Page 10 - KZN Business Sense 10.1 Page One Shaaz Moosa - CEO Supahot- Ebook
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           n the bustling corridors of                                                                                          fraternity is about more than
           UKZN, one medical student                                                                                            just treating symptoms, it’s a
        Istands out not just for her                                                                                            calling. I believe in looking at
        academic excellence, but for her                                                                                        patients at a psychosocial level
        incredible resilience in the face                                                                                       and addressing the underlying
        of adversity. Ms Nokubonga                                                                                              issues and making a positive
        Sabela is a young woman with                                                                                            impact on their well-being,’
        oculocutaneous albinism (visual                                                                                         she said.
        impairment) with nystagmus. She                                                                                          Sabela always knew she wanted
        has defied the odds to excel in her                                                                                     to be a doctor. Her brother is a
        medical studies with the help of a                                                                                      practicing nurse while her older
        ground-breaking assistive device,                                                                                       sister is retired from nursing. She
        the Prodigi Connect.                                                                                                    will become the first doctor in

          The device was donated by the                                                                                         her family, when she graduates
        UKZN Foundation through the                                                                                             next year.
        University’s Disability Support                                                                                          To inspire greatness, Sabela
        Unit (DSU). The device is a                                                                                             reaches out mainly through social
        combination of a tablet with                                                                                            media and has conversations
        specialised software and a stand                                                                                        with patients, including teenage
        that enables her to magnify and   Medical student, Ms Nokubonga Sabela, uses the Prodigi Connect device                 mothers, to motivate them and
        read textbooks and notes with                                                                                           break the perception that medicine
        ease. It has also significantly   take notes during high school.   along with other adapted tools,   time in paediatrics at the Queen   is only for certain people.
        reduced the strain on her     She didn’t have the means to   helped her bridge the gap in   Nandi Hospital in Empangeni.   Despite her success, she
        eyes, often caused by reading   get a proper diagnosis. Her   her academic performance. The   One moment which impacted
        textbooks with shiny pages for   family’s financial constraints   device not only opened a world   her deeply was when she   struggles with imposter
                                                                                                                                syndrome and often feels like
        extended periods of time.     also meant she received glasses   of possibilities for Sabela, but   encountered a young woman
                                      at a later age, exacerbating her   also instilled in her a sense of   who brought in her child in need   she’s not doing enough. However,
          The device’s camera feature,   visual impairment.         worth and confidence. With    of resuscitation.             she recognises that medicine is
        when connected, allows                                      the assistance of the UKZN                                  a continuous learning process,
        Sabela to zoom in on what       Despite being an exceptional   Foundation and the DSU, her   Working with a dedicated   and her confidence grows with
        is projected in lecture halls,   student at Velangaye High School   grades improved significantly,   medical team to resuscitate the   each practical experience and
        ensuring she doesn’t miss any   in Nkandla, and early acceptance   and she is now excelling as a   baby, and seeing the trust the   knowledge gained. She aspires
        crucial information during    into UKZN to study medicine,   final-year medical student.  mother placed in them, left a   to become a doctor who can
        presentations. With the Prodigi   she found herself academically                          profound mark on Sabela. She   have a positive impact on
        Connect, she navigated her    excluded in her second year    Sabela loves practicing      realised that medicine goes beyond   patients’ lives. 
        academic challenges with      because of poor performance.   medicine and interacting with   simply treating symptoms.
        confidence, making her an     This was due to her visual    patients at an interpersonal   ‘Witnessing the impact of    T: +27 (0)31 260 2389
        exceptional and top-performing   impairment with which she   psychosocial level. She is   medicine on people’s lives,   E:
        medical student.              struggled silently.           currently rotating in psychiatry   especially when they place their   W:
                                                                    at the King Edward Hospital.
                                        Passionate about medicine,                                hope entirely on healthcare
          Sabela, who comes from rural                              She finds mental health to be
        Eshowe, would often sit closer   she persevered and returned to   complex, but has had memorable   professionals, made me realise
                                      UKZN. The Prodigi Connect,
        to the chalkboard to see and                                moments, especially during her   that being in the medical


              he KwaZulu-Natal Top    small businesses, as well as the   More information on this annual   As KwaZulu-Natal is full of   This initiative will take the
              Business team is proudly   government sectors in South   prestigious event and the awards   leaders who require recognition   form of recorded zoom interview,
        Tlocal and has successfully   Africa.                       entry categories and criteria will   for what they have and will   a photographic session and
        promoted business in KwaZulu-  KZN Top Business has several   be made available shortly with   achieve. In celebration of our   culminate in a hardcover coffee
        Natal for the past 25 years. A   initiatives underway in 2024.   entries opening in March. Each   anniversary, the company   table book, an ebook, as well as
        milestone that founder and CEO                              year winning an award is much   will be producing a KZN Top   online profiles. 
        Grant Adlam is delighted to be   KZN Top Business Portfolio  coveted and celebrated.      Business Leaders’ Portfolio. “We
        celebrating.                                                                              will strive to recognise some of   For more information on participation
                                       The KwaZulu-Natal Top Business  KZN Top Business Women     these outstanding individuals   in these initiatives, please contact Grant
          When KZN Top Business opened   Portfolio’s ongoing success has                          in the province. We also want   Adlam
        its doors, the company was more   been achieved through the use of   KZN Top Business Women   to know their vision for the   C: +27 (0)83 262 9529
        reliant on the printed word, the   a number of methods including a   draws together women in the   future of their business in KZN,”   E:
        electronic copy was on a CD-Rom   comprehensive and well ranked   province who are recognised   explained Adlam.        W:
        and their digital footprint was   multimedia website which is   for making contributions to
        dependent on a static website. KZN   well optimised on a variety of   business, the local economy
        Top Business has now established   search engines, an A5 hard copy   and their communities. This
        itself as a leading communications   handbook as well as a digital   initiative  will be launched in
        and content management company   version, social media tools and a   August 2024.
        with full pressroom services. Its   growing series of videos.  KZN Top Business  Leaders’
        innovative approach to staying                              Portfolio
        abreast of media trends ensures   The portfolio assists in
        that a variety of formats are now   driving the visibility of brands,   “Over the years, we’ve
        used including: print, digital, the   including growing relationships   worked with so many amazing
        web, video, email, a variety of social   and improving client retention   companies, and with some
        media platforms as well as is event   through targeted content   fantastic clients who’ve become
        oriented. KZN Top Business’s   marketing campaigns.         friends,” said Adlam. “During
        value-added campaigns ensure that   Standard Bank KZN Top   this time companies have also
        ongoing marketing is undertaken   Business Awards           come and gone. However, there
        for maximum exposure.                                       are some that have much impact
                                       The Standard Bank KZN Top    and leave legacies. Without any
          Their clients include the   Business Awards gala dinner   doubt, leadership is the secret to
        civil sector, corporate and   will be held on the 6 June 2024.   their success.”

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