, and vice versa.    Kingdom.”  A second question…   category the organisation has   an international market, specifically the
        2017 been travelling back and forth   David says this role is critical   “Are you aware of the sophisticated   chosen, so too is effort and support   United Kingdom, we look forward to
        to the United Kingdom to identify   in bridging the gap in ensuring   United Kingdom market, and have   shared.  As an example, an SME   speaking and sharing our passion with
        these essential networks, and to   successful trade for new market   you considered the reasons your   member will receive newsletter   You will do well to visit our organisation
        meet and establish relationships   entrants between South Africa and   products will be able to compete   and website exposure, invention   website
        with other business professionals   the United Kingdom.     within the global economy.”  The   opportunities, introductions,   contacting David White, or any of the
        to help open the doors to ‘simple   David says that setting up a   process encourages entrepreneurs   and an ability to contribute   specific area SACC chapter leaders.
        trade’ between South Africa and   simple trade conduit has been   and business leaders to recognise   to the community awards
        the United Kingdom.           his primary focus since 2017. The   that the United Kingdom has trade   evening.  A Platinum member
                                                                    partners from across the world,
          The focus of these trips has been   help and guidance from members   and that as the United Kingdom   will receive these same benefits
                                                                                                  plus specifically tailored projects
        centred around the South African   of the SACC Exco and a business   is a large consumer of goods and   designed to meet member’s needs,
        Chamber of Commerce in London   assessment process, developed by   services, only best quality and   engagements and introductions,
        (SACC).  The SACC is an umbrella   himself and Mike Miller, has aided   well-priced products and services   round table meetings, webinars   SCAN
        organisation and conduit for trade,   the process incredibly well.  will be attractive to consumers,   specific to the company’s service/
        community, and investment into   Successes to date have included   industry, and government.      product, seminars, speaking   QR CODE
        and out of South Africa.  The   introducing:                                              at events, tailored face to face   TO SEE
        SACC aims to bring under one                                 In discussions with South African                            VIDEO
        concerted effort, a forum and   ■   A South African accounting    entrepreneurs and business leaders,  functions, and more.  There are
                                                                                                  individual membership categories,
        meeting point for businesses     firm to a United Kingdom    we often find that there is a limited
        who have an interest in both     organisation to learn about    awareness of international business  as well as the Silver, Gold and   (Open the camera on your phone and
                                                                                                  Strategic categories.
        the United Kingdom and South     providing back-end         practices and expectations.  In                             hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
                                                                                                                                QR Code to see the video.)

         Left to Right: Bruce Lennon, Jess Lennon, Deborah Lennon, Charles Henzi, Emilios Eracleous, Grant Adlam, Akhona Mahlati and David White (2019)

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