Page 16 - KZN Business Sense 9.3 Aurelia Albert eBook
P. 16


                      David White,
                       CEO, DRG

                           t is quite
                        Ihow our
                       of business
                       success has
                     changed over
                        the past few
                         decades.  I
                         recall well
                         the learnings
                         early in my
                         career, where
                          was lauded
        through the outcome of gained
        profit, power, and influence.
        These attributes of profit, power
        and influence were regarded as
        paramount from as early as the
        1970s throughout the 1980 and
        1990s, in large part courtesy of
        the Friedman doctrine.  At this
        time in our economic history
        and point in evolution, less care
        and consideration were given
        to societal and environmental
        impacts. And the primary
        purpose of a company was to
        make as much profit as possible
        for shareholders – while also   able to hold in harmony each of   a habit, to sow a habit reaps a   knowledge and understanding     encouraging growth and
        complying with current legislative   the many desirable components   character, and to sow a character   of sustainability best practice     prosperity within the SME
        and regulatory requirements.  within an Environment, Society,   reaps a destiny”, describes well   considerations, and to encourage     business sector.
                                      Governance (ESG) framework.    the importance in creating norms  organisations and individuals to   ■   Support the creation of new
          World over, the term        ESG is a business framework                                                                employment opportunities
        sustainability has become a   helping entrepreneurs and     that support effective and ethical   step forward in their endeavours
        buzzword, an ideal to focus on,   business leaders more thoroughly   leadership. These norms help to   to reduce their own negative   In our personal views, as DRG
        and a positive step forward for   consider environmental and social   create organisational cultures   environmental impacts, including   and GLSI, we believe this is
        business, our economy, and the   issues in the context of corporate   that ensures the likelihood of   carbon contributions in daily living.    the greatest time in the history
        greater good of mankind.  We   governance, and in relation to the   an outcome of a successful and   Incredibly positive is that   of the world for humanity to
        are, as most will agree, nowhere   success and sustainability of their   sustainable business, meeting   most business leaders agree   recognise their commonality,
        near to where we would like to   organisation.  ESG can therefore be   both operational and stakeholder   that as soon as the knowledge   linkage to nature, and for us to
        be as nations and inhabitants   used as an internal measurement   measures.               and understanding of, “how   strive together for the safe and
        of the world.  However, there is   tool, helping organisations better                     we protect our planet from the   prosperous world we imagine
        progress, and day by day more   consider the effectiveness of their   A Call to Action    harm we often unknowingly    is possible.  Business leaders
        and more people and business   operations in relation to each   Sustainability in itself has many   create”, is shared and understood   especially need to recognise
        entities are aligning themselves   dominant perspective detailed in   interpretations, from the simple   by the majority of people, we as   their critical contributions in
        with organisations and service   the six capitals of value creation – as   definition of, “the ability to be   the business community will   helping to create the cultural
        providers that demonstrate respect   defined in the integrated reporting   maintained at a certain rate or   have significantly reduced the   norms that will lead us towards
        and care for other people and the   framework.              level”, to the all-encompassing   probability of a world unable to   a caring and inclusive world,
        environment itself.                                         consideration of how humanity   recover from plunder, pollution,   where nobody is left behind. 
                                       The six capitals include: financial,   manages to thrive as a species,
        Responsible Service Providers  manufactured, intellectual, human,   without destroying ourselves, our   and destruction.    Should you wish to be supported in
          DRG and Green Lights        social and relationship, and   planet, and all of nature around   Strive Together        anyway with your ESG or sustainability
        Sustainability Initiative (GLSI)   natural.  Capitals have the capacity   us.  Sustainability in the context of   Business leaders in our   initiatives, please contact David White
        are relatively small contributors   to produce flows or economically   survival of our planet and all who   current times have the added for any further
        in sustainability endeavours in   desirable outputs, and as such are   live here has been a central theme   responsibilities of helping to
        relation to many other larger   essential for sustainable economic   of governments and business   restore balance in how we:  Standard Bank, DRG, and GLSI will be
                                                                                                                               doing an ESG Convention in August 2023,
        organisations, who have made   development.  By taking the   since the early 1980s, gaining                            and look forward to sharing their
        exceptional strides.  However,   six capitals into account when   massive attention and momentum   ■   Use raw materials  knowledge with KZN entrepreneurs and
        we recognise that as service   reporting on performance, an   since 2015. Then 190 countries   ■   Help to create the opportunity    business leaders. Please confirm your
        providers in a fragile economy,   organisation provides a fuller   around the world contributed to     for growth and development of    seat by emailing
        no matter our size, we have a   picture of the way in which it   the formation of the 17 United     our staff and teams
        responsibility to ensure that   creates value.  The integrated                            ■   Support communities and
        we meet the expectations and   report’s aim is to explain to   Nations Sustainable Development     their specific needs
        hopes of our stakeholders (which   providers of financial capital how   Goals (SDGs), as a call to action   ■   Contribute towards rewilding
        include employees, customers,   an organisation creates, preserves,   to end poverty, protect the planet,     and growing natural areas for
        suppliers, government regulative   or erodes value over time.    and ensure that all people enjoy     the prosperity of all living
        authorities, communities, and the   The principles of integrated   peace and prosperity.    creatures
        environment).  Further, we aim to   reporting include characteristics   DRG and GLSI recognised   ■   Support opportunities to
        meet the principles and outcomes   such as: reliability, balance,   that one of the largest barriers     minimise the gap between
        of best practice governance, which   freedom from material errors,   to organisations and individuals     income differentials
        include ethical and effective   completeness, cost/benefits,   supporting the outcome of coherent  ■   Instil the importance of    SCAN
        leadership and organisational   competitive advantage, and future  sustainability endeavours is the     values and ethics in our work
        culture, optimised productivity,   orientated information, which are  knowledge and understanding of     environments and day to day    QR CODE
        risk management and legitimacy.                                                                                           TO SEE
                                      helpful in guiding our activities   their ability to contribute.  Hence,     living
          Today’s benchmarked         and creating aligned norms.    the deep drive within DRG and   ■   Support enterprise and supplier    VIDEO
        organisations are those that are   The adage, “to sow an act reaps   GLSI to help to transfer the     development initiatives, and

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