Page 71 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 71

In reference to his time spent at the various chambers,
         Chief Executive Officer at Sigma International
         A         KASH SINGH’s success has been driven       Singh said that this was his way of giving back to
                                                              communities and “having fun in the business world”. He
                   by ‘thinking big” and then having the
                                                              added that Business Chambers are capitalised by the time
                   determination to succeed.
                                                              forums or providing skills and knowledge free of charge.
                     Sigma International was founded fourteen   entrepreneurs spend in service activities including joining
         years ago in 2004. The company’s journey began when   Singh currently runs the South African office of Sigma
         Akash Singh and Christopher J. Naidoo met at university.   International, which is unique in that it focuses on
         Their membership of AIESEC, which is the world’s     empowering and strengthening people and organisations.
         largest student-run organisation, provoked a desire to   The level one Broad-Based Black Economic Empowered
         have a positive impact on society. Founded in 1948 and   (B-BBEE) company provides a range of robust services
         present in over 110 countries and territories and with   that have a high economic and social impact.
         over 60,000 members, AIESEC provides an international
         platform for young people to discover and develop their   Singh is a responsible and caring leader who has
         potential as leaders.                                extensive experience in innovation, business strategy,
                                                              mentoring, coupled with strong commercial skills,
           AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to      particularly with regard to business turnarounds and
         be global citizens, to be change agents and to get   capital restructuring. He has trained or mentored in
         experience and skills that matter. Singh says that the   excess of 5 000 small, medium and large businesses on
         learning and experience at AIESEC have helped mould   various practical subjects.
         himself and Naidoo.
                                                               He cites the ability to convince others to join the
           Prior to founding Sigma International, Akash was the   responsible leadership journey as a challenge. He truly
         General Manager: Product at Nedcor (Banking Group)   strives to be different in his approach to managing people.
         as well as General Manager: Finance at BoE Bank. Prior
         to banking, he was a Dispute Analysis and Investigations   He said, “Sigma International takes its core values very
         Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers (Durban) where     seriously and they are used on a daily basis to help guide
         he had undertaken a series of investigations both in the   the decisions and direction of the firm. The employees
         private and public sector. Akash completed his articles   work-shopped these over a number of sessions, so
         at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He is a registered chartered   they are all invested in ensuring that they are evident
         accountant and has completed his MBA in strategic    in the workplace and in our dealings with clients.” The
         planning.                                            values are Teamwork, Accountability, Entrepreneurial,
                                                              Innovation and continuous improvement, Performance,
           Singh’s professional career and extensive experience   Integrity and Respect.
         has placed him at the forefront of local and global
         economic development for businesses. Singh’s          “Through our various successes we have written the
         successes saw him being selected as the Standard Bank   script to be able to assist business in KwaZulu-Natal.
         Entrepreneur of the Year in 2005.                    We have a sustainable model and like to look at the
                                                              impact of our interventions, which must be relevant. Any
           Driven by the desire to do more for people and gives   change implemented must be exciting and not stressful,”
         freely of his time, Singh has spent 10 years as a member  commented Singh.
         of the Board of the Durban Chamber of Commerce
         and Industry (DCCI).  From April 2013 to May 2015     He added, “The future of the Sigma International is also
         he served as President of the Durban Chamber of      built on business incubation and innovation, which allows
         Commerce and Industry, which he says was a highlight   new opportunities to be explored and actualised.” Our
         of his Chamber experience.                           organisation is largely focused on turning around, improving
                                                              and focusing businesses (and organisations) for sustainable
           He has also served as a council member of the South   growth. Hence it makes us a very relevant company in
         African Chambers of Commerce (SACCI) and President   exiting times. More and more of our clients and stakeholders
         at the KwaZulu-Natal Business Chambers Council.      are looking beyond the profit line. Sigma International is
         Additionally, Singh was the co-chair for business at the   capitalised with a wide range of specialist’s skills to help
         KwaZulu-Natal Economic Council. Singh is also the    companies and organisations to look beyond profit.”
         Honourary Consulate to the Republic of Philippines for
         KwaZulu-Natal and a City Planning Commissioner for    “In the future we would like to grow our private equity
         eThekwini Municipality. He has recently been appointed   investment portfolio and continue to stay locally relevant
         a Council member representing business for the South   and globally competitive,” concluded Singh.
         African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)    In his free time Singh enjoys relaxing by gardening and
         eastern region.                                      fishing – for one which he thinks is big!

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