Page 87 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 87

Chief Executive Officer at DRG Outsourcing
                                                              stands for ‘Programma Uitzending Managers’, which is
                                                              Dutch for ‘Manager Deployment Programme).
                    AVID WHITE’s professional career has been
                    driven by a passion for the development of   This growth resulted in White being named as one
                    people and especially creating employment   of the leading entrepreneurs in South Africa in 2006.
         D through helping people build their own             The early success of the company also saw DRG
          enterprises. White says his greatest strength is in his   Outsourcing listing and then 18 months later, due to
          single-minded approach to life, which has assisted in   the collapse as well as some other factors,
          his company, DRG Outsourcing, reaching its 20 year   having to delist. White reports that this situation was a
          milestone in 2016.                                  major setback and that starting again from scratch was
           Although he has always been “involved in the       very challenging and a hugely stressful time in his life.
          trenches”, White said that his company’s success      The regrowth of the company saw DRG Outsourcing
          would not be possible without the support of his team   winning a KZN Top Business Award in the Business
          of employees. He said, “Everyone has very similar   and Finances Sector in 2010. White said, “Being
          values, genuinely like people, and they focus on our   21 years old in 2017 is great. We have a competent
          clients’ needs. Having skilled people who are trusted   and confident team with well designed systems and
          and caring has helped us build a company culture    processes in place.” Under the DRGSiyaya brand
          that has geared us to arriving where we are today. In   label, the company is looking to grow further through
          addition, they are all empowered to lead rather than   the establishment of a country wide system of
          follow. If they perceive themselves as leaders and   franchise outlets.
          have confidence in their own abilities, they can pass
          on these traits to our clients. For me it is important to   White said, “In addition, through BusinessFit, an
          respect and look after my team, so they will in turn   enterprise development entity, my goal is to create
          look after and respect our clients.”                employment and help people to access the many
                                                              opportunities that exist in South Africa. I believe
           A major goal of DRG Outsourcing’s service offerings   South Africa could be the entrepreneurial capital of
          has always been to help companies to do things better.   the world.”
          This goal includes developing innovative responses
          to helping small and medium sized companies meet      “We need more entrepreneurs and the BusinessFit
          their operational objectives, as well as reporting   methodology is magnificent in assisting them to move
          requirements and compliance with the relevant       from start-up to a successful, established business.
          legislation.                                        We also need to encourage experienced people with
                                                              business skills to spend time with these entrepreneurs
           “In its early years DRG Outsourcing grew very
          quickly, which was very exciting,” said White. “Initially   to guide and support their development,” he said.
          our ideas were ahead of their time. We had to wait    White concluded that South Africa is in real need of
          for the market to catch up and also had to educate   an economic leadership team. He said, “I am positive
          our clients to the advantages of using our services.   about South Africa and the people of South Africa but
          In addition, there was no support for our industry.   we don’t always hear from our leaders about avenues
          We greatly benefitted from the Netherlands PUM      already created and how we should access them.”
          Programme that provides a fantastic mentorship
          service,” he said. Through PUM, Loet Schledon, a      When not working White and his wife, Daisy can
          73 year old gentleman and seasoned outsourced service   be found enjoying the outdoors either walking their
          provider, visited DRG four times over a four year period   greyhounds, on the beach or in a wilderness area,
          to help create its “outsource” service model. (PUM   where he says he feels most alive.

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