Page 35 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 35

Chief Executive Officer at the Southern African Shipyards  The result is that Southern African Shipyards has been
                                                              involved in a number firsts, these include:
                RASHEEN MAHARAJ’s studies include a B.Com,        Winning the largest shipbuilding contract ever awarded in
                a Management Advancement Diploma, a Post         South Africa to build nine Tugs for Transnet.
                Graduate Diploma in Business Management and an
         PMBA from the University of Natal.                       Undertaking the first successful refit on a modern frigate
                                                                 on the African continent. This was on the SA Navy Frigate
           Maharaj began his career in financial services, where      SAS Amatola.
          he was involved in the insurance industry, international       Signing an agreement with China State Shipbuilding
          currency and derivatives trading, asset management and      Corporation (CSSC), the largest shipbuilding and ship
          corporate finance.                                     repaircompany in the world, to become their exclusive
           His early influencer was investor and financial journalist,      partner in South Africa. CSSC is a 100% Central Chinese
          Richard Cluver, whose articles and books he read       Government owned company, which is willing to invest
          religiously from the age of 11 years. In his teenage years      Billions of Rands in the South African Marine Engineering
          and young adult life his uncle, Vishnu Sharma, a property      Economy in partnership with SAS to make Operation
          mogul, taught him a lot about entrepreneurship and      Phakisa Ocean Economy a reality.
          business moral ethics.                                  Being the preferred bidder for building a hydrographic
                                                                 survey vessel, with the contract signing expected before
           “When I was in business school, I met the Father of
          Black Economic Empowerment, Dr Don Mkhwanazi,          the end of August 2017. This is a complex science and
          who then shaped my life from a business, political and      research survey vessel, which will be another African first.
          personal point of view – I was literally his apprentice until   Maharaj says that he is a great fan of long term financial
          his passing last year in July. It was through Ndonga that I   sustainability versus short term profit maximisation. This
          got a seat at the table of Corporate South Africa and learnt   outlook has been influenced by great investors like Warren
          to apply knowledge, networking and entrepreneurship   Buffet and Allan Gray. Creating long term predictable,
          skills to address the issues of inequality, poverty and   consistence and solid growth is far more respected in
          unemployment.” Maharaj co-authored the KZN Provincial   the business environment than profits and performance
          BEE strategy in 2004.                               that swing between the extremes. “What this means for
                                                              shipbuilding and the ship repair is that we need to secure
           “I also learnt to be a principled business leader. The
          Prasheen you meet today will be the same Prasheen you will   long term order books for shipbuilding and enter into long
                                                              term maintenance contracts with our ship repair clients.
          meet next month. I have a moral code or a set of guiding   This requires that the shipbuilding/ship repair industry
          principles by which I make leadership decisions, which leads   become more customer centric and project performance
          to consistency in decision making. Consistency leads to less   orientated. This is a fundamental shift from the current
          volatility and hence more trust with stakeholders.”
                                                              mind-set of the industry that is currently inward looking.”
           “Shipbuilding and Ship repair are by its nature social
                                                                “I think the shipbuilding and ship repair industry is
          enterprises. It’s very labour intensive and supports a large   ready for consolidation from both a national level and
          supply and sub-contractor chain that is made up primarily   international level. This industry is about scale, efficiencies
          of SMMEs. As a conscious capitalist and a socialist at heart,   and economies of scale. “Bigger is better” definitely applies
          this is the main appeal of the Marine Engineering Industry   to our industry,” says Maharaj.
          to me. The ability to run a business and make a profit whilst
          contributing to the greater good of society is a common    In the near future Maharaj will be looking to merge with
          theme in all my business and personal endeavours.”  a local player in the industry to create a giant on the African
                                                              Continent. The new merged South African entity will
           Maharaj says that he has always maintained that there are
          two ways to be successful in business:              look for global partnership and/or merger and acquisition
                                                              opportunities in other emerging markets/developing
           “You can invent something totally new, or you can put   countries, with the ultimate aim of listing on the local and/
          the pieces of the puzzle together”. He says that he falls   or international stock exchange. The end result would be a
          into the latter category. “I read extensively – not just books  Global Marine Engineering emerging market player across
          but newspapers, magazines, and journals. I also network   multiple emerging markets, spread across the globe – a
          a lot and have forged lifelong friendships and relationships   world first.
          with key stakeholders, within the public and private   Maharaj personal life is definitely part of his puzzle. “I’m
          sector. I absorb millions of pieces of information that seem   married to my best friend and gossip buddy Marcina.  She
          random, but I have the ability to bring this all together to   is a graduate in politics, media and communications and
          form a picture.”
                                                              an entrepreneur in her own right. We are blessed with two
           Key to putting the pieces of the puzzle together is co-  beautiful children. Our daughter Milahn is 12 years old and
          operation and collaboration between private sector industry   is a budding movie start having completed her first movie
          players, government and workers. It’s through this approach   earlier this year and she starts shooting her second movie
          that the private sector and government stakeholders managed  within the next four weeks. Our son Mekhai is eight years
          to get Operation Phakisa Ocean Economy off the ground.  old and fanatical about Chelsea Football Club.”

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