Page 65 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 65

Management Consulting Director at KPMG              in my career,” said Shabalala. Being Head of the
                                                              Public Sector involves acting as coordinator for the
                     EO SHABALALA lives by the personal       firm’s biggest client. Shabalala assists with the KPMG
                     mantra: “I can do anything as long as I set   public sector’s performance in the marketplace,
                     my mind to it.” She added, “I believe that   including ensuring that regulatory requirements are
         N there are no limitations to what I can do          adhered to. Her responsibilities comprise monitoring
          and achieve.”                                       and evaluating strategy implementation.
           These beliefs have served Shabalala well and         Shabalala was well prepared for this role having
          have allowed her career path to change and grow     worked with all spheres of government as well
          over time. Shabalala’s childhood years were spent   as state owned enterprises as her clients. One of
          in Lesotho where she completed her schooling.       Shabalala’s areas of expertise is Enterprise Architecture
          Her tertiary education started in Grahamstown and   and IT Strategy. Shabalala’s job roles include being
          continued in Durban. Shabalala completed a Business   chairperson of the KPMG transformation committee.
          Management and Administration Diploma at Varsity    This committee promotes diversity within the firm and
          College, a Bachelor of Commerce in Information      ensures that there is equal opportunity and fairness
          Systems at UKZN, followed by Honours Bachelor of    among employees in the workplace. “I thoroughly
          Science in Information Science at UNISA.            enjoy watching other people grow and I love mentoring
                                                              people. Being a leader provides me the opportunity to
           Her career has not always been smooth sailing; an
          initial challenge experienced was that of entering the   engage with the team and adopt an inclusive approach
                                                              to tasks.  I like to collaborate; you can always learn
          job market. Her childhood in Lesotho had not prepared   from the input of others and I enjoy brainstorming
          her for the world of work and she found that the cultural   sessions. However, I will take control when required,”
          differences were difficult to adjust too. Shabalala also   said Shabalala.
          initially found herself lacking in self-confidence and was
          unable to sell her strengths sufficiently.            Shabalala has recently worked on a project that has
                                                              been very complex and challenging. She said, ‘I have
           Working at KPMG has enabled her to overcome        been challenged to my core but I have learnt a lot
          these obstacles. KPMG allows innovation and         about stakeholders and risk on a daily basis.
          employees are encouraged to take on different roles
          and responsibilities, according to their specialisation.  The project has included interactions with multiple
                                                              stakeholders and has involved much time, which has
           Shabalala took part in KPMG’s development          resulted in high profile changes to an organisation’s
          programme, which includes soft skills training in   DNA.” In response to her current roles, Shabalala said,
          presentation, business development, business writing   “I feel that I am now able to enjoy the fruits of my
          and advisory training amongst other courses. “I have   hard labour. My focus is now on consolidation within
          learnt from the people around me through observation   my work roles and responsibilities. I would like to
          and from evaluating their journeys critically. I am also   build my personal brand, solidify and build what
          aware of my own self-learning, which has prompted my   I am about.”
          development,” added Shabalala.
                                                                During the past 19 years, Shabalala, who is
           These opportunities along with her personal        married, spare time was very focused on her daughter
          ambition have allowed her career to advance and     who is a talented gymnast. Now that her daughter is
          branch out into new responsibilities. “I have learnt to   studying architecture at the University of Cape Town,
          make myself known for my skills and capabilities and   Shabalala has more spare time and enjoys relaxing
          while I still have a reserved personality, I allow my   at home in front of the television and running for
          successes to speak for myself,” said Shabalala. “I allow   exercise. She also enjoys reading motivational books
          my delivery to reflect my abilities and I constantly   when on holiday.
          evaluate what people and clients require from me. But
          most importantly, I remain true to myself,” she said.   Time out is important to Shabalala as it allows her
                                                              to be silent and to reflect on and choose her future
           As her father raised her, Shabalala has not felt   path. “I am constantly reinventing myself,” she added.
          that being female has limited her career in a male   One of her dreams is to take up a much bigger
          dominated world. A highlight of her career was      role within KPMG. “I believe that I am destined for
          becoming one of the youngest Partners at KPMG       greatness and intend to grab onto success with two
          KwaZulu-Natal. “This was a hugely exciting milestone  hands and make it happen,” concluded Shabalala.

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