Page 61 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 61

Founder of the Edison Power Group
         V         ivian Reddy, founder of the Edison Power   their performance. “You can’t buy staff and they
                                                              need to know that they are not just numbers in an
                                                              organisation,” said Reddy.
                   Group, is an astute businessman with the
                                                                Over the years, the Edison Power Group has continually
                   drive to achieve perfection in all that he does.
                     Reddy said, “I strive to be the best in   provided service excellence and put in the extra effort
                                                              to achieve results. Reddy commented that building
          every aspect of my professional life, whether that is in   relationships in business is essential. He said, “We still
          property, the power industry or in construction. I make   have the same clients as we had 35 years ago, too many
          sure that I am number one and always go the extra mile.”  people fail because they don’t value clients. I started off
           Reddy added, “My core strength is my focus in      my business, Reddy Electrical, in the apartheid regime
          everything that I do.” He said that he has always dreamt   and answered the telephone as ‘Mr Edison’. As I was a
          big, has had a vision for what he aims to achieve and is   perfectionist, I soon got lots of work and was recognised
          passionate about the projects he embarks on.        by the quality of my work; not by the colour of my skin.”
                                                              From these small beginnings, the Edison Power Group
           One example is Oceans Umhlanga, a mixed use        grew into the largest and the most diversified electrical
          development, which has been described as the most   contractor in Africa – turning adversity into significant
          outstanding project in South Africa. The development
          sold 93% of its units within four hours of being put   advantage. Reddy added that one needs to diversify in
          on the market - a South African record. Reddy said,   order to ensure constant growth.
          “Oceans Umhlanga has the wow factor. It has been      For South African businesses to grow, he believes
          developed as something that people will aspire to   that they should be bolder. He said, “South African
          own. We have created an appetite for something      business has billions in cash resources. Companies
          exceptional.” Testimony to this is his personal and   need to invest more and create more employment
          direct involvement in the design development of the   opportunities to succeed. When people are
          Oceans project incorporating the feel of Dubai into   marginalised and are hungry, it is to the detriment of
          this awe-inspiring edifice. The just rewards for this   the business environment.”
          personal involvement panned out in the shape of the
          International Award for the Best Architecture for a   Reddy is the youngest of nine children. He said that
          Mixed-Use Development in Africa.                    the values of integrity and trustworthiness that he
                                                              learnt from his school teacher father have got him to
           Another example is the Newcastle Mall, which       where he is today. From an early age, he would spend
          won the South African Council of Shopping Centre’s   weekends pushing bricks in a wheel barrow to assist in
          (SACSC) Retail Development and Design Awards        building classrooms.
          (RDDA), Spectrum Award for the best overall
          development in 2013.                                  The Edison Power Group has now adopted schools
                                                              with a zero pass rate and assists with tutoring,
           Reddy says that as a leader you must decide what   monitoring progress and provides incentives for learners
          you want and do everything that it takes to achieve   to achieve better results. He further commented that
          this.” He added, “You need to think about the small   social investment projects are an important aspect of
          things in your business and put in the extra effort.”
                                                              business. Companies need to question how they can
           However, he said that you are only as good as the   use their assets more productivity.
          people you employ and he expected his employees       Reddy has a big family with five children. He
          to perform at their best. Edison Power Group has a   emphasized that the life that you have at home is the
          philosophy of CANEI - Constant and Never Ending     most important thing that you have in providing peace
          Improvement. “You can always do things better than   and serenity. He added that you are in control of your
          yesterday,” said Reddy.
                                                              time and you need to make time for family and do the
           But, he added that you need to look after your     things that matter. He concluded, “You have to make
          employees as valuable gold assets and reward        family count and communicate and talk with each other.”

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