Page 31 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
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Managing Partner at Cox Yeats that he handled for Richards Bay Minerals and Tongaat
Hulett on land, the environment and minerals. It was
ICHAEL JACKSON’s strong adherence through this exposure that he then specialised in
to the core values of integrity and client natural resource law, which was something that he had
service, as well as a good sense of not considered at university, where he had focused on
M humour, have served him well in his tax, finance and corporate law.
professional career. He was appointed in managing
partner of Durban law firm Cox Yeats in 2011. “This was also an interesting time. Richards Bay
Minerals was at the forefront of development in
During the late 70s and early 80s, Jackson studied environmental law with its proposed mining at St Lucia
for a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) and a Bachelor of and natural resource law became prominent with post
Law (LLB) at the then University of Natal, Durban. This 1994 developments and the redistribution of land,
time, he said, was at the tail end of the hippy era and minerals and water,” commented Jackson.
also shaped by Durban’s beach ethos of shorts, sandals
and surfboards. Following his graduation, he spent two The promotion to partner was only the beginning of
years at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, Jackson’s almost thirty year journey with Cox Yeats. In
where he completed a Master’s degree. In addition, he this respect, Jackson says that he is quite old fashioned
was exposed to a different atmosphere and a new set in his approach to his career as he believes that “you
of experiences, including an introduction to rowing, should make a place work, if it is an environment that
which he still enjoys. works”. This employment history is in great contrast
to the modern trend of job hopping, which is also a
On his return to South Africa, Jackson was required challenge for employee retention. Jackson says that it
to spend, “a two year depressing period doing national is important to have a culture that builds people from
service as a legal officer in Kimberley and Ladysmith”. a young age and grows their careers so that they stay
In January 1998, Jackson joined Cox Yeats as a with the firm. However, this does requires a reciprocal
candidate attorney, at a time when many of his relationship of trust and organisational commitment.
university colleagues were already partners in law Leading a law firm and dealing with a range of
firms. He commented that initially starting over was diverse personalities requires much responsibility,
really tough. Jackson was articled to Graham Cox, who especially with 25 partners. As such Jackson favours a
checked every document that he produced. Jackson participative management style and is as inclusive as
said, “Graham Cox told me that I needed to learn the possible in allowing everyone to air their voices in order
basics of writing and suggested that I read a book or to reach consensus. He commented that it has been
two.” This advice came as quite a shock especially very fulfilling to develop a team of professionals around
after having studied at university for seven years and him and work collectively, as opposed to individually.
having been a military officer for two years. “This
somewhat Victorian introduction to law and work The Cox Yeats way values independence and
taught me that in law you are never an expert. You participation. However, he added, “We have found
must always remain humble and you must take nothing that focussing on our core values and measuring all
for granted,” added Jackson. decisions in reaction to these values has given us much
relevance. Our model in recent years of living true to
His early career, he says, was based on a lot of hard these values has been very successful.”
work and some luck. In addition, Jackson said that he
was fortunate to work with some good people. “I was An important part of these values is offering
privileged to work closely with Graham Cox (who at outstanding client service and being quite bold. “We
that time was undoubtedly the best lawyer in Durban) regard ourselves as the best KZN law firm and have an
and also with Jeremy Yeats. In many respects they were increasing amount of international reach, which in the
complete opposites. Graham economic with words and future we would like to grow,” concluded Jackson.
decisive; Jeremy amiable, who pondered and weighed Jackson is married to Helen who is also a lawyer and
the various options in committee.”
has two children. In his free time he enjoys rowing
A highlight of his career was making partner in 2000, three times a week on Durban Harbour, the office
after only one year out of articles. From the outset, exercise class and hobbling around the neighbourhood.
Jackson said that he was exposed to large clients and Apart from international travel, a favourite break away
important matters. A big opportunity arose when spot is a cottage on the Transkei wild coast, which has
Jeremy Yeats fell ill and Jackson took over the work been in the family for nearly 80 years.