Page 63 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 63

CEO of FutureLife
                                                                Growing the supply chain is close to Saad’s heart as
                 AUL SAAD, FutureLife’s CEO said, “I am       this would be in keeping with his original intentions
                 humbled that FutureLife is now recognised as   for the product.  Saad said that he is an altruist at
                 the number one health brand in South Africa.”   heart, who is not necessarily motivated by profit but by
         P FutureLife is a proudly KwaZulu-Natal brand,       humanitarian causes. His aim is to make a difference in
          which has been born and developed in the Province.  people’s lives by supplying a product that can improve
                                                              the health and well-being of everyone. He said, “Much
           Saad, a philanthropist and entrepreneur, founded   of FutureLife‘s value is in that its success transcends
          FutureLife in 2007 and the company is celebrating its   profit.”  The product was primarily intended as a social
          10th year of operation in 2017. FutureLife is a smart   project to help improve the lives of malnourished and
          food company that has become synonymous with        disadvantaged people in sub-Saharan Africa.
          healthy on-the-go lifestyle products.
                                                                Saad believes that his company’s achievements
           Considered a nutraceutical, FutureLife is South    are based on both his desire to succeed and his
          Africa’s first and only scientifically formulated,   enjoyment of overcoming challenges. His advice to
          balanced, nutrient dense food to contain Moducare,   other entrepreneurs is that you have to know your
          a daily immune supplement under license by Aspen    own mind and that you must not let others easily
          Pharmacare. Currently, the FutureLife range consists of   influence your decisions.
          functional breakfast products, breads, bars and drinks.
                                                                 The FutureLife Foundation Trust was established in
           Saad said, “The product is very well accepted and   October 2014. The nonprofit organisation currently
          has become recognised for its healthy properties.   distributes about 150 000 meals a month in KwaZulu-
          FutureLife is enjoyed by a diverse consumer group   Natal, as well as in other parts of South Africa.
          from sports persons, to diabetics to those suffering   The majority of the meals are distributed to early
          from immune deficiency.”                            childhood development centres and used to feed
           The company has seen enviable growth since its     malnourished children.
          start in 2007. However, since 2011 this growth has    DuPont, together with FutureLife, has developed a
          been exponential. In 2015, FutureLife underwent a   dual plastic pouch compartment containing powder
          restructuring process and entered into a joint venture   and water.  This packaging, counters the problems of
          with Pioneer Foods. An important aspect of this     providing clean water, as well as refrigeration. Breaking
          collaboration was to ensure the vision of growing and   the seal between the compartments allows the contents
          diversifying the company’s product range.
                                                              to be mixed and easily consumed as a shake.
           Of importance is that FutureLife does not use        The FutureLife brand now has the opportunity to
          genetically modified organisms (GMO) in its products.   establish itself in new markets. Plans include looking
          Saad said that company had embraced the use of non-  for a new manufacturing site to cope with growth of
          GMOs at considerable cost but believed that this was   the product volume and range. “In addition, we intend
          necessary to satisfy consumers’ needs. FutureLife was   to grow our distribution into Africa including the
          the first company in the functional food market in South   Southern African Development Community (SADC)
          Africa to make the move to non-GMO products.        and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern
           Saad would like to increase the provision of non-  Africa (COMESA) regions. We are also looking at
          GMO maize and soya through utilising subsistence    taking the product into the United Kingdom, Australia
          farmers as part of the supply chain. He said, “Farmers   and India.”
          would be guaranteed an off-take of their products,    Saad said, “It has been an inspiration of mine to
          which is crucial to their success.”                 be involved in a project that makes a difference
           He added, “Of necessity investment in farming      to people’s lives. I feel that those in need deserve
          infrastructure has been required, notably the       something that I would feed my children and that I
          construction of non-GMO silos.” FutureLife has had   would eat on a daily basis.”
          to build their own silo to avoid contamination from   He concluded, “It has been my dream that the
          genetically modified produce, but additional ones are   benefits of FutureLife can be enjoyed by millions
          necessary to facilitate logistics as well growth in the   around the world for a better future life.”
          supply chain.”

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