Page 90 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 90


                           UR sincere thanks go to SLG for     Getting to know more about the leaders of
                           their support of the KZN Business   the Province and the various factors that have
                           Leaders Portfolio, without which   motivated them and driven their careers has been
                Owe would not have been able                  a very rewarding undertaking. Each of them has
                 to produce this publication. A big thank     in-depth experience in their particular fields of
                 you to all the business people (and their    expertise as well as much insight into business
                 assistants) profiled here for submitting and   management and leadership. We have also
                 revising articles, answering questions and/  enjoyed hearing of their successes as well as their
                 or participating in interviews. Without your   abilities to overcome challenges.
                 willingness to contribute your time and energy   Of significance is that a common thread in their
                 to the Portfolio, we would not be able to    business journeys is the desire to make a difference
                 produce a quality product.
                                                              in the lives of the people of our Province, very
                    It has been a pleasure to embark on this   often by going above the norm and striving for
                 project, which started with the first issue of   innovative approaches to doing business.
                 Moving and Shaking in August 2015. The editorial   The growing collection of business leaders’
                 team decided that the publication would feature   stories prompted the creation of a website
                 a face of a KwaZulu-Natal leader on each Within the first
                 publication, along with their business story.   month of its existence, the website received over
                 The success of this format was carried over to   200 000 hits and continues to attract much traffic.
                 the KZN Business Sense publication, when the
                 KwaZulu-Natal Business Chamber’s Council came   We look forward to add more business
                 on board the initiative.                     leaders’ stories to our collection.


                   Cindy Norcott’s article (full version) first appeared in the Sunday Tribune and was written by
                 Mary Papayya  26 August 2016.

                   Morton Shafiq, Imtiaz Sooliman and the Gift of the Givers: A Mercy to All, Bookstorm, 2014.
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