Page 69 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 69

Chief Executive Officer at Shree Property Holdings    Shree said, “The company named the Park after me
                                                              because my name means life, and they felt that I would
                 RAN SHREE, grew up in a family business and has   bring life and momentum to the north coast. I see
                 been involved in it since the age of 14. Shree said   this as a sizeable achievement personally because the
                 that he had sought much inspiration for his career   majority of property investors had their reservations
         Pfrom his father, Shree and his mother, Savathree    about the Dube TradePort, but I envisioned it to be
          who were entrepreneurial by nature. He continued, “My   a success.”
          personal drive was fuelled by the need for job creation and   In 2016, Pran Park was completed and tenanted,
          observing the impact it had on a single employee being   securing more than R1,3 billion in Foreign Direct
          able to feed a household.
                                                              Investment and creating more than 2 000 long-term
           “My wife Annisha and I grew our retail butcher into   employment opportunities in the area north of Durban.
          a wholesale meat business, then we increased our cold
                                                                “I think it’s imperative that we become a business
          storage business into a large storage facility for citrus for six   and investor friendly country. It is important to enable
          months in a year. During our off-season period, with the   business to fast track applications and permits in order
          unemployed staff component of 250 people, and being   to enhance growth and development with specific
          supported avidly by Annisha, together we founded our
          business Shree Property Holdings,” said Shree.      reference to the construction industry. The future of
                                                              success lies in the hands of Public Private Partnerships
           He said that the most prized highlight of his business life   (PPP), and these government institutions along with
          is working with his family. Shree says, “I not only get to   private investors attaining the single goal of society
          be a husband and dad, but I get to share my professional   enhancement and economic growth. I foresee KZN
          life with my wife and children. When I wake up in the   becoming a larger contributor to the South African GDP
          morning, I get to chase my passion and spend time with   and this increase in momentum will be highly valuable
          my family.”                                         for business owners in this province,” concluded Shree.

           He further commented, “Working in a family business has   After moving the company’s focus into the commercial
          added to our success as we all focus on our strengths and it   and residential markets, Pran Boulevard is the first
          enhances the business as a whole. Since we are a family run   commercial building to be built.  Pran Boulevard will
          business, this ethos spills over into our company culture, and   bring a new light to the Ridgeside Precinct as well as
          as a result our staff members are also treated as family and   introduce a new standard of Premium Grade office
          team players. I was exposed to a highly autocratic leadership   space. Pran Boulevard will be the new head office for
          style and implemented this in my own business but once the   Shree Property Holdings and the new home for KPMG
          younger generation joined the business, I saw how beneficial   Durban, as the anchor tenant.
          a democratic leadership style was.”
                                                                Woodmead in Shakaskraal and Pran Park – Shakaskraal
           Shree commented that in order to remain an employee   are two new projects taken on by Shree Property
          of choice, “It is necessary to adapt to diversity and   Holdings as a large mixed development of residential,
          transformation by enabling mentorship and sharing my   commercial and industrial, spanning over 400 hectares.
          knowledge and experience.” He said, “Today I can proudly  The residential development of 4 000 homes will be
          say I have a hand-picked team that has the necessary skills,   aimed at middle-income earners complemented by a
          knowledge and personalities to operate my business and   commercial development. Pran Park – Shakaskraal is
          complement its culture.”                            being developed to house manufacturing facilities that
                                                              will create jobs for the KwaDukuza area.
           Growing the business was not easy in its early stages.
          Shree said, “When I founded my business in 1984,      Shree said, “The impact created by business sustainability
          as an Indian businessman, it was difficult as I was not   is for us not only to manage our triple bottom line, but to
          participating in a free market environment. The secret   implement a green initiative strategy through our product
          to my success lies simply in the fact that I am highly   offering, that shall ensure the longevity of our business. The
          passionate about what I do and as a result am able to work   opportunity arose for us to invest more initial capital into
          hours on end without realising the time.”           our buildings making them green rated and equipped with
                                                              solar panel systems and water conservation systems etc.
           In recent years, Shree Property Holdings has notched
          up much success. The company operated the largest   This is massively demanded by blue chip clients looking to
          solely owned cold storage facility comprising 23 000   achieve their own business sustainability.”
          pallet positions from 2002-2012 in the southern       When not working, Shree enjoys cycling and jet skiing.
          hemisphere. In addition, Pran Park at Dube TradePort   He concluded, “I also enjoy spending quality time with
          has been established. This facility has a total land area   my wife and children outside of the business. My wife
          of 150 000 square metres, comprising  six state of the   is my best friend and confidant. As a family we enjoy
          art manufacturing facilities that produce goods ranging   travelling together and of course, my most expensive
          from electronics to health devices.                 hobby is my love for sports cars.”

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