Page 67 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 67

Acting CEO of the KZN Growth Fund                   leadership style is largely influenced by my humble
                                                              beginnings, which ingrained in me the spirit of Ubuntu
                    UBREY SHABANE says that when he was       and service. In my leadership roles, I always ensure
                    17 years old, he compiled his bucket list   that I put together a diverse team made up of highly
                    of “Top 25 things to achieve before I die”.   motivated individuals, with complementary skillsets.
         A To this day, he still has that original hand-      As a leader, I then create an appropriate culture
          written list. “This list has been my roadmap and    and environment that foster high-performance and
          inspiration for success and 19 of these items have been   teamwork. This ensures that I don’t have to micro-
          achieved. Perseverance, hard work and ambitious goal-  manage but rather play a role of a mentor and a coach
          setting have been the cornerstones of my success.”  to my team.”
           After completing matric, Shabane’s family could not   His career path saw him later joining Ithala
          afford to send him to university and he ended up going   Development Finance Corporation, The Development
          to a teacher’s college, where he completed a three year  Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and then the KZN
          teaching diploma. His first job was as a teacher in a   Growth Fund. Shabane is currently the acting CEO of
          rural school in Bergville and he later worked at a youth   the KZN Growth Fund.
          centre in Newcastle.                                   Over the years, Shabane has have been involved

           Whilst teaching, he studied part time and completed   in the originating, assessing and ultimate financing of
          a BCom degree and a BTech degree. However, he       new business ventures worth billions of rands that have
          said, “It proved very difficult for me to change careers   created thousands of jobs. He commented, “It has
          after obtaining my qualifications as I already had what   been very fulfilling for me to see the faces of people
          prospective employers in the financial services termed   whose lives have been impacted by the developmental
          wrong experience.”                                  funding that I have overseen.”
           To utilise the knowledge gained from his studies,    Currently, tough economic conditions, changes in
          Shabane started his own small Information Technology   regulations and a forever changing business landscape
          business in 2000, which he operated until 2005, when   is forcing an organisation like KZN Growth Fund to
          it was sold.                                        continuously evolve and adapt its offerings. Shabane
                                                              is confident that the KZN Growth Fund is poised to
           Shabane’s big break came in 2005 when he was       seize the opportunities created by these changes. The
          awarded the prestigious Nelson Mandela Scholarship,   organisation has recently established an Equity Fund
          that saw him going to Leeds in the United Kingdom to   alongside its traditional Debt Fund to respond to new
          study for his MBA, which he completed cum laude.    economic demands.
          It was on his return from the United Kingdom that
          he joined the Deloitte’s corporate finance division   “The KZN Growth Fund team is working hard on
          in Johannesburg. He said, “This was the break that   fundraising for the newly established Equity Fund.
          allowed me to pursue my passion, which was in       This Fund will ensure that we unlock a significant
          investment and financing.”                          number of projects that have received debt funding
                                                              from other financial institutions but are struggling to
           However, he said that changing careers very        raise equity funding. Furthermore, our involvement in
          late in life, from a teaching background to the     the execution and implementation of  the dti’s  Black
          financial services industry, was very challenging. He   Industrialist Scheme is beginning to bear fruit and can
          commented, “Based on my age then, there was always   be evidenced by the three projects that we have to
          an assumption that I had the requisite experience and   date co-funded as part of the scheme.”
          therefore expected to lead teams of people that were   Shabane lives in Pietermaritzburg and is the father of
          younger but more experienced than myself.”
                                                              three beautiful daughters. “My favourite past times are
           The demands of his management roles, soon resulted   DIY work as I enjoy carpentry work, an occasional golf
          in him developing the required people skills. “My   game and going to the gym.”

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