Page 23 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 23

Managing Director at Frimax Foods                   to move forward more rapidly. I have learnt not be
                                                              disappointed if the first meeting with a client does not
                   BDOOL KADER (BABOO) ESSA joined            go your way and to always be hopeful.”
                   his father, Haroon Essa, at Frimax Foods,
                   straight after completing his matric. He was   While Baboo Essa has always dreamt of growing
         A told by his family that he would “attend           Frimax bigger, the increasing demand for their
          university at Frimax”, their family owned business.    products has taken him by surprise. The brothers are
          His brothers, Shamir and Faizel Essa, also joined the   now at a point that in order to grow the company
          business after they completed their schooling.      further, they would require larger factory premises.
                                                              Apart from the national footprint, Frimax exports to
           Established by Haroon Essa in 1982, Frimax has been   various African countries and Indian Ocean islands
          in operation for 35 years. Based on humble beginnings   through different channels.
          in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, Frimax has grown
          from strength to strength and is now considered one of   Baboo Essa says that he and his brothers learn every
          the fastest growing potato and corn snack companies   day in the business. “Frimax spends a lot of time in
          in South Africa.                                    research and development, a recent challenge has
                                                              been complying with salt regulations that has required
           Baboo Essa said, “As a family owned business, there   the use of replacement flavours, which are more
          was a need to learn all aspects of the business and so   expensive – we are still trying to get the Mexican Chilli
          I was not put into any particular division. However, I   flavour right.”
          found marketing interesting and got involved in visiting
          clients and selling the product for the retail market.”    He commented that the South African population is
          During his school years, he had already spent time on   getting more educated and is changing. Consumers are
          the factory floor after school – supervising the dispatch   more health conscious and affordability is always an
          of goods and loading on to trucks, reading consumer   issue especially when it comes to snacks.
          mail and assessing call logs, even working as a       “An important aspect of the business is offering
          machinery operator, and frying potatoes. He has since   clients value, which is why we have never decreased
          taken on the role of managing director of the business   the size of our portions and still sell 150 gram packets.
          and keeps an eye on the company’s finances.         A lot of our product is sold in rural areas, so it is
                                                              important to provide a product that is both filling
           When he started at Frimax, the company was
          supplying a housebrand to a larger retailer and     and affordable.”
          he was proud of their achievements. However, he       The company has a loyal range of customers in
          said, “But after receiving a negative response to the   KwaZulu-Natal, and in the Free State where Frimax is
          housebrand from a consumer columnist, we decided    considered the second best snack brand.
          to change our strategy, stop their production, and    Frimax has embraced the concept of continuous
          concentrate on getting our own brands into stores.   improvement within its production facility, and has
          Initially, as an eighteen year old, this was very   constantly strived to increase product quality, whilst at
          disappointing for me, but I realised we needed to   the same time reducing overhead costs. The company
          start batting for our own wicket.”
                                                              also attempts to reduce its carbon foot print on all
           At that time Baboo Essa was also required to meet   levels. As far as possible, natural gas is utilised in
          with a major buyer in Cape Town. He said that he was   the production plant to fire up the fryers, ovens and
          really disheartened, when after eating a whole packet   burners, as opposed to the use of electricity or diesel.
          of Frimax chips, the client said that he was not going to   Baboo Essa concluded by saying that snack foods
          stock their products at that time. However, said Essa,   is an exciting industry to be in and that the highlights
          the sales representative, who had accompanied him on   of his business career has been in receiving business
          the visit, said that he was not to worry.
                                                              awards and recognition. Frimax has receive the
           “Soon afterwards, I was hugely excited to obtain   Shoprite Checkers Best National Supplier Award
          a half a million rand order, which even by today’s   repeatedly, and an Institute for Quality award
          standards was huge. From that point on we started   recognising its contribution to skills development.

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