Page 8 - KZN Business Sense 9.3 Aurelia Albert eBook
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                    Jacquie Bhana, Coach,   capable.  They feel that any   and work opportunities and
                     Mentor, Counsellor   mistake will be viewed as   personality can all influence              With June being
                      and HR Specialist   evidence of this fraud.  Those   those affected.
                      Consultant      affected feel like they don’t   Family upbringing can play a          Youth Month I would
                                      belong, so acknowledging their   major part in how individuals
                           I feel     expertise and accomplishments   feel. Parenting styles by being      like to commend those
                           like an    is key, as is reminding       overprotective or controlling
                       “ imposter,    themselves that they earned   can strongly affect a person, the    organisations that have
                        I don’t feel I   their place in the academic   value of overachievement as a    made the time to develop
                        am properly   or professional environment.   primary source of validation
                        equipped to   Those who experience this     and flipping between offering           graduates and bright
                        do this job. I   syndrome have a strong need   praise and support can be very
                        don’t know    to prove themselves. They put a   confusing, amongst others.                 young minds.
                        everything;   lot of pressure on themselves to
        something new faces me every   complete every task flawlessly,   Certain personality traits
        day, and I just have to figure it   and fear that they will reveal to   are linked to a higher risk of
        out.  I love it and it scares me,   others that they aren’t good or   experiencing the imposter     your own achievements,    this challenge and to help you
        although I manage at the end of   smart enough for the job.   syndrome, e.g.:               instead of comparing yourself    realise your potential and be
        the day.” These are the words of   The imposter syndrome                                    to others.                  your best self.
        Tessa, a high functioning newly   stifles the potential for growth   ■   Low self-efficacy – where people    ■   Assessing your abilities by    “Jacquie’s presentation on The
        qualified medical doctor.     and meaning, by preventing      tend to see difficult tasks as      doing a proper assessment to    Imposter Syndrome to our
                                                                      threats they should avoid
          I have had the same reaction   people from pursuing new   ■   Perfectionism – where people      get an objective view – and    Durban University of Technology
        from executives and many other   opportunities for growth at     might think there is some      aligning on objective success    (DUT) Business School students
        highly qualified individuals,   work, in relationships or around     perfect script of deliverables      metrics.  Ask your manager    and staff was thought provoking.
        who work across diverse       their hobbies.  It can lead to     where they cannot put a foot      what success looks like and    It highlighted challenges faced
        disciplines, whom I have had   overworking and result in      wrong                         consistently ask for feedback.   in the workplace by individuals
        the privilege to coach. Feeling   burnout, a constant sense of a lack                     ■   Value your self-care – working    regarding their feelings about
        like an imposter is a real issue   of balance and a strong level of   ■   Neuroticism – one of the big      too hard will cause burnout.     being an imposter.  Jacquie offers
        confronting many people on    insecurity.  Research has shown     five personality dimensions      There are a number of signs of    practical solutions on how to
        a daily basis.  Many of them   that an average of 70% of people     that are linked to higher levels      burnout and it is important to    deal with these challenges and
        are reluctant to open up about   have reported experiencing this     of anxiety, insecurity, tension      be cognisant of what these are –    how to overcome the syndrome. 
        this issue, as they think that   syndrome.  Famous, successful     or guilt                 and take action.            The presentation was found to
        their fears may reflect poorly   and bright people who have   ■   Social anxiety – being anxious    ■   Ask yourself some hard    be very insightful and is highly
        on them.  So, a coach can be of   disclosed experiencing this belief     about being seen to be socially      questions, such as – Do I believe    recommended.” Prof Veena
        great benefit to assist in helping   include Michelle Obama, Tom     incapable, where people feel      I am worthy of love, recognition    Rawjee: Project Leader: DUT
        them to confidently move      Hanks, Sheryl Sandberg and      they don’t belong or cannot      or respect as I am?  Must I be    Business School. 
        forward, unencumbered by this   Maya Angelou.                 perform adequately in social      perfect for others to approve of
        feeling of being fake and be the   Causes of Imposter Syndrome    situations                me?  This might be difficult as    For more information
        high performing individuals                                                                 you might not even realise     C: +27 83 386 8343
        that they are.                 Early studies found this     How Can You Cope?               that you are experiencing     E:
                                      syndrome to be connected                                                                  W:
        What is the Imposter Syndrome?  to factors including early   Confronting the imposter       this phenomenon.
                                      family dynamics and gender.    syndrome can help people
          This phenomenon is usually                                continue to grow and thrive. The   There are ways of coping – the
        seen in highly capable and    Initially imposter syndrome   following strategies are of value:  important thing is to recognise
        intelligent people, where they   was thought to involve mainly                            that you are experiencing this
                                      women and diverse groups,
        are constantly plagued with   but later research revealed   ■   Sharing feelings and speaking    syndrome and to get help or
        the thought that they will be   that there were occurrences in     to trusted people can be of help,    develop techniques to assist.  No
        exposed as a fraud, consistently                              as irrational beliefs tend to    person should struggle with this
        experience self-doubt even in   people of all backgrounds, ages     fester and be reinforced when    phenomenon alone.  A good
                                      and genders.
        areas where they excel, and                                   they are hidden.            coach or mentor could assist
        perceive they are not seen as   Family upbringing, new school  ■    Stay focused on measuring   with getting to a landing with

                                                                   WORLD CHAMBERS CONGRESS

                                                                         he Durban Chamber of     Chamber of Commerce’s World   multilateralism and the global
                                                                         Commerce and Industry    Chambers Federation (WCF)     capital of peace, chambers
                                                                    TNPC has recently attended    and the Geneva Chamber of     leaders called on all governments
                                                                    the World Chambers Congress in   Commerce, Industry and Services   to renew their commitment
                                                                    Switzerland, Geneva. The Durban  (CCIG) unveiled the “Geneva   to rules-based trade, effective
                                                                    Chamber was in partnership    Manifesto” which is a pledge by   international cooperation and
                                                                    with eThekwini Municipality   chambers of commerce to revitalise  respect for international law.
                                                                    Economic Development          international trade with a renewed
                                                                    Department and the Durban ICC.  commitment to multilateralism for   “Cooperation is key to
                                                                                                  peace and prosperity.         overcoming the world’s major
                                                                     Held every two years, World                                challenges, and at ICC, we
                                                                    Chambers Congress is an inclusive   In the declaration, chambers   understand that we must all work
                                                                    event that brings together    committed to redoubling their   together as a united business
                                                                    people from around the world,   efforts towards making a difference   community to address them. By
                                                                    to address common challenges   in the real economy and building   collaborating and speaking with
                                                                    that shape both chamber and   a modern system that serves as   one voice, we can boost the global
                                                                    business activities. The 13th World  a driving force for economic   economy and foster economic
                                                                    Chambers Congress represented   inclusion, global cooperation, and   inclusivity, international
                                                                    local business communities in   sustainable development.    collaboration, and advance
                                                                    more than 170 nations.
                                                                                                   Leveraging Geneva’s          sustainability,” said Maria
                                                                     At the congress, the International   historical position as a seat of   Fernanda Garza, ICC Chair. 

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