Page 89 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 89

When asked her perspective on the finest
          A Tribute to a respected leader
                                                              international example of a development finance
                                                              institution, her immediate response was: “The
                   VONNE ZWANE, throughout her life and
                   corporate career selflessly served our nation   International Finance Corporation (IFC) whose vision
                   with distinction. Her string of professional   it is to eradicate poverty and create prosperity in
         Y achievements in the corporate and public           developing countries.”  This is very much aligned
          banking sectors made her a respected leader in the   to Ithala’s mandate of economic development and
          financial services industry. She was described as a   empowerment albeit in a provincial context.
          strategic thinker with a passion for development and   Zwane was instrumental in driving the Group’s
          clean governance.                                   turnaround strategy, which included restructuring,
                                                              realignment of the organisation and strengthening
           Zwane’s appointment as Ithala Development Finance
          Corporation’s first female Group Chief Executive in   of institutional governance as top priorities. The
          November 2011, marked a significant turning point in   results of this drive saw the institution receiving many
          the history of the KwaZulu-Natal development agency.  accolades, including clean audit outcomes over three
                                                              successive years.
           Before joining Ithala Development Finance
          Corporation (Ithala), Zwane had worked for the First    Under Zwane’s leadership, Ithala has been upgraded
          National Bank Public Sector Banking, where she held   into a state-of-the-art facility to accommodate
          the position of chief executive officer and provided   customer needs. She passed on at the time when the
          strategic direction to her team. Preceding this position   Group was hard at work to ensure that Ithala receives
          she served as First National Bank’s Provincial Director,   a full banking license, which will enable the institution
          managing a budget of R20 billion to drive their     to compete with all other banks, including managing
          banking strategy in KwaZulu-Natal.                  government accounts. The first phase of the banking
                                                              license application was submitted to the South African
           Her extensive expertise in retail, commercial,     Reserve Bank in November 2016 and every effort is
          risk management, credit, insolvent estates and      being made towards obtaining a full banking license.
          corporate banking held her in good stead as she
          surged ahead in the quest to establish Ithala as a    Zwane’s management philosophy was characterised
          first-class development finance institution. Zwane’s   by individual and team engagement. A single encounter
          academic qualifications included a Master of Business   with Yvonne Zwane revealed just how passionate
          Leadership; B Com Accounting; a University Education   she was about developmental issues and the growing
          Diploma and she was a Certified Associate of the    influence of women in the country’s economy. Her
          Institute of Bankers in South Africa.               continued enthusiasm and vigour to lead, train,
                                                              influence and motivate others was inspiring.

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