Page 37 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 37
Managing Director at HR Matters that at a point when others were in impactful roles, you
were still playing catch up with your profession.”
USA MAKHUNGA can trace his career Added to this limitation was the challenge of entering a
start back to his Aunt’s tea room, as grocery work environment based on strong Anglo-Saxon culture,
shops were known in rural KZN, back in
Mthe day. It was called African Tea Room and which made no effort to listen to or to accommodate
others. This aspect, he said, reminded him of a
situated on the R618 to Umfolozi Game Reserve. From conversation he had with one of the directors to whom
primary school level, he would juggle helping in the he reported. “He said you know I have a problem in
shop, herding life stock and going to school.
assessing how you respond to anything that is said, done
Running her shop, farming, preaching and serving or happened unless you verbally express it. I asked
in local school committees, meant that his Aunt was what he meant and he said you see with Nick, I see
very busy and therefore everyone around had some his reaction by the dilation of his pupils and change in
responsibility to tend to. This, said Makhunga, inculcated colour, with you I draw a blank. Needless to say, this had
a work ethic that would come in handy both in his implications in terms of career, promotional and other
education, which included vacation jobs right through to related opportunities.”
when he qualified as a teacher, some 27 years ago, and Makhunga said that although there were challenges, the
his professional life. “It is for this reason that alongside decision to change his career by joining commerce was
every career position I have held, I would also have an a risk that has paid off handsomely in terms of personal
extracurricular cause, which I served or pursued. This growth and development. “Professional membership of
has come with immense growth opportunities for my such organisations as the Institute of People Management
business and me.” and the Black Management Forum added a great deal
Makhunga believes that his career success has largely to my success, especially as both bestowed me with
been as a result of the strengths of the many people recognition awards during the course of my career. The
on whose shoulders he has leaned along the way. He best was when I was selected for the Rotary International
commented that his own contribution was to have a very Executive exchange programme to the UK in 2000 as
clear picture in his mind about what he wanted to do this involved bench marking our approach to our areas
and a very strong sense of belief that if he could access of interest in some of the best multi-nationals. The best,
‘this or that’ he would be able to achieve results. In this however, was attending a two day conference on the
way, he made it easier for people to point him in the changing role of HR in Businesses. This was to set me on
right direction and come to his assistance. “I am one my path to owning my own HR specialist firm, servicing
man who is not afraid to ask for directions and this has the private sector in the main.”
taken me, in terms of my career and business, to places I Currently, says Makhunga, “Businesses underpinned
could only dream about.” by sustainability do not only survive and thrive but
His ability to ask questions is reflected in his they ensure that their footprint in terms of impact on
enjoyment of working in a learning environment the physical and socio economic environment benefits
where personal development and trying out things is current and future generations. The impact to HR Matters
encouraged and taken seriously. Makhunga says, “I is that it raises our consciousness in terms of making
am curious by nature and therefore I keep others and sure that we are not pursuing our goals at the expense
myself around me excited about new developments in of everything else.” Part of HR Matters’ service offering
our chosen areas of interest to the extent that we see is facilitating strategic and operational planning, which
opportunities in situations, which others could consider means that the business is best placed to influence
to be dire. I also believe very strongly that if you are adoption or infusion of sustainability in clients’ plans.
going to do something, do it professionally, beautifully, Makhunga concluded, “I am fascinated by innovation
simply, happily and timeously. I tend to gravitate more and futurist type developments and thus I try as much as
towards things, people, organisations, associates, and possible to follow trends in my areas of interest, which
environments thriving on these values.” results in reading more and travelling from time to time.
Makhunga reflected that he faced all the challenges I get immense fulfillment from the philanthropy work I do
that his generation were experiencing entering the or have done, with my friends and business associates.”
world of work, sadly some of these still affect the By way of relaxation, Makhunga is a keen jogger,
majority of people out there. “We were products of enjoys holiday breaks and working with family. He is
an education system, which did not prepare us for the married with three young adult children. “My daughter
rigours of academic study, and tertiary institutions that is in health services, her twin brother a petrol head
did not sufficiently train us to be anything more than and their older brother is a businessman in the making.
paper pushers and good administrators. This resulted in Listening to music, jazz in particular, provides the
delayed professional blossoming, as it effectively meant necessary and much enjoyed escapism for me.”