Page 25 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 25

Managing Director of Imperial Armour                that you will provide good service, excellent quality
                                                              and deliver on time.”
                 OUISA GARLAND-ELS, when designing new
                 products, has often had need to say to her     In addition, Garland-Els attributes her ability to deliver
                 staff, “Don’t ever say we can’t, say we will.”   word class products to her staff. She said that she
         LThis philosophy has served her well. Since its      encourages her employees ‘who are mainly women ‘
          inception in October 2000, Imperial Armour has forged   to be accountable for their production tasks. However,
          its way to become a world leader in the manufacturing   she explains her leadership style as being hands on as
          of personal protection equipment and has grown at a   she enjoys working alongside her employees. She said,
          phenomenal rate. This success has also seen Garland-  “I recognise my employees achievements and I like to
          Els win a large number of industry awards.          keep them happy. That means we also have fun at work,
                                                              even going so far as to try on the safety gear to check its
           Garland-Els said that the achievements of Imperial   fit and design. You have to have laughter and build team
          Armour may be attributed to her passion for her     camaraderie to prosper. We enjoy good positive energy.
          company’s products and her positive outlook. She    At present we have an order for a pink bullet proof vest!
          added that after 18 years in business her belief in   Proving that nothing in impossible for our team.”
          what she is doing has got stronger. Garland-Els said,
          “To stay in business you have to be innovative. As the   The staff are also encouraged to work to their
          years have progressed I have realised the importance   strengths and “do things the things they love to do.”
          of not doing the same old thing. You need to think out   Garland-Els said, “I enjoy providing opportunities for
          of the box.”                                        the upliftment of my staff through skills training. People
                                                              also feel valued when they are advancing within a
           This approach has also prompted the recent launch of
          Imperial Armour’s sister company ‘ Imperial Uniforms   company, which is something I feel is important to
          that will manufacture uniforms for security companies.   promote an empowered workforce.”
          Garland-Els said, “The initiative will open more doors   Garland-Els said that the current economy has had
          for us as we will be able to provide a complete service   a negative impact on sales. She added that with the
          to our clients.”                                    economic instability it is difficult to plan ahead. Costs
           Another business venture, which has boosted the    change monthly, which is a big hurdle when ordering
          confidence in herself and her company, has been the   components as well as providing quotes to customers.
          opening of a showroom in Dubai. Garland-Els said that   In this regard Garland-Els would like to see more
          when the showroom opened she remarked, “Wow this    manufacturing taking place within the South Africa
          is really great.” She added, ‘It showed that we were   as she is aware of many opportunities for specialised
          serious about expanding the international side of the   products to be produced. She commented that more
          operation and gave the company a strong presence.   manufacturing concerns would also play a huge role in
          The showroom has been an important turning point    making a prouder South Africa, which would counter
          for Imperial Armour.                                many of the social problems we experience.
           Growing the company has also meant changing          In her free time Garland-Els is a typical mom who
          her approach to marketing. Garland-Els has put      enjoys spending time with her two daughters. She has
          herself into the market place and spent more time   a passion for interior decorating and loves spending
          with her clients. She said, “It is important to build   time browsing in shops for special décor items.
          relationships so that your clients trust you and know   Another favourite pastime is flying in light aircrafts.

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