Page 27 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 27

Managing Director of LA Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd  technical nature, bringing the business that male dominant
                                                              touch, whilst I provide feminism and an open door
                  ino Govender says that survival is the key to all   policy. Being a female in a male dominated environment
                  aspects of her life. “Nothing has come easy, hard   has proven to be challenging; I have often have to
                  work and dedication has been the strong driving   work doubly hard as my male counterparts to ensure
         Vforce behind my success.”                           deliverance at all times.”
           Over the years, Govender has been faced with many    Govender is a consummate professional, and is a
          hardships. She was diagnosed with meningitis that resulted  passionate, results oriented leader with excellent business
          in a coma and was on life support, when her son was   acumen. She has a great ability to support, inspire and teach
          five years old. Two months after her recovery, she lost   her team. Her approachable demeanour demonstrates great
          her husband through suicide. Thereafter, she was faced   leadership as she always make time to provide direction and
          with the unexpected situation of being retrenched, leaving   find solutions. “I always remain focussed, and also ensure
          her with no money and highly depressed. Her son was   that my team remains focussed on outcomes and ensuring
          held up at gun point and shot at within close range when   work ethics at all times. However, I am flexible, and I am
          he was 16 years old.  And later, he was involved in a   able to change my sails when the wind does not support the
          traumatic car accident, leaving him in a coma and his best   direction we are moving in.”
          friend dead.
                                                                She says, “For us, staff are not merely numbers, they
           Govender says that the combination of hardships    are individuals with their own dynamics and flair and we
          experienced would result in many individuals, especially   treat each staff member with the respect and dignity they
          women, not want to face the world anymore. “Even though   deserve.” We encourage all of our staff to reach their full
          I was faced with many traumatic experiences that had   developmental potential through the implementation of
          gotten me to the darkest phases of my life, I still managed   long term development plans, which are updated annually.
          to build up on my strength and willpower to get out of the   Govender says that LA Engineering is  passionate about
          darkness, for the sake of my son, and also achieve much   its company social commitment initiatives (CSI), and have
          more in my life.”
                                                              incorporated environmental management and awareness
           “I have tried to set an example out there, to let others   into their Business Management System and product
          know that nothing is impossible, as today I can say that I   realisation. However, she says, the company is far more
          am the managing director of LA Consulting Engineers (Pty)   passionate about the organic growth of its staff and the
          Ltd, which was achieved through dedication, perseverance,   impact that LA Engineering has on them and their families.
          and hard work.” Govender was initially employed as an   They are firm believers in generational growth as a true
          administrator at LA Consulting Engineers and ranked up   form of sustainability. The management team are committed
          the ladder as an associate, then financial director and   to organic succession planning to ensure the long term
          eventually now managing director. After completing matric,   sustainability of LA Engineering.
          Govender was employed at a bank and studied accounting.   “The world has become a place of turmoil and moral
          She moved on to do her articles, specialising in internal   degeneration. We firmly believe that we can positively
          auditing and financial management.
                                                              impact on the world not only by the work that we do in
           She commented that she has never allowed herself to sink  the communities that we serve as engineers, but also by
          in times where she felt that she was not capable. “I aligned   positively impacting on the families and extended families
          myself with positive thinking individuals and like-minded   of our own staff through the concept of generational
          individuals to uplift me. I swallowed pride and ego, and   building.  We have also incorporated this concept into our
          focused on goals. I accepted my mistakes and worked   CSI initiatives.”
          on corrections. I used my weaknesses to enhance my    Being devoted to charity work has helped Govender
          strengths. I never backed off from a challenge. I accepted   balance her family/social and work life. She  spends her
          that despite my limitations, I had time to grasp the moment   spare time with her son, spreading love at old age homes
          and put my best foot forward.”
                                                              and orphanages, visiting the sick, encouraging troubled
           A challenge that she has faced determinedly has    teens, and giving food to the poor.  She added, “There is
          been being surrounded by an all male partnership and   no doubt that the training and coaching that I deliver also
          shareholders that were senior to her. “I knew at that point   positively impacts the lives of many and I know I have
          where I really wanted to be, in an industry where women,   already made a difference, especially to young women.
          particularly Indian women, knew very little about. I crossed   Therefore, I plan to continue being part of these projects
          many hurdles with dedication and passion for my dream,   as I have excellent people skills and I don’t shy away from
          making me a successful businesswoman today.” Her hard   difficult conversations constructively held.”
          work has resulted in Govender being acknowledged as one   “My son is the light of my life, has been my deepest
          of Africa’s 25 women in leadership in Africa.
                                                              inspiration, spurring me to succeed, and reach greater
           Govender says that she is now flanked by two dynamic   heights. Being able to juggle the life of mother, wife and
          partners, Alan Wright and Gordon Hutton, who provide   career women has always been something that women face
          balance to the company. “They have strengths of a   daily and I am no different.”

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