Page 11 - KZN Business Sense 9.3 Aurelia Albert eBook
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        Dash Singh, Chairman, Group D  mainly caused by regular use of     into the ear. The human ear was
                                      conventional headphones and     not designed to have devices
             one conduction           ear pods. The youth population     inside the ear.
             technology and           – especially those under 35 years   ■   Bone conduction offers what
        Bheadphones are receiving     are particularly at risk.       we call “Audio Freedom”
        a lot of attention worldwide   Hence, at WeHear SA, our       with the “Open Ear Experience”
        and have hit the South African   mission is to save as many people     which provides better
        market with great reviews.    as possible in South Africa from     interaction between the person
          Bone-conduction technology   hearing loss due to using the     and the environment. All
        is medical grade certified    wrong listening and connectivity     ambient sounds can be heard
        technology. As sound travels   devices. Bone-conduction devices     while still connected to audio.
        faster through a solid than   are much safer than traditional     This provides a great degree of
        through air, bone conduction   headphones and reduce damage     safety from potential
        technology is based on the    to your ears, especially on     threats and awareness of the
        principle of conducting sound   prolonged usage. Obviously, the     surroundings.
        to our inner ear via the bones on   volume used must be controlled   ■   A bone conduction device
        our cheeks and, hence bypassing   to a safe level.            can be worn for extended
        the eardrum.                                                  periods without any of the usual
                                      Bone Conduction Technology
          This is an important feature as   Advantages                negative impacts from
        bone conduction headphones rest   Bone conduction technology     traditional headphones.      ■   8 hours of usage from just    User Profile
        on the side of the face and do not   offers many advantages over   However, people who want     45  minutes of charge time   WeHear OX is designed to suit
        fit into or over the ear. In this way                       to listen to high volume audio                              several different users.
        their use completely eliminates   traditional earphones, but the   without interference from   ■   IPX6 certified to be resistant
        the damage that normal ear    main benefits are:            ambient sounds will not prefer     to sweat, dust and water splash    The busy professional
        pods or headphones cause to our   ■   They do not fit inside or over    bone conduction. Also there may     proof       who will benefit from dual
        hearing ability.                your ear. So, your ear health is    be minor sound “leakage” so your   ■   We offer an industry leading    connectivity. The app also
                                        not impacted negatively. You                                3-year warranty and regular    removes the language barrier
           The World Health Organization     are not bombarding your ear    audio may be heard by people     online support. Most other    and ensures that international
        report on hearing (March 2021)     canal with high volume sound    very close to you.       electronic products have much    clients can be communicated
        states that over 1.1 billion people     from a close range.                                 shorter warranties.         with more effectively.
        are at risk of permanent hearing                            Product Features
        loss due to listening to audio   ■   The leading cause of ear    The WeHear product range are   ■   Dual connectivity, allowing    All sportspersons, especially
        at harmful volumes. This is     infections are by devices that fit    aspirational products that have     you to connect to two bluetooth    those who would like to listen
                                                                    been designed to offer market     devices at the same time   to audio while engaging in their
                                                                    leading quality and features. We   ■   The 30ft connection range    sports, but need to be aware of
                                                                    have purposely built the “Rolls     offering greater freedom.    ambient sounds in their vicinity.
                                                                    Royce” of bone conduction                                    Students and youth who
                                                                    headphones. We have designed   The market leading mobile app   spend long periods of time
                                                                    the business model to make ear   offers features that really takes   connected to devices can
                                                                    health, hearing and connectivity   this headphone into a new league.   now do so without damaging
                                                                    affordable but also offer the best   These include:         their hearing. 
                                                                    quality product on the market.   ■   A 72-language live translator.
                                                                                                    No more language barrier.
                                                                     Consequently, the WeHear                                   For more information contact:
                                                                    OX is the world’s first truly   ■   Learn a language feature.  E:
                                                                    smart headphone. The standout   ■   WeConverse – allows texting    W:
                                                                    features include:               in any language and immediate
                                                                    ■   The build quality and materials      translation.
                                                                      used can immediately be     ■   Hearing aid mode – To assist
                                                                      noticed as superior           hearing impaired people.
                                                                    ■   The sound quality from high    ■   Hearing test feature – Test you
                                                                      end Qualcomm processors       Ear Age.

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