Page 21 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 21

Managing Partner Regional Audit at KPMG              From financial services, he also obtained experience
                                                              in pharmaceuticals, oil and gas as well as retail and
                 AROUK EBRAHIM’s successful professional      consumer products for a range of major clients.
                 career has been based on placing emphasis on
                 personal growth and taking advantage of the   “From a career perspective, EY was a good experience
         F opportunities that have presented themselves       for me and I was happy working there. However, my wife
          along his journey.  He says that life gives you     and children really wanted to go back to Durban. If your
          challenges to which you have to find solutions. “Not   family is not happy, you can’t be happy,” said Ebrahim.
          sure how it happens but I have found that I constantly   He consequently approached KPMG with the intention
          reinvent myself and evolve to meet the present      of relocating to Durban. “I really liked the culture and
          circumstances. I have the strength to take on something  believed I would fit nicely into the KPMG world.” He
          new and make it work.”                              joined KPMG in 2007.
           Ebrahim says that he draws inspiration from his family   At KPMG in KZN, Ebrahim headed the Management
          whose happiness is crucial to him. He grew up in Stanger,   Consulting division from September 2007 to March 2017.
          KwaZulu-Natal, which, at the time, only boasted of one   The Management Consulting division has assisted and led
          chartered accountant.                               to the growth of many clients in the province. Ebrahim
                                                              also noted the team was less than 10 in 2007, and few
           His started his articles in 1995 with Desai Jadwat   years later over 30. “What was interesting about this was
          Incorporated.  After completing his articles, he applied   when you add the staff of the three main competitors it
          for a job at Albaraka Bank, where he became principle   was less than 30, so KPMG Management Consulting was
          officer in the internal audit department. This position   the biggest and probably the best in KZN.”
          was followed by a short period of time as an internal
          auditor at Hosken Consolidated Investment Limited.   His career was to take another turn when the audit
                                                              division asked him to do a strategy session for them. “My
           One particular day when he was reading the         passion has always been in audit and, as such, I asked
          newspaper, he came across an advertisement for      if I could go back to work there. From June 2016, I was
          a position to work in London. He got the job and    allocated 25 percent of my time in Audit. The move into
          relocated in August 2001 with the “intention of staying   Audit was not easy as legislation had changed I had to go
          there forever”. For him and his wife, as well as their   update myself on the many new requirements.”
          extended families who encouraged their relocation,
          this international opportunity was sensational.      On 1st of November 2016, Ebrahim was appointed
                                                              Managing Partner Regional Audit while still maintaining the
           There, among other service delivery responsibilities,   Head of Management Consulting. However by the 1st of
          Ebrahim was responsible for auditing some of the most   March 2017, Ebrahim was able to hand over the Management
          established banks and financial institutions worldwide. The   Consulting responsibilities and focus only on Audit.
          company he worked for in London was Ernst & Young (EY).
                                                               Ebrahim’s professional journey has afforded him the
           Working in London was great, however, the family   opportunity to see himself as someone who is replaceable,
          really missed South Africa. The distance was made   which is essential for sustainability and has also allowed
          more poignant after his father passed away and the   him to change focus with ease.
          family decided to return to Durban. But due to a last
          minute change in a job offer, Ebrahim found himself   “Everything that I know I make sure that my team knows
          working for EY in Johannesburg, while his wife and   and it is documented.  I am a visionary leader and I like
          children lived in Durban. This situation, he said,    to show the people that I work with the end game I have
          was a challenging period in his life as he missed his   in mind. I enjoy developing people’s growth through
          family and often drove through the night to spend    mentoring and make time for this process on a daily
                                                              basis. I start my day early to get administrative work out
          time with them.
                                                              of the way. Although I can be a democratic leader, I am
           Consequently, his wife and children moved to       flexible and respond to what a situation demands. I try
          Johannesburg with the understanding that they would,   to cover all my bases depending on the time, place and
          at some point, return to Durban.                    circumstance. At times I have had to be assertive, while in
                                                              other situations collaborative and inclusive.”
           While at EY, Ebrahim was given the audit responsibility
          for one of the firm’s biggest clients, Investec. “I was able   In reflecting on his career, Ebrahim concluded,
          to draw from my London experience and also applied   “I don’t have a fear of doing things and feel that I have
          project management as one of my key strengths.”  His   not stopped growing and I always look for growth
          ability to drive the auditing process and successfully   opportunities. I have learnt that you have to push
          manage other senior managers and partners saw him   yourself. My goal now is to ensure that the KPMG Audit
          making Partner in 2006.                             Division is the best in KZN.”

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