Page 7 - KZN Business Sense 10.1 Page One Shaaz Moosa - CEO Supahot- Ebook
P. 7


           nvest Durban is thrilled to                                                                                          ■   Support the reduction of
           announce their participation                                                                                           greenhouse gases (ghg) through
        Ias one of the 14 signatories                                                                                             more efficient energy
        at the World Economic Forum                                                                                               technologies
        FDI Coalition, representing a                                                                                           ■   Are designed to improve the
        collective of over 300 million                                                                                            resilience of infrastructure
        citizens. Together, they’re                                                                                               to adapt to the effects of climate
        championing the establishment of                                                                                          change.
        a Climate FDI Coalition, a crucial
        initiative endorsed by leaders                                                                                           Signatories are also encouraged
        from 14 investment agencies and                                                                                         to exchange notes with each other
        organisations.                                                                                                          on how best to track and monitor
                                                                                                                                climate FDI, since doing so can
          ‘Climate FDI’ refers to foreign                                                                                       help countries align their incentives
        direct investment (FDI) that                                                                                            and flanking strategies to make the
        contributes to countries’ climate-                                                                                      most of new investments.
        aligned growth objectives.
                                                                                                                                 Russell Curtis, CE of Invest
          The world needs to grow                                                                                               Durban concludes, “Durban has
        climate smart FDI. The                                                                                                  a number of multi billion rand,
        Intergovernmental Panel on                                                                                              carbon reducing, carbon smart
        Climate Change’s (IPCC)                                                                                                 FDI projects in hand already. We
        Synthesis Report on climate                                                                                             look forward to this expanded
        change from March 20233                                                                                                 partnership with the WEF, plus
        shows that humanity is still not   challenges, and investment   Further to this goal, public-  up approach to FDI facilitation,   local business leadership, to get
        on track to limit temperature   authorities are poised to play a   private collaboration will be an   will enhance the effectiveness
        increase to 1.5˚C above pre-  pivotal role in bridging this gap.  integral part of this process.    of these efforts.   these projects over the line.” 
        industrial levels.                                          Drawing on the expertise of the
                                       Through the Coalition, Invest                               According to the World
          This groundbreaking proposal,   Durban aims to share best   private sector will enable Invest   Economic Forum’s recently   W:
        unveiled at the #WEF24 Annual   practices, offer mutual support, and   Durban to improve regulatory   published Guidebook on
                                                                    and policy frameworks and
        Meeting, seeks to address the   foster collaboration at a regional                        Facilitating Climate FDI the
        climate finance gap by fostering   level. Together with investors,   deliver more attractive, viable   investment projects required are
        collaboration among investment   they can explore and facilitate   and inclusive climate FDI   those that are:
                                                                    projects. Beyond that, buy-in
        promotion agencies. Capital   green investment opportunities,                             ■   Zero or low carbon in nature
        availability is paramount in   contributing  to climate-aligned   from key public and private   ■   Aim to reduce the carbon
        tackling current environmental   growth and development.    actors, and adopting a joined     footprint of a firm

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