Page 33 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 33

CEO of uShaka Marine World
         S      TELLA KHUMALO, CEO of uShaka Marine           ourselves in the fact that we are not a grant funded
                                                              entity. Therefore, our focus as a business is continuous
                                                              improvement, differentiation and diversification. We
                                                              play in a private sector environment and constantly
                World’s career has focused on three things –
                                                              compete with new alternatives in family entertainment
                determination, hard work and passion.
                 “What makes me sleep at night is knowing that   that spring up all around us. Therefore, we continuously
                                                              look at new trends, testing the guest appetite and
          I have made a difference. I believe that, throughout my   assessing how our target market behaves and feels,”
          career, I have always left an indelible mark wherever I   she explains.
          have been. People who have worked with me can attest
          to the fact that I drive a very hard bargain – but I am   Khumalo believes that she is leading the organisation
          always at the forefront and expect as much from them   and the team that has not only put uShaka on the
          as I do from myself.”                               tourism map but earned it numerous awards over the
                                                              years at a critical time.
           Whatever she does, she gives it her all and she is
          never afraid to learn.                                The shareholders and board of uShaka are in the
                                                              throes of developing an integrated master plan for the
           After matriculating from the St. Francis College,   organisation. This aims to align the organisation with
          Marianhill, in 1980, she completed a Bachelor of    the city’s urban renewal plans and further plans for the
          Science at the University of Zululand, followed by a   development of the Durban Point Waterfront.
          Higher Education Diploma from the University of South
          Africa in 1989 and Bachelor of Education from the     “The public and the Durban business community
          University of Zululand in 1994.                     must watch this space. Our objective is to change the
                                                              family entertainment game and to bring something
          She started out as a high school teacher specialising   completely different and exciting to Durban. We are
          in science subjects, working her way up to be deputy   three years into the second decade of uShaka Marine
          principal of Luthayi High School and then Head of   World’s existence. This is an opportune time to review
          Department (Science) at Phezulu High School in      and give our guests new tourism offerings,” she says.
          Mpumalanga. She then became a subject advisor in      Khumalo is definitely a team player and she attributes
          biology and general science for the Zululand region.   her strong and successful leadership to understanding

           After 10 years, she moved into skills development,   herself, the people that she leads and the direction in
          working as a director in KwaZulu-Natal’s Department   which she is leading them.
          of Education and then as Chief Director for Tourism   “Over the years, I have learnt a lot of things – but
          Development in the Department of Arts, Culture and   the most important has been the difference between
          Tourism. She ultimately served as provincial head of   being assertive and aggressive. I admit that there have
          that department between 2007 and 2012.              been times when I have allowed my emotions to run

           Khumalo also added a Master’s degree in Business   ahead of my common sense. I have learnt the hard way
          Administration (MBA) specialising in Strategic      that working with people can test you. But remaining
          Management from the then University of Natal in 2004.  objective, calm and not personalising issues makes a
                                                              whole lot of difference when dealing with challenging
           She was appointed CEO of the KZN Liquor Authority   situations,” she says.
          in March 2012. In just two years, she transformed this
          newly formed entity into one that has had a positive   Going forward, Khumalo points out that it is
          impact on the retail liquor trade and associated sectors.   important to live one’s life in order to create a legacy
                                                              for both your own children and the next generation
           She took the helm at uShaka Marine World in June   to come.
          2014, becoming the first female leader of one of the
          city’s more influential tourism attractions.          As the mother of two boys and a girl and wife of Baba
                                                              uKhumalo, she has certainly done that.
           She doesn’t take this role lightly, especially as she is
          acutely aware of the fact that state owned entities like   She also continues to grow her career and has
          uShaka are often subjected to harsh criticism. Instead of   just finished a thesis entitled: Balancing Corporate
          being daunted by intense scrutiny, however, Khumalo   Governance and Oversight over State owned enterprise:
          enjoys the challenge of ensuring that uShaka is a   as part of her PhD studies.
          sustainable business in its own right.                Whilst she is waiting to see whether she can add the
           “For us at uShaka, business sustainability is key as it   title Dr to her name, she says she has time to again
          informs our business continuity and business growth   indulge in her favourite hobby – reading.
          strategies. We are a state owned entity and we pride   “My library is growing again,” she smiles.

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