Page 59 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 59

Chief Executive Officer at the Durban ICC           believe I have an ability to get the best out of people,
                                                              enabling them to perform at their optimum. My staff
                 INDIWE RAKHAREBE has been the chief          tells me that I lead with love and respect. By loving
                 executive officer of the Durban ICC since 1st   and respecting my staff I hope to bring the best out
                 April 2015. Her passion and dedication in    of them, which ultimately benefits the organisation,”
         L growing the KwaZulu-Natal economy as well          said Rakharebe.
          as her strong background in corporate management
          has helped to continue to propel the forward          “But the most important thing in remaining Africa’s
          momentum of the organisation. Rakharebe said, “I am   Leading Convention Centre is that we exceed our clients’
          driven to achieve excellence in every way in my duty   expectations and provide an exceptional experience for
          and delegation.”                                    each and every event we host,” said Rakharebe.
                                                                She continued, “I am proud that we had the
           The Durban ICC has made an immense contribution    opportunity to host the World Economic Forum
          to both the provincial and national economies since   on Africa, the Tourism Indaba and the African
          its foundation. In spite of the challenging economic   Renaissance summit in May. Looking ahead, I am
          environment, the Durban ICC has managed to show a   also excited about some of our upcoming events,
          profit consecutively in the last six financial periods.
                                                              including Joyous Celebration 21, Trevor Noah Live
           Rakharebe said, “I believe our continued success is   and the Mervyn King workshop of Good Corporate
          a result of a concerted effort between our staff, our   Governance.”
          strategic partners in the City and Province and the
          loyal support of our clients. This, coupled with diligent   Rakharebe strongly believes that the Durban ICC
          management and sound financial controls at all levels   has an important role to play in promoting sustainable
          of the organisation all help to contribute to the overall   economic growth for eThekwini including job
          success of the Durban ICC.                          creation. Rakharebe commented, “I would like to see
                                                              meaningful enterprise development for SMMEs taking
           In addition, Rakharebe is well aware of the        place at a grass-roots level. The Durban ICC has
          challenges of a being a woman leader in the often   always recognised that the growth of the South African
          male dominated world of business. She commented,    economy is largely dependent on the extent to which
          “As a woman, you are gifted; you are a natural life-  historically disadvantaged South Africans participate
          giver and whatever you give life to will increase and   meaningfully in its growth. However, in order to
          grow. So whatever challenges you face as a woman,   grow it is also necessary to facilitate a positive future
          you know how to manoeuvre, whether it’s leading a   business development environment to attract both
          company or propelling a cause. I believe a woman    domestic and international investment in Durban and
          influences everything she touches.”                 South Africa.”

           Empowering others to achieve their highest           “Whilst we celebrate all the good strides we have
          performance by instilling confidence in all of her team   made in business, we must be mindful that there is still a
          is an important part of Rakharebe’s daily activities. “I   lot more that needs to be done,” concluded Rakharebe.

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